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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Except that Obama wasn't a Klan-loving, toxic self-promoter like Trump.
  2. This is the real Trump. Ineffectual, meek and vain. Get him outside a scripted production and he shows just what he is. A KKK loving limp dick fool.
  3. I'm sure there some of both, but police need to get their priorities straight, it should be search and rescue/public safety before anything else.
  4. North Korea just fired a missile over Japan. The entire country was ordered to seek immediate shelter. The NK's have taken it to a new and much more dangerous level now. If WW3 comes, Asia will be a primary battlefield. Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country in the world, ISIS is in the Philippines, Duterte is a provocative madman as well, India vs China and Pakistan, Tribal war in south central Asia...All of a sudden Vietnam looks like a safe place to be.
  5. The Humane Society of America are out there busting into flooded homes to rescue trapped pets, these guys are real heroes! Also, the MSM isn't reporting that the Mexican Army is headed to Houston to help Americans. Doesn't fit the narrative, even for "liberal" MSNBC, etc. Looks like another levee is about to break which will devastate Houston even more. Hard to think about the thousands of people who resettled in Houston after Katrina in New Orleans are experiencing it all over again, holy crap. Trump loves all his "ratings" and the "crowds". What a complete asshole.
  6. maqroll


    Some sort of flash sale they ran through the Daily Beast "shop" (which I guess is a new thing). I noticed it sells on Amazon for $325, so who knows wtf. If I don't like it I can flip it at a pawn shop for twice what I paid for it!
  7. It's supposed to rain in New Orleans straight through Sunday, they're going to have a serious problem again.
  8. Do they have access to a small watercraft or any floating devices if it comes to that?
  9. maqroll


    i havent worn a watch 20 years, decided to get this one for $60. its listed on their website at $800.
  10. I read that they're getting a typical year's worth of rain in a matter of 4 days
  11. Low lying cities near the coast are going to have to get used to this sort of catastrophic storm damage. Meteorologists are saying this Texas disaster is directly linked to global warming.
  12. @Czechlad I'm sure I speak for all of VT- Good luck to you and your family, and stay safe.
  13. I shacked up in a teepee with complete strangers, a couple of whom had been there for months. They were openly discussing infiltrators. I think that kind of nefariousness was always going to happen, so the question became how to manage it, and I think they (the Standing Rock Sioux) did incredibly well under what became a serious strain. But the thing that broke the protest was ultimately the cold and the snow. It was a brutal winter, and sustaining the camp was a huge challenge that required daily deliveries of lumber and food/water and constant maintenance of toilets and trash. I'm convinced if things culminated like that in spring, there could have been serious violence. That Sunday morning we were preparing to respond to violence and were marching to the "front line" when it was announced that Obama finally grew a pair and shut it down. I
  14. The flooding in Texas is looking possibly worse than Katrina.
  15. More dialogue-heavy this weak, and things suffer as a result. It's left me feeling a bit cold, TBH. I know I'm supposed to feel dazzled but I don't. It's all sort of gone to bits since Bron and Jamie went for a swim.
  16. The Crooks signing looks pretty damn good right now. So sick of the month long preseason. They should make the last 2 weeks count and call it an 18 game season. Why would anyone oppose this? The league, players and owners would all make more money. And all the industry tied up in the NFL would make more money. The demand is there, it baffles me that they haven't moved on this yet.
  17. I got out of work early and hustled downtown to get in one of the few bars to have the fight...the line was about 40 deep, and just as I approached the doorman to ask what the time frame was, I found myself right behind two "VIP"s who cut the line, the doormen thought I was part of their group, lol. So i cut the line and got in free. The place was probably at double capacity at around 500 people. Rowdy crowd, and a really good time.
  18. Wow, that is really grim shit, stark as ****.
  19. Fun fight, I enjoyed the spectacle. Surprised McGregor was as successful as he was, although ultimately I think they agreed that nobody would get too hurt, and that they'll milk this tit again.
  20. McGregor will have to land a huge left hook to win this, Mayweather is perhaps the greatest defensive boxer ever. McGregor will get frustrated and tired, and Mayweather will knock him out in the 7th round.
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