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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. I'd've never predicted a twitter feud between Jim Carey and Mussolini's granddaughter, but here we are.
  2. Micro doses of psychedelics and MDMA are the future of therapy and maybe everyday life, like vitamins.
  3. I'm convinced that while being totally shit, the crises we face are elemental to life. If we can find grace in the midst of the madness, even fleetingly, we've come out of it okay.
  4. Is there a multimedia news source in England besides the Guardian? Cuz the BBC ain't it.
  5. I saw the Special Beat back in 1990 I think. RIP.
  6. From time to time I still use "conscious" when I should use "conscience", and vice versa. Pisses me off.
  7. Predictions: AL East: Yankees AL Central: Cleveland AL West: Houston Wildcard: Boston AL Champion: Boston NL East: Atlanta NL Central: Milwaukee NL West: Dodgers NL Wildcard: Reds NL Champion: Reds Both Wildcards in the WS, Boston winning it : )
  8. I do the same thing. I relive decades old social interactions. It sometimes does my head in. "I could have done this, should have said that, why did they say that, why did they act that way towards me", etc. It's usually around something negative, something angsty. I've been slightly paranoid as long as I can remember, so that plays into it. It can be insidious. keep looking for ways to get a handle on your issue, Chindie, i know you can do it. It just sounds like you are in a deep funk but you can manage with help. I'm taking a small dose of Lexapro daily and I also take Neurontin when I feel like I need augmentation. It's a very effective drug with multiple uses. I should really try CBT as well, I'm sure it will help. i just hate talking about it, so I need to get over that.
  9. Betsy DeVos back in the news doing Republicany things
  10. Trump will now feel emboldened and go after his enemies. The lowest hanging fruit today was Michael Avenatti.
  11. maqroll


    Sobril is a benzo, great short term effect, not a class of drug you want to take long term
  12. maqroll


    In my experience cocaine is fairly benign. I was never so enthusiastic about it that I wanted to keep buying it. I guess it's dangerous for people with heart issues. But I've smoked weed strong enough to push me toward a psychotic state. Weed can also trigger schizophrenia in people under 25. So it's not as safe as people say it is. That said, the older you are, the safer it is. MDMA was so much fun, but I overdid it one night and could physically feel my brain do weird things. Not good. I imagine I've probably got scarring on my brain from it. And it may have cause some anxiety issues that I started experiencing a few years after I stopped doing it. Drugs can augment your life in a beautiful and fun way, but the risks are potentially severe. Moderation is crucial.
  13. My uncle (by marriage) died last night in hospital. He was a retired US History professor. A real old school Democrat who truly believed in the American system. He said he wanted to hang on for the Mueller Report. He did. RIP Uncle John, a good guy.
  14. Mueller's remit was the Russia angle, and to a lesser degree, Obstruction of Justice. That he couldn't find enough evidence to prosecute on Conspiracy isn't necessarily a shocker, but the Obstruction case seemed air **** tight and I do not know why he's not recommended prosecution. There must be something else in play. Then there's all the SDNY stuff which is what will take Trump down. Congress needs to issue subpoenas for everyone involved, from Kushner, Don Jr., Stone, Manafort, and Mueller himself. The report has to be released to the public w/o redaction. Trump has won the day, and maybe people who thought the hammer was going to drop on him were naive. Teflon Don lives to see another day. But he'll get his comeuppance, by hook or crook.
  15. `My prediction: The report is crippling for Trump. He'll resign the office with full immunity. New York state will be the vehicle that brings justice to him and his inner circle. President Pence for the next 2 years and a Dem blowout in 2020. Trump will go to prison, it's just a matter of when and for how long.
  16. *Mueller Report finished* Now for the fight to release it in it's entirety to the public.
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