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Everything posted by nick76

  1. i can see what you are saying but an extra couple of players could make a real difference to where we end up in the league. We haven't dramatically changed the first XI with our signings just really improved the depth in our squad aside from probably Okore. You can argue, the kids have a season more under their belt and possibly, as you say, more defensive training but an AM and another defensive player could be the difference of a number of places in the league. For me tightening up more defensively and a bit more craft in the bigger games or variation can make a world of difference
  2. Agree I would like another CB, we are still struggling from set-pieces from the sounds of pre-season. Still think we need a real captain, would love a really good centre back who could also come in as captain. Aside from that we need AM.
  3. but he still has to go in through the entrance so we'll know if he's there
  4. If we do somehow hold onto Benteke he will easily score 25+ Premier League goals next season.I base this on 2 key factors: 1. Benteke is World Class. 2. We will be a far better team next season. He's a great player and will get better there is no doubt but he's definitely not world class. I think this world class title is too easily thrown around these days for players
  5. I still think he'll be with us next season, I just don't think anybody will spend the money to buy him. While the massive respect of what he's done this season, big teams will want to see if he can do it a second season. Of the other teams, Liverpool won't do another Carroll even if Suarez leaves, Levy won't spend that kind of money unless Bale leaves so unless we drop our pants and sell for 20m then I just can't see it. So it's either abroad or staying with us....maybe I'm being naive but I still see him here next season but definitely gone then if he has another good season....
  6. I love it....Benteke we were told doesn't score that many goals and ends up scoring 23, Helenius doesn't score with his head and scores 2 headers in two games and Bannan is the Scottish Iniesta and has two left feet a bum full of splinters because he sits on the bench so often. Somebody seems to say something about a player and they do the opposite.....
  7. I think the club that tapped him up will show themselves over the next few days with a low bid
  8. You are making up statistics. This is the problem with the Bannan criticism. It's constructed out of thin air and innate bias against a player they don't understand. Bannan didn't give away many "pointless and dangerous free kicks." He committed only EIGHT fouls the entire season in 18 starts. Only Jordan Bowery and Simon Dawkins had a lower fouls per game rate. http://www.whoscored.com/Teams/24 Unbelievable. I think the problem is both ways as you are solely relying on some stats and not the whole picture. There is no way if you have watched him on a regular basis could you say there is a world class player there could you? whether potential or now? a few long passes and some arguable criteria around some stats surely isn't sufficient for you to say he has potential to be world class. Surely if he was that good or had the potential to be that good somebody would've been trying to buy him, speculation would've happened from a big team but to date we have had several Villa managers that don't play him, even to the extent that he doesn't get on the bench and no real team of any note have made any moves for him. I would really like to be on this bandwagon with you but I just can't see anything that you see in him and while the stats give a picture of one thing, watching those crosses live gives me a very different verdict of those crosses
  9. Well I hope if he does stay (Con) that he will not be so bonkers in some of his views. Obviously this game is all about opinions but I've almost never disagreed so much with somebody's comments on a regular basis, most of the time I just cant be bothered commenting on his posts because they must be a wind up and when he keeps saying he gives a balanced view just makes me laugh. For so long I thought he was trolling but he's been here too long, I just think he is bonkers or he never watches the games and just reviews some stats afterwards, well the ones that fits his arguments. He's made the Bannan topic interesting but I have become somewhat bored of it now......
  10. I disagree, we really struggled at CB last season not just quality but numbers so buying another CB I think is needed for depth in this area. Keeping 5 CB's happy might be a problem but that's PL issue.
  11. Sun has our targets as Remy, Defoe and Adebayor........I just laughed when I read that, lazy journalism at its finest. Have they even been watching the ongoings at Villa over the last year. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/4990946/Summer-transfer-window-special-A-club-by-club-guide.html
  12. me too, playing for a club above his level, working half the hours an average person works, his health in tact and earning 20k per week (~1m per year).....so tough!
  13. why i dont know, i just have a feeling he will be signing for us
  14. See this is where I disagree. Having Barry here will take the pressure off the youngsters who can develop naturally over the next couple of seasons into the player that we hope they become. The pressure has been so much on our young midfield that at times they could've done with a game or two off or even just the focus being on somebody else i.e. Barry. Additionally to that I think they can learn so much from Barry
  15. Definitely, exactly the type of player we need in midfield
  16. No, I think we'll be alright, we've brought enough players that can replace Zoggies place on the bench
  17. you say it's childish drivel and then you say go and join a SHA forum, talk about being childish yourself. Some people don't think he's a good player but you do, fair enough! Con over exaggerates his ability and some fans over exaggerates his inability. The people in the middle who, a lot, argue against Con and some others have an opinion that Bannan is not good enough and ability is the standard of championship level. That is our opinion after watching many many games. Me wanting better for Villa and feeling that Bannan shouldn't be near the first team is my opinion and I make no apologies if you feel this is ruining him. Lambert doesn't play him anymore so I assume that affects Bannan's confidence even more and I assume Lambert feels he's not good enough for us either....so your little tirade was very one sided and a little extreme just because some of us don't agree with your opinion.
  18. well if he didn't hit the post the ball wouldn't of found its way to gabby.... got to love this comment, clutching at straws! I'm sure a championship league side will pick him up fixed
  19. might have his head screwed on like Okore and decline them and choose us for regular football
  20. how dare you? Because we don't agree with you we are less educated football fan. Hope you are joking otherwise you are an idiot!
  21. yet none of the managers played him regularly. He's not good enough to be a Villa player, for both sides it's best that he leaves Villa soon so this thread gets closed, Villa get the waste of salary of the wage bill and Bannan can get regular first team football at a lower level
  22. No need to get angry is there? I understand that your opinion is that anyone who thinks Bannan has talent needs to see a man in a white coat. That's where my problem is. I'm constantly accused of exaggeration but I've not exaggerated one little bit, certainly not said anyone who disagrees with me needs to see a psychiatrist. Everything I've said has been based on fact. I've criticised Bannan's play as well as complimented it. How many of you have complimented as well as criticised? Yes some have, that is good, but the impression I get is the middle ground in this discussion not being sought. I post a lot to other threads. This thread isn't really a big deal for me. I'm just posting the facts as I interpret them. oh how I've just laughed, this post should've been in Off-Topic in the jokes thread surely????
  23. I do love how us as villa fans either say a player isn't good enough for us or is too good for us
  24. Wow! I think he's going to be a great player but in my opinion your comments are way over the top. He's had a really great first season for us and showed immense potential and scored a bucket load of goals. He isn't too good for us, that's a bizarre statement to make. He owes us another three years on his contract that he signed last year so he does owe us something. We also were the team that took the gamble on him (you may say it wasn't a gamble but nobody else put a real challenge in to buy him over us). I think he's had a really great first season but like many that have come before him at our club and other clubs he needs to continue to do it at this level into the second season and then some big club can buy him. I can name a number of players that I feel were better than him at our club in prior years, different positions and consistent over a number of years so if we did lose him i'm sure over the next couple of years we would get somebody else of quality in the club.
  25. waiting for the heat map to show us
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