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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. I wonder what Arteta's Girl is up to these days...don't see her on here anymore...Gingerlad either...
  2. Well piss smells like asparagus when you've eaten asparagus, so... EDIT: Now you come to mention it, last time I was on a train, I was sat behind two Rasta guys, and they absolutely REEKED of ganja. I think post-asparagus piss smells like a damp sponge...
  3. You still have a ways to go to catch up to us...USA! USA!
  4. Um, I think people go because they want to see the events in person, and support their countrymen/women...it IS like the World Cup where you go to support your country. Who else would you support?
  5. I'd actually be more interested in some of the fringe events than basketball, and even the football. An olympic gold medal does no represent the highest level of achievement for football....it's like the Cup Winner's Cup of international tournaments.
  6. Just goes to show how opinions differ. I have never understood the appeal of basketball. Every match seems the same to me - everybody runs down one end - scores. Then they all rush down the other end - score. Repeat until full time, when the final score will be something like 109-96. Sorry, but that's just boring. I like a sport where scoring takes a bit of effort, tactics, cunning. It's also not very interesting when everyone knows who will win the gold medal.
  7. I will counter your choice of "USA! USA!", with that of the Aussies. Also a guaranteed world cup starter, but also one of the favourites for the regional Asian tournament, (do USA play in the South American or Central / North American tournament?). I think the US have more potential to actually succeed though on a global scale, so perhaps you just about shade it. 1-0 down already, what a rubbish start to my day! USA! USA!
  8. Carroll has loads of talent, is only 23, would be a big target upfront, and if we can get him in here we should. We need another striker. LFC apparently still owe us some money from the Downing deal, so I could see a deal being struck here...of course there's the small matter of wages...
  9. Is there any event more boring than Olympic basketball?
  10. The best job in international football has to be the USA job. A decent team that's a virtual lock to qualify for every World Cup, with such a low degree of pressure that it verges on total anonymity.
  11. 2. Her abortion stance really makes her a non-starter anyway, especially since Mitt promised last year that his VP pick would be a conservative, pro-life pro-"traditional marriage" person. He can't afford to piss off the Tea Party, as we saw in the mid-term elections. The Tea Party will happily strike down the GOP ticket if he doesn't pander to them. He may be able to convince Rice to run in some kind of patriotic call to service. But I think the damage it would do to his campaign would kill it off. Rice is still tainted by Gulf War 2. Independent voters would be turned off by that. Conservative voters would be turned off by her abortion stance. Is she qualified to be "a heartbeat away from the Presidency", given the fact that she has never held elected office before? Expect left-leaning commentators to make hay with a line like "even less qualified than Sarah Palin". I reckon he'll go for Rob Portman. Sometimes I think we over-analyse things. I've never thought of the average American voter as a sophisticated, widely read person - he/she would probably be unaware of Rice's pro-choice stance, for example. Or even worse, he/she might not even know who Rice is - "Rice? Mmmmm like rice, risotto ommnomm" There's even less of a chance a far right Tea Party type knows what risotto is...any food or person with a vowel at the end of it's name is suspect to them....
  12. This thread was mid table in the second division... Here's something for the Latin heads-
  13. That's just about my stance on the matter
  14. There's never been a more powerful VP than Cheney. He was essentially the boss. Bush was just the goofy puppet. Biden's role has been to pander to the white working class and Catholics. Rice would lend instant foreign policy cred to the ticket, and that cannot be overlooked. She certainly won't sink his campaign like Palin did McCain's... It might be a masterstroke by Romney. It could sway a lot of the Rust Belt Obama voters who are disillusioned with him.
  15. What makes you say that? From what I've read, it's taken him a while to finally come into his own in Holland...so with a move to England, he'll probably need a season to get settled and established before assuming an outright leader/captain's role.
  16. I'm loving that we're raiding top Dutch and maybe French clubs and not singing old retreads and rejects from other English clubs...this approach alone speaks volumes, even if the moves don't pan out. Dutch players tend to adapt every easily to English football...sign him up!
  17. Oh behave, the result doesn't matter it's about the players getting used to playing together and match fitness! Ok! point taken, but why the hell cant we score? We shoved a lot of strikers/midfielders out there who can score for the reserves and yet they still can't hit the goal from 10 yards, my daughter can strike better than Benty and she is 7 next month. Early days...
  18. I'd love Andy Carroll here. I read Carroll doesn't want to play for Villa....
  19. When an election comes down to one or two states, it can be stolen (Bush v Gore 2000)....(Kennedy v Nixon 1960)...there are reports of shady voter registration tricks in Florida already by GOP operatives...it's a sleazy business, boy.
  20. The big news the last couple of days is Romney's possible selection of Condaleeza Rice as his VP running mate. Many of the real right wingers hate her because she's pro choice, and probably cuz she's black, too. I actually think it'd be a smart move by Romney, because those right wingers hate Obama more than anyone else, so he'll still get their vote, but in picking a black woman, he will steal some of the black and female vote from Obama, two demographics in which he trails Obama badly.
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