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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. It's a middle finger directed straight at Netanyahoo. A reality check will show that the US has provided Israel with billions of dollars in aid and weaponry over the last 8 years, essentially turning the other way while Gaza was being carpet bombed. It's all just talk from Obama, same as ever.
  2. Watched "Amy" (Winehouse) last night, by the guy who made Senna, so I was expecting big things...bit of a letdown. Probably cuz I knew the ins and outs already. Still pisses me off how her father and Blake Fielder were such utter scumbags, and just used her as an ATM machine. She deserved better.
  3. Red Sox and Yankees are in talks to get a regular season series played in London in a couple of years time...
  4. Just did all my Christmas shopping at two stores, about a 15 minute walk from my place. Now I can boil up some pasta, crack open a cold brew, goof around on VT, watch some more Mr. Robot, drink the little nip of Jameson I bought, and chillllllllwinston
  5. Yeah, sorry about all that.
  6. Not if he continues to employ his own private security force. Secret Service are taking a back seat so far, against the advice of people who know better. These are the guys he had rough up protesters and anyone who looked like they could be a protester. Nice eh? Bodes well.
  7. Excellent show, shame HBO pulled the plug on it, it could've gone on another three seasons..
  8. Watched Ep. 1 of Mr.Robot last night. Really good, I hope it stays good..
  9. Our January spend should give us a better idea about Tony's finances...fingers crossed.
  10. Not a fan of Christmas games. Let the holiday be what it is.
  11. Trump never really wanted/intended to win, so I think he'll not run for reelection. I wouldn't be surprised if he resigns the office at some point. Unfortunately, Pence is just as insane.
  12. It's pretty devastating. He's packing his cabinet with the worst kinds of people who will systematically turn us into a full fledged police state. We're halfway there already. This will be the final nail in the coffin. Unless there's a military coup, he's in there for at least four years, and do we really want a military coup? Hopefully this will wake more Americans up to the fact that this was all a house of cards to begin with. Collective security is over.
  13. I saw the video. Sinister stuff.
  14. TBF, we dominated the line of scrimmage on both sides. Good to get a win out there.
  15. I have to admit I'm thoroughly confused by what's going on in Syria. Seems like the narrative in the media is shifting away from Assad being a butcher to the US-UK-KSA working in conjunction with ISIS to oust Assad and get a pipeline built. I dunno what to think anymore, help
  16. 3 points away in December...this is when we'd normally start collapsing. McCormack is a real concern, he doesn't seem to do anything of real value. Looks like wasted money. Splash the cash, Tony!
  17. My dad used to do the same with my sister, worked every time.
  18. He'll hit 30 HR's next year playing for them. Good signing.
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