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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. NBC (The Democrat Party Propaganda Network) trying to smear Greenwald this morning, absolutely farcical: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xObacZAPk8w
  2. But what if the law you break exposes a deeper, more sinister crime? Yes, China will use him for their own propaganda, but that would have been predictable from the start. Snowden knew he was breaking the law (or at least the terms of the forms he signed), that's why he went to HK before sitting down with Greenwald. The reason people are calling him a hero is because he knew that by airing out this dirty laundry, he risks a lifetime behind bars, which is nothing to shrug at when you are just 27 years old. He also gave up a comfortable lifestyle in Hawaii for a life on the run. Oh i understand all that, not sure i really have an opinion on what he did but just pointing out the countries that are so desperate to help are some of the worst for freedom of speech and democracy yet label him a hero. I'm not sure that the governments of China and Russia have made statements to the effect that Snowden is a hero...I have seen activists in Hong Kong calling him a hero, because he's exposed a system that turns out to be not unlike the one they live under.
  3. That said, if a Republican was in the White House most dissenting right wing voices would be cheering on this Orwellian nightmare.
  4. The usual Military Industrial Complex whores are calling for his head, but most politically engaged Americans (roughly 10% of the population) view him in a positive light. Disgust at an unchecked surveillance state is one of the only things the left and right can agree on here.
  5. But what if the law you break exposes a deeper, more sinister crime? Yes, China will use him for their own propaganda, but that would have been predictable from the start. Snowden knew he was breaking the law (or at least the terms of the forms he signed), that's why he went to HK before sitting down with Greenwald. The reason people are calling him a hero is because he knew that by airing out this dirty laundry, he risks a lifetime behind bars, which is nothing to shrug at when you are just 27 years old. He also gave up a comfortable lifestyle in Hawaii for a life on the run.
  6. He's on 100m/week. And he's old. And slow. No thanks.
  7. Nan Stick your cock in a blender and press the puree button, or smash your own skull in with a brick
  8. "If you want my shift 2moro, it's yours" I'm a lazy slacker
  9. Mike, out of interest where would you draw the line? At what age (or some other marker of maturity, if you prefer) would you consider an individual to be ready to make sexual decisions on his/her own? If there's grass on the pitch, let's play.
  10. The World Cup goes to the guy with the fattest envelope, end of.
  11. Sounds like we weren't trying to sell him now anyways...but I can see us selling him in January for 8m to a desperate side that thinks he can help them
  12. How's the weather over there, legov?
  13. Looks like this is going the full 7. The teams are so evenly matched.
  14. This is why you shouldn't eat steak three time a day
  15. I drove a VW Jetta for a few years. Piece of sh*t. I drive a Ford now, no problems in 5 years.
  16. maqroll


    I think the main argument against complete legalisation of cocaine is crack, which I believe is really easy to make from cocaine. I had a druggy friend years ago (who incidentally rather lost his way. I think the drugs were the symptom rather than the cause though mostly). He told me about going to a bloke's house with a friend and them being given a big and a small rock to share. He reckoned that after sharing the big rock they were just about ready to kill each other for the second rock. Scary. Yeah, I never smoked crack, so I can't speak to that aspect of cocaine...but in powder form, it's like a massive jolt of caffeine...but I suppose drugs act differently depending on the person's brain chemistry.
  17. Anyone else think the movie a few years back was really funny?
  18. maqroll


    I've dabbled in my day (never having done LSD, heroin, meth)...and I actually think cocaine is as benign as cannabis if used in moderation. There is unwarranted hysteria over cocaine IMO.
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