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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. I did not expect Cincy to capitulate at home like this...maybe they're feeling their chances have been dashed somewhat by Cueto being injured. When I saw that Ibanez was going to have a second at bat, I knew he was gonna hit another. I wouldn't rule out Baltimore though...
  2. What songs would you choose to represent yourself for: 1. Boxing match entrance 2. Biopic opening scene 3. Doing it, you know * 4. Wedding dance 5. Funeral * Sexual Intercourse
  3. maqroll


    Yep, he seems like a world class word removed. And that baseball cap is infuriating.
  4. I never understood the desire to speed level, especially after an xp release. I'd think people would want to relax, soak in the new zones, experience the landscape and music, do all the quests...the thing that hooked me to the game was the atmosphere, that immersive feeling that exploring Azeroth gives you.
  5. maqroll


    This guy is getting a lot of buzz-
  6. Cardinals about to tie the series...Washington might just regret shutting Strasburg down...
  7. Call me old fashioned, but I think Private Messages should remain just that. Private.
  8. 4 playoff games today and tonight, and I'm not working
  9. Stick some long ears on him, and he's a dead ringer for a Night Elf.
  10. The only notable mistake Lambert has made, in my opinion, was leaving Bent on the bench again on Sunday. Puzzling move. But I don't see how people can have too many gripes with him. We wanted two new fullbacks, we got them. We wanted a holding MF, we got one. We wanted a CB to replace Collins, we got one. We also have a team that plays a better brand of football than last season's horror show. I think we're in a similar situation as Liverpool, actually. New, young managers trying to implement a new system with many young players. Their results have been as poor as ours, but they are playing decent football, like us. I can only see them improving, and I feel the same about us.
  11. I heard that the Jaguars could potentially be moved to L.A.....what have you heard regarding that?
  12. maqroll

    Joe Bennett

    Same. I still think he'll miss at least one match though...
  13. I miss a few emoticons- like the frying pan on the head one, that was a good one, it got me through some tough days
  14. CM, you look a bit like Heath Ledger (when he was still alive)
  15. I think the swerve on the ball had Howard moving in the wrong direction at first. Good pace and power on the ball too, so for me it was more a well hit ball than a mistake by Howard.
  16. Yep. Hard to argue that he's not put up the cash. Lambert could have spunked it all on one big name player, but we needed to address several positions, which he has. Lerner's made some serious errors, but he's not done a thing wrong since the McLeish debacle. I'm sure he'll spend in January too, he's fully aware of the stakes.
  17. I think he's still trying to adjust to the speed and quality of the league...I think he'll get better and better. He's already scored one of the best goals of the season, by any player in the whole league.
  18. maqroll

    Joe Bennett

    NibblyPig's a doctor...what say you, Nibbly?
  19. In my opinion, the only words that should get someone locked up would be death threats, or the incitement of a crowd to violence against defenseless persons.
  20. maqroll


    hahahaha what a tool Blatant dives like that deserve straight red cards, in my opinion. They undermine the integrity of the game.
  21. maqroll


    It was away to Spurs, it was always going to be a difficult task. We played some good football in the first half, too, and should have scored twice. Spurs are clearly the superior side. It's dropping points against the likes of Soton that I can't tolerate.
  22. maqroll

    Joe Bennett

    Safe to say he won't be running any time soon with that thing carved into his leg Bright side is, it looks like it's just a deep gash, and not a break/tear/sprain, etc.
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