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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. What I fear most is getting relegated and then having Lerner sell to some dodgy consortium who will turn us into the new Blackburn.
  2. What are the differences between FIFA 13 and Football Manager? (I've never played either, but I'm interested in playing one of them) What are the pros and cons of each, and which do you prefer? TY
  3. The Style Council. I wanted to like them. But I just couldn't bring myself to.
  4. Green Bay is much better than their record suggests...and I think Houston is a little worse than their record. Let's hope they get it out of their system before the playoffs
  5. I can't believe that Lerner/Lambert have plans to sell their main goalscorer when the club is floundering at the lower end of the table...surely there's nothing to this?
  6. Detroit stomping on New York, up 2-0 heading home. The Yankees live and die by the home run, and it's going to catch up to them. And it doesn't help that Jeter broke his ankle too! I shouldn't lol @ that, but I can't help myself.
  7. He needs a few more top players before Washington does anything of significance. But if they continue to draft well and pick up a few FA's, they'll be a force in a couple of years. That's a nice stadium too, with the low fences and the seats closer to the field than any other stadium. That's how all new stadiums should be built, IMO. That said, Seattle has the best stadium, no contest there.
  8. There's actually a true Socialist in the US Senate (Bernie Sanders from Vermont). "Socialist" is the new "Communist" for the frothing right wingers who use it to spread fear and loathing among the sheep. I'm surprised there hasn't been a smear campaign against him, or any noticeable vocal denouncement of him as a sitting Socialist, considering their hatred of all things remotely "Socialist".
  9. They've actually decided to put it to a vote in 2014....this could be astounding if they vote to split from the U.K....
  10. He was carried off the pitch playing for Morocco yesterday...not good.
  11. 12th inning in Game 1 of the ALCS, and Yankee Stadium is half empty. Pathetic fans. They started leaving in the 7th inning.
  12. If it's anywhere near as good as Elite Squad, I'm buying a ticket!
  13. Ibanez does it again- a two out, two run home run to tie it in the bottom of the 9th. Simply incredible. He's making history now...I can't see how Girardi can leave him out of the lineup the rest of the way.
  14. Haha, now that takes some nerve. F*ck him and his 3rd division Scottish c unt rag of a club
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e79zleLzFu4 One of the greatest action movies of all time....enjoy. * Make sure you click "cc" on the lower right of the picture for subtitles.
  16. Pol Pot's right hand man was arrested and sentenced last year, along with a handful of others, but they're all old men now.
  17. I read a first hand account of a Salvadoran peasant woman who returned home after a day of traveling to find her family all seated at the dinner table with their decapitated heads on their plates. Courtesy of the Death Squads and Ronald Reagan.
  18. I'd prefer to know, so that I could make things good with everyone I know, let them all know how much they mean to me, etc...being able to forgive people, too. I hold a mean grudge... We all know we're going to die at some point, so if we can know roughly when it will happen, good.
  19. He was dismissed as a fanatical far left commie when he ran as the Green Party candidate in 2000, a campaign that I worked for. The Republicans and Democrats colluded in LOCKING HIM OUT of the debate in Boston that year, because they didn't want him to voice his policies on national television with millions of people watching. He was too much of a threat to them, and by them I mean "It". He spoke common sense in clear language, and they wanted him silenced, and they sent Massachusetts State troopers to physically block him from entering the debate. You can see it on YouTube. It was a complete and utter suppression of democracy, and proved once and for all, to many people, that the USA is NOT a democracy at all. Great documentary on Nader
  20. Well over one million people died inside German concentration camps, most of which were liberated by British and American forces. Were they not "Death Camps" as well? I'd say they were. One million lost souls would probably agree with me, too.
  21. Royal Army scholars seem to hold a contrary view to yours Dachau liberation photos Click So much for your "accuracy", eh?
  22. Girardi wasting no time, he's benched A-Rod altogether for tonight's final game $200 million dollar man and he's benched for the tie breaker. Classic.
  23. Giants-Niners usually make for good viewing, especially at SF....I'd be betting on the Niners, don't know what the odds are, but I'm sure they're favored at home.
  24. Nice win by the Titans, boring team though...
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