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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. $$$$$ The fix was in Too much money already wrapped up in Manny-Mayweather
  2. Finally got around to watching "30 Rock"... Easily the best American comedy show in years. Great writing, and the characters (in particular Alec Baldwin) are all very funny.
  3. maqroll


    Ramos rescued in a flurry of gunfire....Venezuela is not a good place to be wealthy and famous
  4. maqroll

    Groupon !

    It's a genius little business concept, and they just had a massive IPO this week. But I just wonder how many times a business will continue go back to use Groupon, when they are ones that benefit the least.
  5. maqroll


    Papelbon to Philly....
  6. VT creeping up on 60,000 members :shock:
  7. maqroll


    Wilson Ramos was kidnapped in Venezuela yesterday....
  8. Sadly, league standing is now more or less directly linked to the amount of money spent on players. As long as this holds true, and as long as the board holds it's current line, mid table is right where we should expect to be.... The only real hope for glory is in the cups, but even then, if we make it as far as the QF's and face a Top 4 side, they will field their best 11, and we'll probably get a kicking. The only way out of this is to spend our way out of this, and while we all want to see more money spent, we don't want Villa to be considered on par with Chelsea and Man City in terms of excessive spending. Lerner got burned once, so he'll be reluctant to splash out again like he did with MON. It just shows you how much of an imbecile MON was in the transfer market. And how naive Lerner was in letting him go hog wild with his money. The only other way out of this is a FA or UEFA-mandated salary cap on clubs. Forced parity, if you will. But that will never happen.
  9. Dumping the name St. James Park for 10m a year seems like small beans, in my opinion. It's one thing to build a new stadium and sell the naming rights, but to strip away a major part of the identity of an old football ground for a measly 10 mill seems wrong. Leave it to Mike Ashley to take the shine off a really good start to the season for Toon supporters.
  10. Tell that to an Ethiopian in a refugee camp Point taken. (I would eat humble pie, but I fear that it might not go down well in an Ethiopian refugee camp). :oops: Well played...
  11. What about the people that WATCH that kind of shit? :winkold:
  12. Tell that to an Ethiopian in a refugee camp
  13. maqroll


    And enjoy our probable expulsion from the next World Cup. Good thinking right there. I didn't know you had already qualified... ...or that a team could be kicked out of a WC Finals for disobeying a FIFA mandate 2 years prior to not yet having qualified for the World Cup.... :shock:
  14. Strange because typically, family is such a priority for Italians....but this reminds me of a story I heard (not sure if it's true, but certainly possible), where a Juventus supporter skipped his mother's funeral to watch a European Cup final...
  15. maqroll


    I think being the creators of the game itself, England should tell FIFA to f*ck right off over this issue.
  16. Nice little tribute vid here- wait for the left hook on Nasty
  17. An absolute legend, gone. Rest in peace, Joe.
  18. Has anyone ever actually seen this tattoo?
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