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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. It's the playoff system. Any crap side can sneak in and then win a couple of games.
  2. maqroll

    John Terry

    How he's been a captain of anything is beyond me. The word "word removed" comes to mind.
  3. maqroll

    John Terry

    * Mocking Americans in a hotel lobby on 9/11 * **** his best friend's wife * Selling his World Cup ticket allocation * Racially abusing Anton Ferdinand * His haircut All terrible offenses. What else have I missed?
  4. I thought he had a very good first half, his best yet. He dropped off in the second half, but still, in that first half you could see his quality. Let's hope he starts to settle down and put in more shifts like that.
  5. I was certain we'd cough that up at the end. Defending still needs tightening up, better teams will destroy us. Gabby is in the stratosphere.... Zog looked good for most of the game, probably his best game so far, still needs to improve though. That was the most positive football I've seen Villa play this season. At home vs Norwich isn't saying much, and we conceded 2 goals, but still. We could have scored 5. Mission accomplished, 3 points.... it's going to be a long winter though....
  6. I think we all know how this is gonna finish now...
  7. Should be 2-1, Bent missed a sitter there....anyways, Gabby is POTY so far, and today nothing's changed, his wreaking total havoc. Good to see Zog finally playing like we thought he could. Pretty open game, this one.
  8. maqroll

    Iran next?

    I suspect that the Americans are sick of wars and that getting into a new one, especially one as messy as Iran will be, it is unlikely to be a vote winner. A prolonged war with Iran will undoubtedly bring back the draft, not seen since Vietnam....and then you'll see huge social unrest. People are already taking to the streets in the US, but when young people are forced to choose between a war zone and prison, there will be riots in the streets.
  9. maqroll

    Iran next?

    North Korea was given a pass when it BEGAN it's nuclear program, even though it was a sworn enemy to two of the United States' biggest trade partners in SK and Japan, and has not been shy about making threats. If that's not provocation enough to warrant the kind of military action presently being debated in regards to Iran, I'm not sure what is. I cannot believe this action is really being considered. Unless this is just another stage in a massive takeover. We control Iraq and can launch operations from there. We also are still in Afghanistan, so we can squeeze them from west AND east. Crazy days...
  10. maqroll

    Iran next?

    This is a prime example of the sway that Israel has over the US and the UK. Everyone already knows that North Korea has nuclear weapons, and that they have been more openly aggressive towards it's neighbors than Iran...but they get a pass. Iran MIGHT have the CAPABILITY of having nuclear weapons, and we are planning airstrikes.... This is Netanyahu pounding the drums, and the Israel lobby in the US turning the screws on the clowns in the White House and State Department. Israel says jump and look at us asking how high....
  11. Anything less than three points, well.....we'll know what this team and the manager are all about... We're in a bit of a conundrum, I think... Clearly AM is not the right man to advance the club on a longer term basis, but mediocrity will probably be enough for him to keep his job. I have to admit there's a part of me that wishes for a string of piss poor results to force Lerner's hand and bring in a decent manager. I predict 1-1.
  12. Scientist Wins the World Cup....Match # 3
  13. I can see a time not too far off where the big boys play their top players in Europe only, and their bench players play in the league. Even then, they'd still challenge for the league. The gap is becoming that drastic.
  14. He's the best example of Ferguson's acumen in buying obscure players. I always liked him because he wore his heart on his sleeve. It's like he couldn't believe his luck. Fair play to him as a manager.
  15. maqroll

    Snow Watch!

    It's falling fast in Boston right now (11:20 PM EST)...already 3 inches of really wet stuff on the ground. Big wind gusts, too. Not even November.... :x
  16. Blatant Anti-Soviet propaganda on my television.
  17. We called it "gutters" and the points varied based on where you caught it and if it was a one handed catch or two . If I'd never found alcohol I could have reached the top of gutters I think . "Gutters", I like that....we called it "Off the Steps"...not quite the same ring to it...
  18. maqroll


    And so it is. Epic Game 6, one to be remembered for a very long time indeed. Teams that win like that in a game 6, almost always go on to finish it off. Credit to St. Louis, they were in the hinterlands in August, totally written off. Squeaked in on the last day, beat two monster clubs to get to the WS, went down to their last strike twice last night, but pulled it out. As for Texas....being a Red Sox fan, I know all about what they're dealing with. That was a spectacular choke job. But f*ck 'em, Texas can kiss my Boston ass!
  19. I miss going to watch the Red Sox before they turned Fenway Park into a Yuppie Amusement Park
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