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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Apparently he was Sunak's boss at Goldman Sachs and a major donor to the Tories. So the inference in the cartoon is that he's got a measure of control/influence over Sunak, and I don't think it's too far fetched to assume that it's a correct inference, as it's kind of standard practice in politics that party donors wield considerable power, no matter their ethno-religious background.
  2. Of course I know all that, but the guy in question was in fact a banker and has been operating corruptly within media and government. The similarity to the stereotype is unfortunate, but should he not be skewered by satirical cartoonists just because the stereotype exists? The stereotype is an ugly slur on the Jewish people and feeds into the worst aspects of conspiratorial thinking and basic bigotry, but that shouldn't give immunity from satirical skewering to any Jewish governmental or quasi governmental figure who is found to be sleazy and corrupt. In my view there is nothing about the drawing of Sharp that seems offensive like a "hooked nose" or a crafty, drooling ghoul like you'd see in Nazi propaganda. I do concede that the octopus with the gold coins imagery leans too far into those tropes. But on the whole, it's a typical Rowson production, very edgy and boundary pushing, which is what a satirical political cartoon should be. I'm sensitive to the use of harmful tropes intentional or not. Having read Rowson's statement on his website, I believe it wasn't. The octopus is troublesome though. I don't know, perhaps he crossed a line with it and betrayed some internalized prejudice.
  3. True, that. But you know what I'm saying. The editors gave it the ok and then pulled it after public pressure. A self-censoring, if you will.
  4. Sunderland are a threat if they go up. Massive club with Newcastle type potential.
  5. Nothing matters here anymore. We are at the beginning of the end, basically.
  6. maqroll


    I'll drop you a line, we can make a weekend out of it
  7. Living in Boston at the time of the marathon bombing, and being immersed in the chaos and trauma of those few days and the lockdown, manhunt etc. made me just want to bury the memory entirely. I moved out of state a year later and that helped. I didn't watch the Marky Mark movie about it. It seemed exploitative. I'm sure he donated some of the earnings, but it still made me feel uneasy. Ten years on and last night I watched the HBO documentary on it and was quite moved by it. One woman in particular really got into me. She and her husband were just married and were runners themselves. They were full of vitality and happiness. They both had one leg blown off and went through extensive rehab. Her other leg took tremendous damage as well and she eventually had it amputated. She took everything in stride and was philosophical about it all. She rehabbed with Iraq and Afghanistan vets with worse injuries and she acknowledged that and put her own injuries in perspective. But nonetheless she was a double amputee and despite her inner strength and positivity she couldn't avoid the brutal truth that her life was completely **** in terms of all the things she wanted, particularly children and running and everything else we all usually take for granted. She broke down at one point and it was a tough watch. Crazy how your life can turn on a dime like that through pure chance. It's kind of terrifying, and I suppose that's what the bombers were trying to accomplish. They wanted to terrify and they succeeded. From a terrorist's perspective it was a massive success. And they killed a cop for good measure. I guess you can take some comfort in the fact that it wasn't a much worse event that day.
  8. maqroll


    Honestly, life is a **** horror show these days! Sometimes I just want to get obliterated. maybe if i ever hit age 75 ill just go for it lolol
  9. maqroll


    Positive stuff, @Rugeley Villa!!! Addiction is a funny old thing. Sometimes when you are deep into whatever you're into, it can seem totally insurmountable. Like you're in a massive hedge maze. But then when you're out, it seems so easy. I know anyone can fall back into old habits, but enjoy your victories when you earn them, and cherish the clarity.
  10. The only thing I see here that could be interpreted as a trope is the octopus/squid holding what might be gold coins. But isn't there a level of truth there, regardless of Sharp's religion? Banks like Goldman Sachs are parasitical. I get queasy when satirists are censored.
  11. I can't decide if I like this female commentator or not. She can go off on tangents.
  12. Wolves are shocking. Pathetic display.
  13. Few people voted for Biden with any real enthusiasm for his candidacy. They voted against Trump. And they'll do it again if it comes down to a rematch.
  14. 4-2-2-2 with Watkins and Duran vs Lindelof and Shaw...
  15. Buendia most certainly has a place in the squad next season on a Europa campaign.
  16. Yep, and with the parachute payment they'll be right back up you'd think.
  17. Lots of tears shed for Springer. But not by me. His show was at the vanguard of gutter television that debased public discourse and in it's way helped set the stage for a grotesque carnival barker like Trump to ascend all the way to the White House.
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