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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. maqroll

    Time to believe?

  2. I'm pretty sure most on here are well aware of the myriad failings of Lerner. I just thought that given the news today, it would be a good time to reflect on some of the positives of his tenure, not the negatives.
  3. Apart from the last 3 January windows when our premiership status was gambled with. Yep, I was referring to the O'Neill era
  4. Ha, quite right on that little fact!
  5. Thank you for saving us from Ellis and imminent relegation when you bought the club. Thank you for restoring some excitement when you (backed) Martin O'Neill, who we all thought was a great choice. Thank you for being willing to spend when the manager asked you to. Thank you for renovating the Holte Hotel and Bodymoor Heath. Thank you for your commendable association with Acorns, it has reflected very well on the club. Thank you for coming to the conclusion, as you have now, and therefore keeping your word that you would sell the club if you could no longer lead it forward. Best of luck to you in the future.
  6. Here's some mindless speculation and something I've only just thought of: why instruct someone in LA to advise on a sale? Why not New York? BOA have an office in both, but LA is on the West side of the US. It's close to Redwood City. Whose headquarters in Redwood City is only an hour and half flight from LA? Neil Diamond?
  7. Are we really though, its not like we’re debt free or anything... In relative terms, we are an attractive proposition because we are not crushed by debt and contracts, unlike many a PL club.
  8. I think a buyer is already found, and the offer is being vetted by BoA-ML. Lerner is being tight lipped about it out of respect/non disclosure agreement. BoA-ML have been brought in to advise on offers made, not to find buyers. I think we'll know soon enough who the buyer is.
  9. Elderly people who wear white trainers. Have some dignity!
  10. It's good news. All the cost cutting was for the sale. The club is in sound financial condition, and due to reap a new TV deal windfall. Hopefully the sale happens sooner rathe than later and we can turn the page on Lerner.
  11. We dont! As usual its a split down the middle. I like him. A passionate fan on a national station is never a bad thing in my eyes! Although rare, it is possible to like ex-footballer arseholes who have moved on to media. Look at how popular Gary Neville has become. Yep, and he even looks like Josef Goebbels...
  12. I work in a bar that is not particularly soccer-friendly. Which means on nights that I work during the World Cup, people are going to prefer to watch hockey and basketball playoffs.
  13. Chin up John, you're still going to enter your desired career, and you'll make gobs of money doing it.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0FMakVHCyY
  15. Not that I believe this guy for one second, but from my experience many Americans don't say "we" when referring to a team they support. Not many Americans are named Dermot, either. Sounds like an Irishman looking for friends in L.A.
  16. Same jackass claiming KABC radio reported the same thing.
  17. Manziel will be out of the league in 4 years. Another Cleveland draft fail, IMO
  18. Your assessment is not quite on the money. Collymore depends on listener hysteria to generate calls and tweets. Graham Taylor needs none of that. That's why his words carry more weight.
  19. Graham Taylor lends a bit of credibility to the matter. I like.
  20. Nadia from Pussy Riot is an absolute stunner
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