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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Good for you, don'y take any crap. Sounds like a bad case of Chef-o-mania, they do tend to think they know it all. Hope you get a decent gig quick.
  2. Working for a bipolar boss is not for the feint hearted. Jeeeeeeezus.
  3. I agree with you. It's the best name in football, and should be on, above or underneath the badge. Just one more reason to dislike the new badge.
  4. Islam is a country .. She's already passed the American citizen test .. I love it. I post a video of a dumb Australian, and it immediately turns into a Yank-bashing. Can't escape it for a nanosecond.
  5. Nice one I was robbed several years ago and the police did funk all...I even told them the thieves were caught on videotape using my credit card...they didn't follow up on it, because it required them driving 20 minutes to another town to look at the video. I moved out of there a month later, not giving that city another dime.
  6. People saying Miami will contend for the division this year....I'm guessing those people live in Dade County
  7. Kooky Kandidate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_1SFf8t-ko
  8. http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2013/08/26-years-of-growth-shanghai-then-and-now/100569/
  9. The thought of doing time in prison
  10. maqroll

    Do you read?

    My former flatmate (Bluenose who turned out to be a despicable person...surprise) explained to me that the reason he'd never heard of Graham Greene was because he was "working class". What the hell kind of excuse is that? Like working class people don't read books...must be a Bluenose thing.
  11. If we sign Kiyote, I think we'd be strong enough to challenge for a Europa Cup spot. Spurs will be weaker w/o Bale, Everton weaker w/o Moyes and possibly Fellaini and Baines, Liverpool will struggle at times...Outside of Man U, Man City, Chelsea and Arsenal, it's a free for all, in my opinion. If we get a head of steam going once or twice this season, why shouldn't we contend for Europe?
  12. That said, they all deserve our respect, and here in the US, politicians talk the talk, but veterans get shafted every which way when they get home. One thing that I never understood was that an 18 year old is old enough to go fight and die for his country, but too young to order a beer at a bar when he gets home.
  13. My uncle was in Vietnam, and he'll be the first to tell you he was not a hero. A hero in war is someone who does something heroic in battle. Not sure that just donning fatigues and holding a rifle automatically win you that title.
  14. maqroll


    This one's for Voinjama-
  15. Staged surprise public reunions of military fathers and their children at sporting events and the like. Deeply personal and emotional moments for these young children that should be private, but instead are put on public display for the fun of it, to get on TV, or whatever. I'm sick of it, sick of perpetual war, sick of sloganeering, sick of labeling every soldier who deploys a "hero", etc...
  16. maqroll


    Nah, it's Spanish all the way. Minimal English spoken there compared to Northern European countries.
  17. Bent will be sold by Friday at the latest, Kiyotake signed next Wednesday.
  18. maqroll

    Swear Words

    Just trying to nail down what I cannot type, as I don't want to get another warning point...clearly the big ones are not acceptable, but what about "Bitch", when used sarcastically?
  19. I think once Bent is off the books, we'll be back in for Kiyotake...
  20. Off duty police who make a point of telling you that they're police...bite me officer, I'm not impressed.
  21. Hells Bells is back, amigos (Been warned about bad words)
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