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Everything posted by nick76

  1. so why isnt he doing something about it rather than letting it carry on?
  2. Never seen what all the fuss is about Bannan to be honest. Always looks like a highlights clip player I.e. one or two great passes a game (not game changing though) but the rest of his game is not of enough quality for anywhere near a starting place for us.
  3. Just seen McLeish's interview after the game......oh I hate him more now! I seriously now do not like him even as a person. He did look very pale, more so than previously which I don't like anybody suffering but hopefully that's the pressure getting to him or he thinks he's on the way out as he knows something......oh I can dream.
  4. I have watched Villa this season and i agree its shite. But i can't say that i feel personally offended by the whole situation. Im not happy about it but it certainly doesnt drive me to hate the bloke, like i say he has done nothing wrong in my eyes, he's trying to manage the team to the best of his ability which simply isnt good enough. I personally blaim Lerner for the situation we currently find ourselves in. You actually feel hatred towards Alex McLeish? No offence but i find that a little pathetic. He was offered the chance to manage our club, therefore as i said above, i blaim Lerner for it. Each to their own, i mean who am i to tell you how to feel towards someone? I just cant see how you can hate someone for trying to do their best. Maybe i just dont eat, sleep and live Aston Villa like some of you do. Maybe im not as much of a fan/supporter as some of you. I dont know. I think the last 3 words of your post is more accurate. You do realise that you are on a football forum dont you? Doing his best? He is rubbish! if thats his best we should all lay off him and let him do his job to the BEST of his ability. No matter how much we flirt with relegation and boring the fans to death we should just sit back and hold back our emotions! Get real! Shit!?!? This is a football forum!?!? Yes, i know he's rubbish, but do you really think he's not doing his best? Of course he's trying his best, and as ive said before, his best is simply not good enough. No offence chap, but you cannot sit there and honestly tell me you dont think he is trying to do well!? Im not saying hold back your emotions, my issue is with people saying they 'hate' the man. Ive got no issue with people voicing their opinions but when when people start slinging it around that they feel hatred towards McLeish then im sorry, you need to step back and remember this is a game...to listen to some of you you would think the bloke raped your sister!!! Get real??? I think by admitting that football isnt the be-all-and-end-all i am living in the real world. I'm with Wiggy on this one. I cannot wait to see him gone, and am crossing fingers that it will happen ASAP, but to say you hate the man? Well two things: 1) You don't know him. You've never had a conversation with him. You are decidedly ignorant of just who he is. I find it hard to hate in that circumstance. What has he done to earn your hate? To try and fail to be a good manager here. That's it. He sucks as a manager. If you hate him for that, well, that's how you feel, but it seems at best misguided. 2) To get back to the original point: if used in a propaganda campaign, it would backfire. The fans come off as the bad guys when using "hate". Far better to highlight the fact that he isn't good enough, not that you personally hate who he appears to be on camera. I'm sorry you might think I'm misguided or a little pathetic but I was asked the question and I answered. I'm not truly bothered what other people think of what I think of McLeish. I'm not sure why it's misguided or a little pathetic from the comments from the above two posters. I think I'm a fairy level headed individual and on the whole get on with most people. I love the Villa, I hate the manager....just the way it is.
  5. I do, which doesn't make me much of a human being i know but I do hate him now.....tactics, interviews and team selections just annoyed me, irritated me but week after week of this that I do hate him for being at my club
  6. I like the idea of the fans standing up and facing away from the pitch for a short time. Like the one minute we did for Petrov by hand clapping, one minute of standing with our back to the pitch might have some effect against McLeish.........
  7. I just can't believe I'm going to have to put up with this idiot next season. I wonder if I can pull myself out of the Villa mindset for a season, I'm thinking not but I can't be depressed for another year......or longer
  8. Excuses are exactly what you are putting forward. I really don't need to hear yet again what O'Neill left behind, I'm fully aware of it thanks. What he inherited wasn't ideal but it is no worse than O'Neill inherited at Sunderland and look at the positive impact he made. McLeish has failed, nobody expected him to be challenging for 4th place but our performance this season has been terrible. If you want to talk about facts. Worst home form in 26 years. 7 league wins all season. There are two big fat facts for you. So you're now being selective on what you want to hear and don't? Is it not my right as a fellow poster to put my opinion forward whether it agrees with yours or not? I'm sorry but thats a very arrogant attitude to have. As far as O'Neill is concerned. You mention Sunderland even though we have been debating O'Neill's tenure at Villa. But since you have mentioned it, Sunderland were hammered 4-0 by Everton recently. Also Sunderland's midfield was much stronger than our own when O'Neill became Sunderland Manager and i would argue that on the whole, Sunderland's squad is at the moment better than our own. You mention those facts and i accept them. Yes they aren't good and there's no getting away from that but those statistics are as a result of what has gone on before AM's tenure than actually as a direct result. the last few words are rubbish, it's far more to do with him than what has gone on before
  9. I fully understand that 'foreveryoung.' Do you not think that i am also frustrated at how our team is playing. I want to see us playing free flowing attacking football, getting us on the edge of our seats again but my point is we have a very weak spine to our team and if we were to open up more, then opposing teams will slaughter us with our cumbersome defence and a midfield without a defensive mid. Thats why i think AM is setting us up in the way that we are seeing our team playing at the moment. I see what you are saying unfortunately he sets up very similar earlier in the season and also with prior teams at different clubs. So if this was a one off I would concede but the way he has set up is consistent with his prior teams
  10. Zzzzzzzzzz what a load of rubbish, he's just an awful manager
  11. Part of thinks 17th would be the place we need to be......we avoid relegation and McLeish gets hammered. Any higher and he (and probably Lerner) will think he is a hero for what he's done this season and the press won't pay much attention to it as we aren't a favorite club and we haven't been relegated. Obviously the other part of me wants to get as high as possible in the league.
  12. I never thought from the outside that Karen Brady was anything exception to be honest. Seems to be a jack of all trades but a master of none......not too bad on the business side but her football comments seem be a little naive or she says something for sake of saying something which tend to make her look stupid. She does have in general that 'football person' piece to her resume but she is average at best and I would hope we would look for somebody more talented.
  13. But this is the point, some are just looking at one game in isolation whereas you should be looking over the season and given the quality we do have when players have been fit we should be further up the league and not the danger we are in now. You are always going to get injuries and unfortunately we are struggling at the worst time but when we haven't been struggling with injuries we never took advantage, to be fair we weren't even trying most of time. This has come back to bite us.
  14. why? For this game it's all about Stan, after that it's back onto McLeish out!
  15. I'd wager that most players have had a look at some point. It would be very difficult to resist. I doubt very much that any of them post though. I wonder if McLeish has a look occasionally? I mean he has plenty of time of his hands really, as he doesn't spend time on developing tactics, scouting or even watching the players train based on his team selections.
  16. in my view the answers to your questions are 1.Not at all 2.No we never looked like we were trying to win even from the start 3.Very much not, they had far too much space and got past us far too easily
  17. In all fairness, I don't think protests or banners will make a difference as things are so bad now anyway. I'd perhaps wait until we're safe, then give him hell. last game of the season then at this rate
  18. the net is cast and two caught already yep agree, posting something for a reaction
  19. 6 points behind 8th, 8 points ahead of 17th. we could possibly finish anywhere. hell look at last seasons finale jump to 9th. yeah I agree I think our fixture list just makes me look over my shoulder more than up the ladder at the moment
  20. I think the green shoots end up being weeds and we then realize shortly afterwards we are no better
  21. The problem s that we know that won't happen, yes he has won a cup before he's never played decent football and can you see us ever getting 7th or 8th under his tactics or management style. That is why so many of us want him out as there doesn't seem to be any hope. that glimmer of hope we all try to hang onto that things will get better under other managers, at the start of the season that this could be the season that we upset the odds somehow, that we might win a cup or get a champions league place.....we have none of this under McLeish. It seems, like me, that a lot of fans can't see that glimmer, don't have those claret tinted glasses, we just see what is going to happen......ever game I go into now I'm either really nervous or defeatist before it even starts. I've always been...if we attack them like this then maybe we can win or we are at home, we are strong, we have a good chance...or our counter attacking play means we have a chance of winning...I have none of those feelings under McLeish, its always fearful and he generally proves it right....so hoping for a better season next then yes but he won't change and thus the chances of us achieving what you say is so slim that to change our minds about him won't happen because that scenario won't most likely happen
  22. If Bolton beat us that only leaves them 7 behind us with 9 other games, that a bit too close given, as you say, Blackburn and QPRs recent victories. I think we will just be ok, but like John says this season could end up a complete failure if only achieve 16th or 17th, which is not acceptable
  23. Never come to terms with McLeish being boss. What can we do when there is such a gap between games. Maybe I'll just copy and paste my same argument every day so you'll be happy. I might ask the mods if they can add a recurring post option so I can set it daily, also a recurring post to give the same verdict on the performance after every game......sorry there will be an option of two responses, one for 95% of the games and the other for the 5% of games when the pro-McLeish crowd pop their heads out for their once in a blue moon 'I told you so' post
  24. Fantastic analogy ! Sums my thoughts up exactly, still not sure why I keep reading this thread but I do......MrDuck sums it up
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