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Everything posted by nick76

  1. Ok taking only part of my words! Ok let me put it this way, aside from the money clubs, clubs that are successful are not clubs that change managers and have upheaval every year. You also can't say that Bruce is a bad manager, he has a resume that proves that he's consistently a good manager. He's having a bad time at Villa on and off but to be fair when was the last time we had a good manager. So if he's not a bad manager but having a bad time then unless the alternative is better, which the alternative options don't look great, then maybe give him a bit more time because he has proven consistently in the past he knows how to get teams promoted. Let's see what he does over the next few games and how the team reacts
  2. Problem is that when you read the alternatives on the other thread, how many of them would you said are right on paper. Reading them again I would say none hence why I'm sticking with Bruce. If there was a standout candidate then yes but there doesn't seem to be. Bruce was right a year ago on paper despite my misgivings, it's hasn't been great I admit and the Cardiff game was embarrassing but starting again with any on that list just looks crazy. Bruce has been promoted many times, he's an experienced manager and without a decent alternative I'd prefer to give it a little longer. I know I'm different in opinion to most but I'm sick of upheaval and constant change and seeing no difference. Clubs that are successful, outside the money clubs, are clubs that are settled. Not a reason on its own to keep Bruce, but the alternatives to him don't inspire me.
  3. Don't get me wrong I will be shocked if we manage to win the next two games. I thought this season we would be more solid at the back and then have improved slightly in attack. We've done neither so far and looked to have regressed. Now if there is no reaction he is doomed but surely even the players are embarrassed with that game, so maybe because of that we win despite of Bruce's tactics rather than because of Bruce's tactics.
  4. Well it was 7 in 23 during the summer and Tony didn't let him go, so it going to be more than 3 more games for his views to flip completely wouldn't you think?
  5. We got beat badly, no doubt! My argument though is that if we win the next two games it will be seen as a glitch, if we lose the next two games then more reflection on the Cardiff result. Just don't think Tony will pull the pin after yesterday, I just don't think it makes sense after two games if your summer decision was to keep and back Bruce.
  6. I'd be surprised if it happened before end of September
  7. I'm not arguing with you but if Tony didn't let Bruce go in the summer, he's not going to let Bruce go after two games or under your scenario of 2 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss is he?
  8. Not going to happen though, he didn't go in the summer so not likely to go so soon now especially after Tony let Bruce bring in his players this summer. He's not going to think of plan B after 2 league games, that's just what us over reacting football fans do not real life
  9. Even being poor we could just as easy win the next two games as lose them as while we are playing poorly somebody like hogan could nick a goal or two in a game and should've scored yesterday or Terry scores a goal from corner.
  10. I doubt it has turned Tony's head,he'll always have back up plans but I doubt he has considered it in the slightest yet. He will be disappointed with our start but like any plan and any business plan, you always expect hurdles and/or bad times, it's the reaction from the bad times that people like him look at not the bad time itself. If we react poorly he will look at his options but if we step up he'll just see it as a glitch.
  11. As per my post on the Bruce thread I'm staying with Bruce. Looking at that list makes my decision more justified. That list makes me very sad who the alternatives are. Reaffirms that while I'm not a happy Villa fan, I'm not going to over react after two league games and I'm sticking with Bruce. reasons 1) Bruce resume stands extremely well against any of those 2) starting again a few games into the season never makes sense. Either in the summer it should've happened but not now 3) these are Bruce's players, any new manager would have players that they don't want, would need to learn who the players are and would take time to blend into their view 4) given our history with managers, no guarantee that grass is greener, and any manager would do better and may do worse. 5) FFP with paying compensation for any manager and sidekicks, along with paying out Bruce and his team 6) time for a settled club rather than another upheaval.
  12. I give in. I'm in a world of hopelessness with Villa. i don't care now, Bruce has to stay....why you may ask? I'm sick of the Villa. We change owners, we change CEO, we constantly change managers, how many players have gone through our squad over the last six years yet I'm seeing the same thing over and over and over again. Poor play, conceding easy goals, lack of creativity and so few goals. Doesn't matter whose at Villa from top to bottom it doesn't change at game time. I love Tony.....Keith impresses me.....I'm sick of having the same conversation about our current manager, whoever it is, and saying the same thing. I'm sure the next manager we'll say the same things that are being said about Bruce. So I'm sticking my neck out and I'm staying with Bruce whatever happens over the coming months because I'm sick of change of personnel yet no change in game time. Never been fussed with Bruce especially with his links with blose before us. He's here and has very strong history of promotion so I'm putting my eggs in this basket and believe he can turn this around.
  13. One really bad game for him, that is all. Nothing to see here.
  14. Watching that first half, I had to remind myself Gabby was playing
  15. I think Ross would score more than Gabby in any type of team Gabbys only real contribution these days is a nuisance player for defenders not a goal scorer
  16. I think our problem is that we want our academy kids to come through the ranks and be stars in our first XI or at least really good first XI. We exaggerate their good points, say their bad points are due to youth or need more games when really 95% of the time they are just not going to do it at this level. Green is next off the rank of these kids into the first team and I hope he is part of the 5% like Cahill or Barry (even though we brought him) rather than the Moores or Fonz. The likely hood though he is part of the 95% that in a few years will be playing for lower leagues or out of football
  17. He is according to sky sports (edit: re play tomo)
  18. leaves Hourihane way down the list given Whelan and Lansbury been playing then Jedinak to come back and now this kid
  19. I'm surprised people put him in their first XI. He's a good kid with potential but for me he's still a second stringer. Try and continue to bed in this season with sub and cup appearances and 10-12 starts in the league maybe and hope his good traits improve, his weaknesses get ironed out and improve consistency. Not a locked in first XI for me, hopefully a couple of years if he continues to improve.
  20. One bad season doesn't make a career. He's proven before he has ability and scoring record. I appreciate maybe he goes on loan so we get others instead but allow me until the close of the transfer window before I reflect on that once other moves are made. I still think this is bonkers
  21. Well it's obvious isn't it, Pochettino only lets his youngsters go on loan to bigger Clubs than Spurs
  22. This is bonkers,!!! I've been reasonably happy with our summer business, we have a good squad. Loaning out a player that before last season every team in this league would bend over backwards to have gotten, banging in goals left, right and centre. One bad season, a few off the field issues and we are going to loan him to promotion rivals. If he clicks into form he could, along with other reasons why we don't get promoted if we end up not getting promoted. Selling him I'm fine with but loaning is bonkers
  23. Problem is these guys look poor because our service was rubbish
  24. Deal, can I keep Micah Richards though? An inspiration to us all. Sam in goal (Loan), Micah defends and Neymar the link between midfield and attack ie himself
  25. Well if we back down and let Bacuna go to Reading for 1.5m we can use that money plus another 194.5m and get Neymar!
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