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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Trump has ordered air strikes against the Syrian Army, and they've apparently been carried out. Better hope Uncle Sam's aim is good this time, because there are an awful lot of Russians around there. Maybe this gas attack is our Archduke event. Are you ready for World War 3?
  2. But a bad thing for the people.
  3. If you drove into Fenway from wherever, if you can't find a metered spot, you'll pay $90 to park in a lot. The cheapest tickets are around $25, so a family of four is gonna pay at least $200 just to park and sit down. Then there's the concessions. $10 beers, $8 slices of pizza, $5 for a bag of peanuts...Hang on, this is starting to piss me off, not cheer me up!
  4. But yeah, it's a great experience, the first time you walk up the stairs and gaze over the field. It's a good time out, even if you don't particularly like or understand baseball.
  5. McConnell is an absolute disgrace, and this whole "nuclear option" is a total affront to a democratic system. Why don't both parties just always "go nuclear" when they can't get their way? Awful precedent being set here, and staggering hypocrisy from the GOP.
  6. If the US tries to topple Assad by sending in the military, the worms might not be able to get back in the can. However, Trump is clearly in Putin's pocket, so an armed confrontation between US-Russia looks unlikely at this point. Trump unwittingly doing more for world peace than Obama ever did, lol. But if Trump gets ousted from the WH, and Pence gets in there, or Ryan, or even Hillary, John McCain will be walking around with a torpedo in his pants just waiting to spearhead the call for war.
  7. McMaster won't suffer fools, and Bannon is just a crazy old drunken one. McMaster will check Trump every time he can, too, he's not a sycophant.
  8. Nunes is possibly the dumbest congressman I've ever seen. See ya, fuknutz!
  9. maqroll


    Still drinking too much, but not liquor, so I guess that's a silver lining? Last night was fairly typical: A beer with dinner, a beer at the pool hall, a beer at my local bar, and then a late night run to the corner store for a tall boy, when having more beer was totally unnecessary. The only drugs I take are Sertraline and a cannabis tincture. So all in all, I'm doing ok. edit: except the Sertraline wrecks my libido, so that kinda sucks!
  10. maqroll


    How's the battle going, Ruge? I gave up cocaine when I gave up cigarettes. Whenever I did coke, I'd chain smoke two packs of ciggies. Awful memories of still being up at 11AM, cocaine long gone, all the booze finished, and knowing you have to start your work shift in 4 hours. Just not worth it.
  11. maqroll


    There were 8 drug overdoses (most likely the same batch of heroin) in 24 hours in my town the other day, 5 of which happened within walking distance of my apartment. 3 of the people were plucked off the **** sidewalk...it's like the Zombie apocalypse out there.
  12. I've marveled at it for years. We can't adequately feed, house, educate and employ literally millions of Americans, but we ship billions of dollars in cash and weaponry to a cabal of psychopaths who would use those weapons against us in a heartbeat if they could.
  13. Great bit of news in a sh*tstorm of bad. My question is who really made this decision?
  14. Yemen, South Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Libya...the list of failed and failing states grows and grows. Interesting the total media blackout of the ethnic cleansing in Baluchistan (SW Pakistan)
  15. Interesting that Flynn is shopping his story to the FBI, the House and the Senate, and none of them took him up on the offer, which suggests to me that they have him pinned already. Let the fun begin!
  16. By my count, Kushner, Manafort and now Flynn have all offered their testimony, and in Flynn's case in exchange for immunity. This is looking like it goes all the way to Trump. Then the own goal of the Nunes fiasco, which is looking a lot like obstruction of justice. What a circus.
  17. Republicans LOVE leakers now
  18. Really...that cant warrant more than one game???
  19. Nunes will probably be the first guy to do a perp walk. But I won't be satisfied until the entire inner circle is escorted out of the WH in handcuffs on live TV.
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