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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Sacramento Kings are being sold to a Seattle group. The Supersonics rise from the dead. Great thing for Sonics fans, feel awful for loyal Kings fans.
  2. Klinsmann's USA team got off to an inglorious start today, losing away to Honduras, 2-1. I watched the second half, we looked pretty awful. Qualifying isn't going to be the cakewalk it's been lately for USA.
  3. Love me some Stevie Ray^^^ He and Robert Cray made sure American Blues was still on the map in the wasteland of so much popular music of the 1980's. The under heralded Mr Cray, who can sing just as good as he can play:
  4. Sorry, Ray Hudson...the guy is **** insufferable
  5. Many, if not most have. I heard the Belgians are trying to crush them in The Hague, which would bode well for Europe. They are pure evil and deploy their brownshirts at every turn. They've basically taken over the city of Clearwater, Florida through bribery and intimidation. It's deranged and scary, really. I **** hate them. I thought Clearwater was full of creationists?? Plenty of those , too. Florida is a **** insane asylum.
  6. Yeah, "The Assembly of God"...the huge Brazilian population in Massachusetts have brought their Holy Ghost craziness with them and have churches all over the place. It's all a scam, of course.
  7. The farthest back I can trace my bloodlines is my mother's maternal side, to 16th century Drenthe, northeast Netherlands.
  8. Sorry, I just don't buy this. What scenario do you envisage whereby the government would attempt to impose something that was SO unpopular, that the electorate would resist it with small arms? In such a case, NOBODY could win. In a shooting war between the US government and the people, where the people have a bunch of handguns and hunting rifles, and the government has Strategic Air Command, who do you think would triumph? And what kind of triumph would that be? You only have to think of it for a few moments to realise the absurdity of the very concept. It's certainly true that the government is running scared of the gun lobby. But that's for electoral reasons, not firepower ones. Let go of the **** wild west, FFS. Mike, I didn't say I agree with the pro gun side.... I said I understand their position. Big difference. Of course, if the shit hit the fan and the government started rounding up "domestic terrorists", there is no chance of civilian militias winning any kind of "war"... But people have a deep mistrust of government, and much of that distrust is warranted, based on what they've done abroad and here at home. The erosion of our civil liberties, beginning with The Patriot Act and continuing with the NDAA and surveillance drones, makes people uneasy.
  9. Apples and oranges. Lambert had promoted Norwich twice, whereas McLeish relegated SHA twice. Fan expectations were vastly different. The fact that AM came from SHA didn't help matters. Nor did the fact that we PAID them for his "services". That said, he didn't deserve such hate and abuse. Nobody does. Now it's Lambert and Lerner's turn, I guess.
  10. How does a manager and his employer develop starkly different philosophies for the club after 7 games? Absurd.
  11. This is why I understand both sides of the gun debate. The right to bear arms was made law of the land specifically to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government, a notion that gets met with widespread ridicule. Surely the benevolent US government would never turn on it's own people?
  12. maqroll

    Joe Bennett

    It's true he should not be starting, but I'm not convinced he's a player to give up on. He's young and raw and needs time. Once upon a time, a signing like Bennett would spend a year or two in the reserve team, not thrown right into the deep end with the senior squad. I just hope this experience doesn't destroy his self-confidence.
  13. It's just a shame Villa hasn't benefitted from any of it. It's almost criminal.
  14. The quality of players and wins:losses never factors in to the selling price of an NFL club. Revenue is guaranteed across the league- pooled merchandise money, pooled TV deal money, etc. Sold out games are a virtual lock, so no matter how bad the team is (only 8 home games a year), gate money is never in doubt. The only thing that can really affect the selling price of an NFL club is the condition of the stadium, and the ownership status of the land the stadium is on. The Lerners built a brand new stadium for the Browns, and I believe they owned the land, so when all is said and done, he got about as much as possible in that deal.
  15. The government of the United States has contradicted itself from day one. "All men are created equal", with the exception of blacks, natives, Chinese, etc., and of course women didn't factor in at all. That the Confederate states maintained a system of Apartheid up until the 1960s, proves that freedom is relative in America. The FBI has acted above the law since it's inception. The CIA has subverted democratic governments in several countries. What is different now, is that they are writing these diabolical practices into LAW, out in the open, and they're getting away with it. Warrantless surveillance drones spying on Americans, drones that were ordered to have the capacity to be weaponized... The suspension of Habeas Corpus...indefinite detention without access to legal counsel. People laugh at the idea of a police state, but it's happening before our very eyes.
  16. Marcum was a good addition. Dickey was never going to repeat what he did last year. Your starting pitching is decent again, it's just your lineup that is weak. Who knows, if your pitching keeps you in the race by July, the brass might make a trade for a bat or two...Tough division, though.
  17. They'll pay him whatever his agent asks for. He's gonna cash in big time.
  18. Flacco surprised me, I thought he'd crumble under the pressure against us in Foxboro, and definitely in the SB...fair play to him. He'll never be a glamor boy, and he'll never put up huge numbers. But he' a winner, you can't argue against that now.
  19. Purging the club of working class players was certainly part of the "Five Year Plan" Class warfare at Aston Villa, eh?
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