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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. His celebrity as a musician, and the nature of the crimes should most likely see him dead long before his sentence is up.
  2. The Sun reports that theatre patrons were seen urinating on police
  3. Lerner is guilty of naivety, nothing more. He was naive to let MON run wild with his money, he was naive to take Alex Ferguson's advice, he was naive to think that his P.R. team would be enough to convince supporters that everything was going according to plan, and that feel good gestures like Acorns and the Holte Hotel would be a buffer from criticism. He came in with considerable money to spend, which was then squandered by MON. Then the market tanked, he got a divorce, and turned off the tap. He made the right move by hiring Lambert, and since then it's been damage mitigation. Eventually he'll either sell or decide to take another shot at glory, and I believe he'll make that decision within the next two years.
  4. What an absolute disgrace of an owner. The grass is not always greener, eh?
  5. Reading that PDF was a mistake. It makes me so disgusted with human beings as a species... that there are those among us that can be so completely devoid of decency. Sickening and depressing.
  6. Same happened on my street last week. I've been burgled before, and I hate leaving my place longer than a day or two. Props for not using "burglarized". Yeah, I realize it's better to utilize spellings that don't antagonize the reader's sensibilities.
  7. Not sure folks are dreaming of this, really
  8. Get Kiyotake in and put Lowton back in the starting XI. Get Lescott on a loan deal too. Done.
  9. "Europa, Europa" is a great film based on a true story of an "Aryan looking" German Jew who survives (just) the war by joining the Hitler Youth. Came out in 1990. Gripping film.
  10. I really liked the film, and admit I was surprised, cuz I think Tarantino mostly sucks.
  11. This thread could be a front pager for a while, because I have a new one every day... Ian Watkins, and I'd use brass knuckles
  12. Not sure if "R.I.P." is in order, but his passing is notable. An interesting life, that's for sure.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq8MQ-A_oic
  14. Same happened on my street last week. I've been burgled before, and I hate leaving my place longer than a day or two.
  15. A Harvard student was just arrested for a bomb hoax. Way to squander an opportunity, kid
  16. Get the hell out of that job
  17. If I recall correctly, Dallas offered Jonah Lomu a contract back in the day, and he turned them down. I'm assuming they wanted him as a fullback, or maybe a safety?
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMS4nTP0iis Broken jaw, cracked vertebrae
  19. Theeee most disgusting thing known to man. Have been lucky enough to travel to the Caribbean a few times, and on each occasion they were giving this stuff away with the rooms. Took a swig & decided it was inhumanely awful so I topped it up with tea and brought it back as a gift for a mate. Next time try the Extra Gay
  20. It's 17 (f) degrees out, and we're about to get 8 more inches of snow after 8 inches on Saturday. Someday I'll smarten up and move to Florida. not a chance in Hell, no offense Brum and ME!
  21. I owned a house once, over an hour from where I live, but the town and surrounding area was and is basically an economic wasteland, very few jobs, rampant poverty, no hopers everywhere. I fixed it up and sold it right before the market tanked. I like being flush, but I don't have that equity that comes with ownership. Mixed feelings on home ownership. People make it out to be the end all be all, but everyone's circumstances are different. The fit has got to be just right, at least for me. And the price, of course...
  22. Total collapse...shades of Newcastle in 1996! At the risk of sounding like a complainer, I really think the first and second place teams should get a bye. Instead of 8 teams making the playoffs, I think just 6 should, with positions 3-4-5-6 all playing first round playoffs (3v6, 4v5). Good luck to the rest of the field
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