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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. He was fired after requesting more resources for the investigation into the Russia ties. Some people might view that as somewhat suspicious.
  2. Right, but this wasn't just an article by a lefty Slate journo, it's an interview with a Harvard constitutional law professor.
  3. A compelling case for the prosecution of criminality in the Trump administration- http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2017/05/did_president_trump_obstruct_justice_in_firing_james_comey.html
  4. I had to scroll three pages to find this thread, don't judge me In Maine, we don't get too many domestic craft beers that aren't New England beers. This one is from Colorado, and very drinkable. Fairly strong with a malty finish, unusual for an IPA. Goes down very easy, use caution if you drink this one.
  5. Even without a treason charge, obstruction of justice has clearly been committed, let's see if the GOP has the ethical gumption to impeach. But I do think he'll resign sometime this summer, regardless. If his actions vis a vis Russia are deemed criminal, then he'll possibly end up in prison.
  6. Nah. Nixon resigned for a criminal coverup, and people on his staff went to prison. If Trump's actions prove treasonous, he's in deep trouble. At the very least, obstruction of justice charges, at worst, treason.
  7. You may be right, but you may be wrong too, depending on what is revealed over the next several weeks. He might decide to resign, he could be removed for being mentally unsound, therefore skipping an impeachment process.
  8. Not at all. I believe the FBI has the goods on him, and his supporters have either gone silent, or they're beginning to grasp at straws.
  9. Sauteed cabbage, onion and garlic on an onion roll with ghost pepper sauce. Better than it sounds.
  10. I'm enjoying watching his supporters explain this away. Their desperation is becoming palpable.
  11. We'll see- this is all pretty unusual. I'm sure the GOP rank and file are thinking about their strategies. The longer they publicly defend Trump, the less credibility they have, and they open themselves up to defeat in 2018. This latest threat to Comey about "tapes" might just seal it for some. Monday will be very interesting I think.
  12. I wonder if she'd want the job back. Probably, I suppose.
  13. I'm not so sure about that. It looks like if anyone is guilty, they're attached to the Trump campaign and his immediate staff, meaning nobody on Capitol Hill is worried, unless Trump has a card up his sleeve. But he's too dumb for that.
  14. He also said no to the speaker job before taking it. Circumstances can shift quick in politics, especially this insane story!
  15. If he does so knowingly, he's got problems too. My President Ryan prediction may come true. He's got an opportunity here to save himself.
  16. I predict Mike Pence's office will leak something late this afternoon about how he's beginning to have questions, then Ryan will announce his support for an independent investigation, increasing the pressure on McConnell, and giving cover to the rank and file GOP to jump ship. Trump will be isolated along with anyone in his cabinet who is involved in any of the criminal activity and the current obstruction of justice.
  17. The end is near for Trump. "Art of the Deal", don't make me laugh. This has been the most high profile personal **** up I've ever seen. He might have been able to weasel his way out of this if he just STFU. But he's so monumentally stupid, he's gone and put himself in pretty serious legal trouble with a prison sentence involved if it's as bad as it's looking. The new FBI head made it sound like they've got something on him. It's gonna be a really long weekend.
  18. Sometimes I consider taking a year off the internet. I think I might really like it.
  19. Oatmeal with banana for breakfast is really good. Low fat, and keeps you feeling full for 4 hours.
  20. Good luck, your body will love you for it.
  21. Don't give up. It's the best advice I can give you. No matter how pointless our lives can seem, and how shitty the world can be, we have to hang on, and try, even if it seems unattainable at the moment, to enjoy the gifts that life gives us. Music, sports, film, books, the company of other people (tricky one, I know ), riding a bicycle, taking a trip, learning new things, etc. I've managed to make a total mess out of most of the big decisions I've made in my life, personal and otherwise. It can be pretty unbearable to consider sometimes. But the thing that keeps me going is the idea of taking things day by day, and coming to grips with the fact that you can't go back and change things. You have to get on with it, and make the best of things you can. It's impossible to ace everything, or even most things. Or even have half of things. And sometimes you might not even feel like trying. And that's okay. It's okay to feel hopeless. It doesn't make you a failure or whatever, it just makes you a human being. I read something about how in Japanese culture, melancholy is considered a virtue. It suggests that the person is more of a complete human being. I think about that a lot, especially when I'm feeling despondent. It is natural to feel like you do, like I have and can and will, as do so many others. There is so much to live for and be thankful for that it beats the alternative every day of the week. My dad had a pretty hard life. When he was 90 lbs and dying of lung cancer, he was desperate for more time. For me, it was a great lesson. Feel free to PM me Kurt.
  22. She's bad, but at least she can speak in intelligible sentences..
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