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Everything posted by nick76

  1. Completely agree. I would go a step further. Our defence is currently extremely weak. Goalkeeper - love Steer for what he did for us but as Liverpool have shown, a keeper makes so much difference. Not comparing us to Liverpool just highlighting the differences good keeper makes. Left back - Taylor was weak in the championship and Hause isnt right for left back Right back - Guilbert, hopefully right plus Elmo Central backs - we need to spend for Ming’s plus another Just there is big outlay
  2. Think the same with Gomez, both us and West Ham have been linked with him....I’m guessing it’s just one of us
  3. Also A “big” club will bid for XXX Villa player. Villa fans laugh at the derisory amount. Opposition fans cry that player is not worth the bid amount and cry why they aren’t going for fancy named overseas player.
  4. To be honest I worry about a lot of our players being able to step up including one or two who people think are perfect for PL. Wont name names as I’ll be laughed at. What I’m certain of though is none of us knows and maybe some who we didn’t expect, do step up. I’ll just rely on Dean and the team to get it right. I hope Ming’s is one of the ones that steps up because I love his style of play.
  5. No issue with people wanting him back and I’m on board with that. I was just wondering from his point of view whether he’d want to come here. The discussion so far seems to have been between whether we want him assuming he’d come here if we did. I’m just thinking that maybe he’d not want to come or come to us anymore than any other PL team. obviously money makes the world go round.
  6. Would Cahill want to come? Yes we were his first big team but he’s from the Sheffield area, only got around 30 appearances for us and wasn’t given a fair chance with us. Yes arguably he’d come if we paid him a good wage but I assume his affiliation with the club is minimal, given when he left, how he left and almost nobody he knew is still here. Plus he isn’t a Villa fan. Happy if somebody tells me he feels different. If he comes I would’ve thought it’s because it’s the best deal he can get.
  7. Do hope we add some real quality to a few places. This essentially was a great championship team but the step up is huge.
  8. I’d want the DM to be a brute as well. Do worry that we may get overrun against bigger/stronger teams through the middle.
  9. Just catching up on the last few pages and thought while we love Dean at the moment it’s just going to happen that at some point in the future that we’ll be loathing him. Either he’ll leave for another club or results will go wrong and he’ll be hounded out of the club. I hope that won’t happen and he’ll have a “Alex Ferguson” type reign or if he moves to a bigger club or England he’ll be loved like Taylor was when he left. Likelihood is that he will be hounded out given modern football. i love what we have now and the hope for next season
  10. I would look at a case by case basis re over 30s on big wages. Generally no but there are gems out there that would make a difference as John Terry did for us last season. Like with all players that come in, I’m not going to generalise but on a case by case basis assess each of them. I don’t think age or what league they come from are the deciding factors for me but what they can bring to the team and do they fit how Dean wants to play.
  11. nick76

    Keinan Davis

    I think Dean would let him go in the summer, Davis is limited. Great strength and holding up but lacks a goal scoring instinct. I don’t think he’ll fit in with Dean’s system or is good enough for what we need upfront. Back up or throw on to lob balls up front but never (for me) a regular starter.
  12. How bizarre current reality is in the world......already the question of how much time DS has, he's been here give or take two weeks!!!
  13. But all players of his type get fouled or over marked but in the past he's been able to get past them or still create something but this season he hasn't. I agree with Lapal but with a slight alteration....Lapal says he cant do it on his own, which I very much agree with but I would also contend that he hasnt done his part either this season. I've been unfair to be so hard on Grealish but he is one i look to to drive our chances moving forwards. Yes other players need to help, move and create space or take advantage of space when 2 or 3 players go after Jack but when Jack does have the ball I dont think he has been as effective as either his ability or his past performances have shown. I believe it is a blip, I am hopeful that Dean improves things and not only Jack but all players improve. We are not a one man team but also we do look to Jack as a player that can make a difference.
  14. Just disappointing, controlled the game initially and then let it slip. I'm not even angry because even when we score I feel we are bound to let it slip..........never ending cycle of being a Villa fan. Hope I have now lies with Dean and what him and his team can do......
  15. Another poor performance from Grealish for me. He's not a scapegoat as some have mentioned and yes he did win a lot of freekicks but he's not dangerous, he's not doing what he did last season and a bit of a luxury at the moment. Jack is one of the best players in the league but certainly hasnt shown it this season. Yes he shouldnt have to carry the team on his back, yes the way Villa are playing is not his fault but he's not helping matters. He is one of our best players, one of our key players and if he is one of the best players in the league then he should have more influence than others in the team and should aid in making others players look better than they are. At the moment he wins freekicks and slows the pace of the team down when in attacking possession. When on form that is excellent, when he is low on form that is insufficient........we need Jack back!!!
  16. Yeah I'm not inclined to believe that Terry was forced on him. Naturally I dont think anybody would do that especially a board. I'm assuming there were discussions and Smith was happy with it and maybe wanted it if it was on offer.........it would be slightly bizarre if it was anything else especially being forced on him as neither Smith would be happy with that and/or Terry would not be happy with a Head Coach that doesnt really want him. Neither had to come to Villa so I'm assuming they are happy with the arrangement.
  17. It's so weird how football is............worst case scenario is that Villa are one of the top 25 clubs in the country (we'll obviously argue better but this is worst case scenario based on being outside the PL). In any other industry/profession would you ever hear an inexperienced person getting one of the top 25 positions in the country. You have people in more junior roles and even a bit of nepotism but at least generally they have had some close experience. In football you are good at one thing so you get a chance of something with a completely different skill set, so easily. Henry is one of the PL greatest but almost zero proof of his management experience. On the same topic though the same failure names of managers that have worked at multiple clubs generally achieving mediocrity , yet still get offered jobs at other clubs time and time again. Picking a manager is just pot luck
  18. Disappointed that Salifou hasnt been listed in the names being considered, surely that footballing brain would be perfect for management..........
  19. Agree with others, glad Jack stayed, chuffed he got a bigger contract and deserves it. He hasn’t been good this season so I hope this settles him, he can now focus and perform for us now as we need him at his best.
  20. Needs to be more confident and dominate the defence
  21. nick76

    John Terry

    He needs him.....we also need him. Defensive frailty leads to mental frailty throughout the team. Defenders worry about conceding goals every opportunity and attackers put extra pressure on themselves that one goal probably won’t be enough because of having the mentality that we are likely to concede during a game. Having Terry there will disminish some of that fear and allow players to relax and play. It’s a mental game because even if Terry was poor playing wise his reputation, experience and captains ability breeds confidence.
  22. The kid did ok today. If Terry comes in I will be delighted but if not the Axel has attributes to be a good player just a shame we are going to have to live (and die) through his mistakes during that maturing process. I would feel more comfortable with a presence behind him but so far Nyland isn’t that, that combination may bring us unstuck but we don’t have any other options. Best of a bad/average situation.
  23. I’m still 51%/49% in favouring of keeping Bruce but he needs to tweak this constant fear tactics.....Tammy, Kodj, Jack, McGinn, Bolasie should run rampant in this league, let them free
  24. I liked that he “sulked”, although I thought it was frustration than sulking....he’s eager and I liked the link up with kodjia when he came on. We have to stop this one upfront business, play these guys together.
  25. I dont think it is a choice. I'd love JT back but even if I wasnt a big fan, looking at our defence and our options there then this is a no brainer. Get him back here otherwise we are going to be definitely shipping goals all season with the defensive players we have. At least with him we may have a chance of that not being the case even if he's only half fit for a month. A half fit JT is better than what we have at the moment.
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