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Everything posted by nick76

  1. What about Jota inside especially how well he’s linking with Jack DM Trez Jota Grealish AGE Wesley Or we need more DM DM DM Jota Grealish Trezeguet/AGE Wesley
  2. I just can’t see Luiz and Marvellous coming as back up and jack is a certain starter
  3. Question: is McGinn going to now struggle to get into the team?
  4. but what is the alternative? it's not writing him off as a player generally but currently as a Villa player. With El Ghazi, Trez, Jota, RHM and even Kodja in that role then Green is well down the pecking order and that's no good to him. He has talent but not what we need at the moment so we can send him out on loan and another year goes by or we can sell him. We could regret selling him like we did Cahill but there are ten's of players that we havent regretted selling. We can only have a certain size squad and while we are splashing the cash at the moment, holding onto playing that is unlikely to play when we have a full compliment of players at the end of the transfer window it seems unfair to hold onto him. We should sell with a buy back clause like what seems to be happening with Luiz. Seems a good middle ground to me.
  5. I agree, only a few games in but I love watching him and how he links up with Jack and then the pass for Wes last night. If he can do it in the PL then we have a players
  6. Assuming Douglas happens, yeah I think GK and Striker are left to do. Really think we need both.
  7. Ciaran Clark - Now Newcastle defender
  8. If we’ve bid for him we must think we have a chance of signing him.
  9. I know but we need more than chip in. Jack and McGinn scored 6 each and Anwar 4, if I’m correct, last season in a poorer league. Let’s say Wes scores 12-15 goals in his first season, which would be incredible, we need some of the guys you mention scoring closer to 10 goals each otherwise we won’t have enough goals to keep us up.
  10. I hope so. I wrote a month or so ago about DS team looks like a Liverpool system around not a main striker but an attacking, agile front line with players that aren’t traditional strikers. I do look at the players we have or having and just worry who is going to shoot as most of these guys look at somebody to pass to.
  11. I love all these tricky players we have, going to sign and linked with. I’m still concerned who the heck is going to put the ball in the net. Our depth in that area is weak.
  12. Still think GK is a key position to be filled
  13. Well what if people do use us as a stepping stone?! Almost all the players would jump ship if a bigger club came in and offered a bigger stage and more money. There are very few that would stay ie Jack. Most of these players don’t come from The Villa area, aren’t Villa fans and we don’t live in a hot, scenic city that is the envy for the world. i’d rather see a player who saw us as a stepping stone rather their last fat contract. This means they are likely better than what we have, have to stay with us for a couple of years and are going to have to perform exceptionally to get the next club. All to our advantage. yes I would love players that are completely loyal to Villa as we are but it’s not realistic. Getting in young, hungry, quality players in is the right way and yes they’ll leave us at the first chance they can. Up to Villa to become a massive team again to match their desires.
  14. Sighs when he was making mistakes. An example - Think he tracked back nicely at one point, got the ball off the opposition and then gave it away straight away
  15. I’m not disputing Hogan is poor but I’m saying we don’t have many options. Davis came back from injury during the season so was unlikely to go out on loan because we didn’t know how good he could be and Kodja was our only other recognised striker. I’m not a Hogan fan by any stretch of the imagination and I hope he’s sold. What I am saying is just like last season, after our number one striker (Tammy now Wes) we have very poor options. I don’t see Davis getting much game time and really needs that at 21 and after a long injury and we need to see if he can be a Striker who scores goals....has to go on loan Kodja has not been the same since injury although sounds like he had a good AFCON Hogan is getting preseason game time under DS so is considered an option I would think. For me, we need another striker full stop
  16. I still think Davis will go out on loan. I actually still think we’ll buy another striker.
  17. Your fourth choice or has DS said that?
  18. A lot of people dissing him and yes I’m not convinced by him but reality suggests that if we don’t buy another striker and it’s unlikely we’ll offload him, he’s going to be one of our subs for striker next season. Davis doesn’t score goals, Kodja used to be good but not recently (although seems to have a good afcon) so if something happened to Wes or as a sub to Wes, we are short of options so Hogan comes into play. classing RHM as a left or right forward based on watching him ie El Ghazi type role
  19. Yeah I know, it was just my opinion. It’s also why I’ve never been offered the Villa job
  20. Davis is the best player?!?!.....I just don’t see it and among that group I’m surprised. Davis for me is the worst out of them, including Hogan.
  21. Wow, I thought totally different....before preseason started I thought Chester was done playing for Villa but so far after 2 games Chester, for me, is our 2nd CB behind Ming’s and looked solid. The others are the future but so far Ming’s and Chester would start against Spurs.
  22. Just got back from the game. My thoughts below before I’ve read other people’s opinion, which’ll Do straight afterwards to see how I differ from others. Need a new GK without doubt. We are going to have to be really careful playing out from the back, we seem to get ourselves into trouble and we aren’t Barca. Targett I think will be good i think Chester looks good and should start with Mings Conor looked good, Thor wasn’t. Jack was just Jack, going to be pivotal this season, great talent. Davis is never going to be PL quality. Can hold the ball up ok but as a striker just doesn’t look good enough. Wes I’m excited about, still only glimpses but something to be optimistic about. Not convinced still by Green Overall still stands out we need a quality GK, DM, Winger and Striker. Looks like we’ll be signing two of them in the next few days, hopefully we are looking for the other two.
  23. I want to us to be nowhere near Sturridge. He can have a free ticket to see a game but no thanks to anything more. If we are going to waste wages I’d rather we got somebody that was beneficial to the team like Terry was for us.
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