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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. I just sold all my CD's for $80. Pathetic. But about all I could realistically get for about 200 banged up discs with cases that are falling apart. At least the buyer liked my taste in music. Time marches on.
  2. The XFL will be nothing more than a meaningless sideshow for everyone involved other than the handful of players who will be invited to NFL tryouts. As long as there is no promotion/relegation in the USA, minor leagues and MLS will remain mostly irrelevant.
  3. 7 of the 8 teams are in cities with NFL teams. You'd think they could've put teams in football starved areas.
  4. This is like watching Small Heath vs Coventry
  5. Not to outdone by his Yankee counterparts, Jair Bolsonaro has called Mitt Romney a "rat" while livestreaming himself watching Trump's presser the other day. The global Right is high on the hog right now.
  6. Just when I started to have a little sympathy for Meghan and Harry, they fly to Miami for an "exclusive JP Morgan"
  7. Apparently "Anonymous", the Trump cabinet member who wrote an op-ed in the NYT plans to reveal his/her identity when their book is released this summer.
  8. If the Dem nominee wins the election, he likely won't concede and will not physically leave the White House. Maybe then Americans will finally converge on Washington and stay there until he's out. I can also envision a convergence of armed right wing militia types on the capitol. It's all so sickening and it's only February. Dread is a terrible feeling.
  9. Not really surprising, but still quite staggering how right wing pundits and social media commenters continue to trash Vindman, a career military officer who was doing his duty. Also how Trump calls the FBI leadership "scum" from the East Wing in the WH. Totally surreal.
  10. I really hope Lil' Fascist Don Junior had his ass kicked a few times during his Vail Colorado ski bum days. I might actually despise him more than I do his father.
  11. It was just on the Spectrum network. Back to normal as off late last night.
  12. Massive internet outage nationwide in USA right now. Iranian revenge?
  13. What football club does Harry support?
  14. The "Anonymous" Trump cabinet member who the New York Times published an op-ed for and who has a book coming out this summer has said that fellow cabinet officials had debated removing Trump early on, using the 25th Amendment mechanism. They didn't, obviously, and how they must wish they did now. Trump beat them back, he beat the Mueller Report back, and now he's beat Impeachment. My blood runs cold thinking about another four years of Trump. I used to think he'd be gone by November 2020 at the latest. Now I'm not so sure, especially since McConnell refused to even have a vote on six separate election security bills that were brought to the senate floor, essentially inviting more Russian interference. I know I'm prone to hyperbole in this thread from time to time, but I think the USA has it's last chance to save itself in November. If Trump wins it's over. 4 more years of right wing judges, environment destroying policies, ramped up racist policies, more giveaways to billionaires and more war on poor people. Four more years of foreign policy madness, trade madness, and the debasement of civility. I'm trying not to fall into despair yet.
  15. I disagree with Romney on almost everything, but he earns my respect here. He and his entire family is under pressure and he's done the right thing here, unlike all the cowards in his party. It feels like we are at true turning point in this country. So many things seem to be hanging in the balance.
  16. I'm not affiliated with either party, but I never vote GOP Right now it looks like Sara Gideon is the presumptive Dem nominee, for state house Speaker.
  17. Maine Dem senate primary hasn't been held yet. There is no candidate to vote for yet besides Collins, so yes, I meant it that way.
  18. Good for Mitt. Susan Collins could learn something from his example. I can't wait to vote against her in November.
  19. In her defense, he refused to shake her hand when he walked to the podium. And his speech was riddled with lies and idiotic boasts. I'd have been tempted to do the same to his fat traitorous face.
  20. Weird clip. They overdubbed the black guy's harmonica with an accordion. And the singer implored the audience to "drown him out" when he was doing the solo and then they inserted a kazoo instead of the fake accordion. Charming old folk tune I guess, but thank **** for the Beatles
  21. Looks like it. Not sure why they'd rob their own fans of 1/4 of their home games.
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