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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. House Dems just flipped another seat, this one in Maine. Bruce Poliquin lost to Jared Golden meaning the entire region of New England has no GOP congresspersons.
  2. 1 v 2 this week, bring it, Filthy Fella!
  3. Mystery, Alaska remains my favorite hockey film. Good comedy/drama with plenty of good hockey stuff. Hoosiers and Hoop Dreams split honors for basketball movies.
  4. Ah yes, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Autumn brings a natural melancholy with it, and winters are long and dark. I fall victim to it as well. It sort of piggybacks on my regular problems. Every day is some combination of natural disasters, racial tension, gun violence, political violence, Trump, sexism, war, etc. It's **** relentless. Lately I've been smoking weed and drinking beer or wine. Like every night. It helps me relax and tune out the mayhem. **** it if it's bad for me, I'm just trying to cope.
  5. Staggering stupidity from Bell. Pure vanity. I hope he just fades away.
  6. Lest we forget Janet Reno and Ruby Ridge/Branch Davidians
  7. He's awarded the Medal of Honor to his largest campaign donor. Imagine Obama awarding George Soros the same medal..
  8. Sadly his supporters will excuse this latest round of national disgrace. Even his support amongst US Armed Forces will stay intact. Boggles the mind.
  9. The idea of private prisons is abhorrent. That they are thriving here is says all you need to know about "law enforcement".
  10. Couldn't be bothered to pay his respects to war dead. And insulted the presidents of the Baltic countries by insinuating that their countries were responsible for starting WW1....(Balkans/Baltics, Tomato/TomAHto)
  11. This is peak Trumpism. The world ablaze and **** it all to hell.
  12. They've revoked the press credentials of Jim Acosta (CNN) and have accused him of assaulting the women who tried to take his mic away. good times ahead
  13. In which the United States becomes Banana Republicy
  14. Gillum was the superior candidate on just about every level. DeSantis is a bottom feeder, and ,a repugnant little shit.
  15. Not quite the knockout blow the Dems wanted. That said, they have subpoena power now, so the bloodbath has only just begun.
  16. Pence turf. Real northern **** hayseeds
  17. Just voted and visited another precinct polling place. The lines for new voters at each were longer than I've ever seen them, including presidential years. I'm really bemused at the fact that nobody is talking about likely Russian interference with or without the knowledge or even participation by Trump. Massive night to say the least. The senate looks out of reach sadly, but the House should tip blue.
  18. no away fans for either leg apparently oh well
  19. Similar rumpus going on with Shakiri playing in Belgrade after his World Cup goal celebration.
  20. The difference is Kap has been blackballed for protesting a current situation with police violence whereas McClean is protesting violence of yesteryear while still being employed.
  21. He's called some of the Stoke fans "uneducated cavemen"...this isn't going to end well, is it?
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