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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Henry Different pronunciation, but the same name nonetheless...
  2. Obama and Romney both saying Augusta should be open to women members...anything these guys can try to score points on, they will.
  3. Stomach churning stuff...but sadly most likely a common practice league-wide...
  4. Another convert Meh, it's still got me hooked. Bayern vs Madrid and Barca vs Chelsea semi finals have my mouth watering at the prospect. Maybe I'm not old and cynical enough yet I'll watch it from this point onward, but for the last few years, I've not paid it much mind until the semifinals or final...it's just lost it's luster for me.
  5. The fact that Chelsea-Benfica is on right now, and I couldn't care less. There was a day when I'd be rearranging my schedule in order to watch as much of it as possible. The Champion's League is a total **** bore
  6. A Bruins-Rangers conference final has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
  7. I'm starting to think that Paul Faulkner has more power than we'd like to imagine....in fact, I think Randy has handed over the operation to Faulkner to oversee, and it's because of Faulkner's arrogance and stubbornness that we find ourselves in this situation. I think Lerner is kind of flakey, to be honest. I don't think he likes to get too stuck in with the nitty gritty side of the business, whereas Faulkner is his useful dog on a long leash, eager to get his hands dirty, but totally clueless in all aspects of the sport.
  8. Better than not trying. Keep the sigs coming, boys!
  9. It's simple, just cosign below, and once we get a decent number, we can email a link of it to VP. ***The following Aston Villa supporters implore the AVFC board members to take immediate action in regards to the current manager, Alex McLeish. He is staying true to his form as a top flight manager by dragging his team down into a relegation battle. Surely supporters deserve better than this? Surely the TEAM is better than this? Enough is enough. McLeish must go, now.*** Sincerely, Maqroll (Mike)
  10. I know....but it was nice to daydream about it it, wasn't it
  11. I guess the "Big (takeover) announcement" that was supposed to happen in Feb/March is off then?
  12. I see us getting 1 point from those games.
  13. What Lerner needs to understand is that if he doesn't sack McGash now, and we get relegated, there will be a full scale revolt on his hands, with people calling for HIM to go. What a **** disgrace this all is.
  14. Yikes, I thought we we just about in the clear a few weeks ago.....a nosedive straight to relegation would not surprise me in the least now, considering that's what our manager does best, isn't it? Nice one, Randy. Way to really think things through.
  15. Either they are total scams sites, or the women that are on there are damaged in one way or another....best policy is always get to know someone on your own, don't pay some middle man....the world kept spinning before dating websites...
  16. If you can't motivate your team at home on a day like today, to play well against a side you've already beat this season, there is a serious flaw in your methods....of course, Lerner and Co. want a man with "proven Premiership experience", so even if that experience is two relegations, it DOENT **** MATTER TO THEM!!!
  17. Good for him. Probably not the best country to have your WAGs in the stands with sleeveless dresses on...I'm surprised women are let inside, TBH....
  18. It'd be brilliant if the referee would whistle play dead as well for that minute....I believe it's been done before?
  19. I see you snuck your organ in there
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