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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Apparently the killer was in a relationship with the teacher. He probably knew a school shooter was her worst nightmare. Such a disgusting waste and that at least one child was killed, and dozens of children watched their teacher and friend get blown away. Hard to maintain a positive mindset living here.
  2. Let's talk about this post in the cat forum, I think you need to explain yourself
  3. Grilled Swiss cheese sandwich on whole grain sourdough with cherry tomatoes, lettuce, and Habanero sauce, dunked in a bowl of tomato soup, and washed down with cheap I.P.A.
  4. I appreciate the skill involved in golf, I just don't get golf fans who jump up and down at tournaments.
  5. No, never heard of them. Big bright sound on this track, I'll have to check out more of their material.
  6. Strange mix of Beatles-esque pop, surfer rock, rockabilly and campy television show theme song.
  7. maqroll


    Pfft, she's gorgeous.
  8. maqroll


    After my dad split up with the mother of my half brother, he moved into a tiny apartment in an old mill town in Massachusetts. He worked the night shift at a local gas station. This was before cell phones, and he disconnected his home phone so nobody could call him. He lived a hermit's life for several years there, and "owned" around 20 cats, some semi-feral. He loved cats. I think as a young kid he took refuge in the pet cats they had over the years in order to escape the drunken tyranny of my grandfather.
  9. Putin has proven to be a very formidable figure. He has improbably tilted the scales back to Russia, politically. Their cyber warfare and propaganda capability seems to be second to none, and they're flexing military force. He's now just had extremely harsh words for the US about the airfield bombing. Trump is stupid, impetuous and reactionary, which makes him dangerous, but Putin is smart, savvy, ruthless and globally ambitious. And that makes him sinister. Interesting times.
  10. If you look at the modern Middle East from 1917-2017, it's been a history of European and American meddling and aggression in almost every country there. We are currently occupying and bombing the countries on either side of Iran (and then we wonder why they might want a nuclear defense.) We are bombing Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, we bombed Libya, we have supported murderous tyrants and overthrown democratically elected leaders. We arm the Zionist regime to the teeth and turn a blind eye to the abject destruction of the Palestinian people. We pay lip service to human rights, but what we've always wanted is oil and safe access to it. We've also got Somalia in a choke hold and don't seem to have any interest in helping them. If I was a young Muslim, even with a university education, it would be hard not to think the West is engaging in a pretty ferocious and comprehensive military campaign against Islam itself. We've poked this hornets nest for 100 years, and the result is them fighting back, as cowardly as it is to drive a truck into innocent pedestrians. I despise these criminals, and I do agree that Europe has been too lenient with it's immigration laws. Sweden has had very little to do with any policies pertaining to geopolitics of The Middle East, so attacks like this in a country like that, as well as their rioting and crime problems really lay bare the folly of liberal immigration practices given the times we live in. Is there an answer? I'd start with getting off oil and getting out of their countries.
  11. It's a great point. The world is not going to blow up anytime soon. it's just going to be incrementally bad for centuries more. We'll be lucky to get off this joyride when we do. (Not to sound too morbid)
  12. their pm said it was a terrorist attack, the swedish muslim population is still new compared with most other west europe countries. and now the reports are saying he is an immigrant, so correct assumption ftw
  13. Assuming this attacker was an immigrant or refugee, the guy basically won the lottery with a free ride in Sweden of all places. This is his gratitude...so sick of these bastards.
  14. Exactly, three days ago, the official WH position was hands off Syria. Trump loves to watch TV. Trump saw the terrible images. Trump bombs Syria. Rinse and repeat whenever and wherever His Orangeness feels like it.
  15. I was just recalling when I was a little boy, my grandmother showed me how to roll clean socks up into a convenient ball before putting them in my dresser drawer.
  16. Or does it provide Trump with a convenient break, therefore saving his own skin?
  17. I think Bannon getting booted off the NSC is a massive indication of Trump being reigned in somewhat. Not that Mattis and McMasters make me feel much better, but at least they have some grounding in established protocol. Removing Darth Bannon from that kind of access to military power is a big win for people who want civilization to live a while longer. That said, it looks like Donny Boy has his tail up. I like Adam Schiff, but he lacks a killer instinct. This Russia collusion probe needs a kick in the arse.
  18. The precedent the GOP is setting is bad for anyone invested in the political system. This "nuclear option" is about to be rammed through in the most cynical way possible. These assholes are making up the rules as they go, and it just compounds the impression that American democracy is weakening. This is the party that refused Judge Garland even a hearing, and they dragged it out over a year until they miraculously won the White House, and now when the Dems balk at the GOP pick, they rewrite the rules. When does it stop? The people lose because any semblance of common purpose across party lines is being shattered by the day.
  19. This will be a golden opportunity for Trump to try to deflect his scandals away and advance his power.
  20. Let's see if Putin hangs Assad out to dry, just because he can.
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