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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. One dead, several injured after a van mowed down worshipers as they left the mosque this morning. Suspect in custody...
  2. The fact that they are focusing on Trump first and foremost basically means that they want him out of office ASAP, before he can do too much more damage.
  3. I had the worst nightmare of my life two nights ago. But I can't remember what it was that spooked me. The dream lasted at least 4 hours, with me in several familiar places, like childhood places, and relative's houses, etc. In each scenario, I'd end up being confronted by a faceless something/someone, and they would slash me to death. But it wasn't a traditional villain, or anyone I know...it was something maybe from within myself...I don't know what it was, but the atmosphere of the dream was total dread, and extreme evil.
  4. Papers saying Mueller's primary focus right now is Trump himself, on obstruction charges. If true, Trump's days could be numbered. Great **** news TBH.
  5. Rand Paul wants a race war and anarchy.
  6. Stunning pictures. Really awful tragedy. London is being tested lately.
  7. 395 feet. The guy is a monster.
  8. yeah, that's kind of disturbing
  9. Bernie would have beat Trump. We came so close.
  10. My work shoes offer great support, but they aren't particularly comfortable. I really enjoy removing them when I get home, and putting on my dusty old work boots.
  11. Just imagine when the oil runs dry, they'll implode back into the dark ages.
  12. Shameful conduct. I wonder if the one player who did sort of respect it will get a flogging.
  13. Some people are speculating he was having a minor stroke. Most of those senators are stupid old farts, and he's one of them, stroke or not.
  14. comeys voice cracking with emotion
  15. I normally don't drink beer with coriander in it, but this stuff is quite good in small doses. D'oh! I can't load the pic for some reason (maybe it's the beer) Anyway, Allagash White, from Maine. Quality stuff. Maine is becoming known nationally and maybe internationally now, for it's beers. For those of you who have Boston in their travel plans, I'd say don't leave the airport and catch a flight to Portland, Maine. Breweries, brew pubs, and just excellent local offerings up and down the coast. Take the coastal route 1 all the way "Down East" to the Nova Scotia border. Acadia National Park is stunning. The secret is to come in September. Summer is still lush, but the air is drier and the nights are cooler.
  16. For me, this is the ideal claret and blue. Somewhere down the line the claret got pinkish and the blue got Coventry City blue. Of course it's Umbro too, which is who I want our next kit maker to be.
  17. Comey's opening statement for tomorrow's hearing- https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/os-jcomey-060817.pdf
  18. New York Times weighing in on the front page- https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/06/opinion/britains-voyage-to-inglorious-isolation.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=opinion-c-col-right-region&region=opinion-c-col-right-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-right-region
  19. maqroll


    You could've at least got the spelling right But you're right, nonetheless, for a 240 year old country, we've got a lot of blood on our collective hands. Almost as much as you do in Britain, which is amazing, considering we're so young a country.
  20. maqroll


    I let my cats out tonight (just now, actually), and it's the first time they've ever been out in the rain. Oscar ran promptly under my car, and Reggie (the half Maine Coon) is just wandering around, not bothered by the water at all. Full Maine Coons are known to actually like water, so I wasn't surprised. Plus, whenever I start the shower, he runs in there before me! (Not right under the jet, but close enough where it splashes on him off the floor.)
  21. right, so i was off by a year then the point being, if anyone in the uk is flying the isis flag and promoting violent jihad against the uk, they should be arrested on the spot.
  22. if an englishman in 1939 unfurled a nazi flag in hyde park, he'd be locked up for donkeys
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