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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. maqroll

    Do you read?

    I dropped it after 35 pages. Then picked it up a few years later and started over. Loved it. Epic fantasy tale, essentially. But probably better off read either in your late teens or at the end of your life..
  2. I'm pretty sure it does, it would seem like the name of the game, the elimination of the threat of immediate competition.
  3. Steady on, this is Villa Talk afterall
  4. Great vid to accompany such an epic tune. Literally just months prior they were the "Mop Tops"...LSD is a helluva drug. It begs the question: Do artists achieve their best work "stoned" for lack of a better descriptor?
  5. I have the feeling you've said that before..
  6. I have those same trainers
  7. Would you knowingly destroy another person's business if you could increase your own sales by 50%?
  8. Down goes Thor... ..Starling Marte suspended half the season for PED, proving that there is no cellar for stupidity.
  9. I may have missed a joke here, but why would a bladder op be a mistake?
  10. A spaghetti dish with sauteed portabello mushrooms, onion, cherry tomatoes, black olives and basil pesto, mixed up with olive oil, garlic and white wine, dash of salt and a crack of ye olde pepper mill. A bottle of cheap Argentinian Malbec to wash it down...game set and match.
  11. maqroll


    The result flatters them too. A couple of absolute sitters were wasted by Spurs. Both sets of fans can do one, IMO, such arrogant moaners.
  12. An underappreciated sort of masterpiece. Great family film. Robert Redford's directorial debut, and there are many familiar faces in it. Enjoy!
  13. The sequence when Lecter escapes was pretty riveting too!
  14. I've got permanent whiskey dick unless I decide to go off the meds...
  15. Did you ween off the medication, or cold turkey? Also, (feel free to not answer) did it mess up your sex drive like mine has?
  16. I've halved my Sertraline dose to .5mg, the lowest dose, but it still wreaks havoc on my sex drive. Thing is, it keeps a lid on my anxiety which had pushed me to the edge several years ago. Guess I've gone and fully taken this thread OT... Another controversial issue with kids these days is vaccinations and what afflictions they may or may not inadvertently cause as a side effect. I'm not anti-vaccine, far from it, but I totally empathize with parents who have serious concerns with anything that is prescribed their children.
  17. My teenage nephew has a couple of friends who live down the road from him who live with their mother who cannot handle them. Consequently, they're all doped up, and by dinnertime they are close to just falling asleep. Camille Paglia falls into that group as well. The nerve of her to tell college girls to make smart choices at fraternity parties...
  18. Polish quarterback for the Bears? The people have already won.
  19. That last stat made my head implode. Really shocking. We need to spend wisely now, the McCormack thing has exploded in Tony's face, has to go down as the worst big money signing since CNZ.
  20. For a while we were in a relegation fight, so Bruce has kept us up. I would not be surprised if Tony pulls the trigger at season's end.
  21. I once worked for a marketing firm doing a stupid guerrilla campaign for Philip Morris Co. I got paid twice the agreed fee...and I kept every penny.
  22. I'm interested in the continuation of Twin Peaks on Showtime-apparently they got much of the original cast back and David Lynch is directing again. The original sort of fizzled out for me, but at times it was really excellent television, and totally unique for it's time period. Worth a watch, I think it's on Netflix right now.
  23. Probably costs Reebok about 50 cents to make a pair of those.
  24. Somebody please lock this thread before I die of boredom
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