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Everything posted by nick76

  1. Your two last points are correct, to your first question because he's not good enough to be our manager and needs to leave the club. Until he's gone, and I mean confirmed, not 'we know he's leaving' then we have to continue to let the club know we want him out
  2. Tarnish the image of the club.....after what a few players did the other night, the way other teams think we are easy points and the media describing our football......you're having a laugh. Also, who cares what other people think of us, I'd rather be successful and hated than respected and rubbish. While we may not get relegated this season, if this continues then we might next season.
  3. Ram what though down some throats? We will still have the worst home wins record in our history, still only just avoided relegation and a generally god awful season of which we've had almost zilch entertainment just game after game of not looking to win before the game has kicked off. So what exactly would be rammed down some people's throats?
  4. Frustrating in a time when we seem to have very little money that we have spent so much on him, from paying Blose, his annual salary and most likely his termination fee
  5. I miss the old days, I miss the old Holte, I miss the banter......today is just sterile and unemotional compared to back then
  6. what have kids got to do with it. There has always been swearing at football grounds where grown men have gone at the end of their week to watch their favorite team and yes release some tension, drink some beers and catch up with mates. Just because all seater grounds and families have started coming since the inception of the premier league doesn't mean things have to change. Kids hear and see far worse on the school playground, tv, movies and computer games than from the average joe at a football ground.
  7. What ? Where have you been? It's personal abuse, it's disgusting, it smears the name of all Aston Villa supporters. I want nothing to do with personally abusing the man, hence why I walked out in disgust on the 87th minute on Tuesday night It affects the players too, did you not consider this ???? Gabby said after Wigan the chants of personal abuse to McLeish affected their performance from 60 mins onwards There is no place for it oh do me a favour! It's just excuses and considering what we have put up with this season and the diversity of our fans I'm surprised it has taken this long for people to start saying things. To be honest the abuse is not that bad either, I could imagine a lot lot worse than what is being said at the grounds. If that offends you, you are watching the wrong sport.....
  8. Local rivals though will mean its tougher
  9. Gave up reading it, at least give a joke some structure otherwise you lose the audiences attention.
  10. I agree, I've never had an issues with what JF has said in the past and he has the connections to get something noticed so I'm happy for him to do it
  11. Well what else do you expect me to say. I started the topic, gave my opinion and commented a number of times through it and you say the idea is ridiculous. I obviously don't agree, getting villa fans opinion, documenting it and sending to the press and board seems like a good idea to me. Of course we can't talk to every fan and of course everybody has differing views but Tuesday night showed there is a swell of general agreement from fans, the forums seem to be reflecting the same, the press is now catching on and agreeing. As I said in the original post it has to be factual and not abusive, and you can't argue with facts so what's the harm of a statement.....
  12. The day when the fans sat by and watched our club fall apart and die into relegation without a fight is a far sadder day in my opinion I don't see fans sitting by and watching the club falling apart. So thankfully you won't experience that day this season at VP. But issuing a 'statement' from a forum of Villa fans (some may even say Internet Warriors) on behalf of every Villa fan... is ridiculous. In your opinion!
  13. The day when the fans sat by and watched our club fall apart and die into relegation without a fight is a far sadder day in my opinion
  14. I don't understand this, our form is abysmal, we just lost a crucial game to Bolton, we don't know where the next point is coming from and our morale is at an all low.....how is the fans anger going to make it worse or counter-productive to an already dire situation
  15. I agree it should be all about McLeish for this statement as its better to focus than just generalise on the running of the Villa which will lose the message and take focus off the short term problem.....McLeish
  16. Anybody any good at composing an articulate statement based on people's views? Anybody know others on the other villa websites?
  17. Given McLeish is on the verge of relegation for a third time in four seasons, I wonder how his record overall in his premiership tender compares to all other premiership managers down the years that have completed a full season. I'm thinking he must be in the bottom three? Anybody have any stats on that?
  18. To be honest I'm past caring what other people think, I don't care if people hate us as long as we are still in the premiership next season and McLeish goes. The rest I can cope with, and tomorrow somebody else will be the story. I'd rather do something rather than nothing. Doing nothing may mean we get relegated
  19. What are people's thoughts given the swell of feeling that we the fans issue a statement back to the board? This counters the protests that some don't like, it's formal and not abusive and gets our point across. I was thinking that the villa websites or groups do a combined statement and written by somebody articulate and distribute to the press and to the board. Thoughts?
  20. Who cares whether it's local business people or somebody from overseas, I just want the right people in place no matter where they come from
  21. Also the kids are late teens and even some are early twenties..........that is an adult, so man up!
  22. People are saying if we chant and protest this will affect the youngsters, well I bloody well hope so.......so what are we supposed to do is sit here and be polite and watch us lose the last three games, surely protesting cannot make the situation any worse, for f*cks sake we have only won four times at home this season, cant make things any worse can it. Maybe it will have the opposite effect, not sure how but cant really see how we will be worse off.
  23. He's soul destroying the club, the fans and the players......has to go today! Has to! Has to!
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