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Posts posted by Hev

  1. I saw this on another forum - I'm not sure where it came from so apologies for not posting links/sources but it is apparently an interview with Martin Laursen and our predicament (can't see it posted anywhere on VT)


    Our next game is a big derby with West Brom - and the thing that stands out for me is the fact that this is the perfect game to start our revival.

    It would send out the right signals in the fight to stay up if they can win the derby. I believe this strongly.

    It would be absolutely perfect to change the situation.

    Albion are doing well but this is the ideal game to start all over again and begin that fightback.

    I really enjoyed the big derby games. We did well against West Brom in my era. We had a good record.

    I remember the 2-1 win from 2008 when Gabby Agbonlahor and John Carew scored.

    It's great to win these matches. It's always three points for the club, the team and the players, but we know it means more for the fans.

    You can tell because of the atmosphere, it's more intense and special.

    You have to embrace that atmosphere in the derby, that's key. Our players on Saturday must not feel anxious and the pressure from the crowd.

    They must think about what the manager has said, what they need to do individually and just go out there and run their socks off and work their socks off.

    They must remember they need the three points for the table. It's such an important game.

    I will be following the game, no doubt.

    People outside Villa will see me as a former player and nothing more.

    But I can assure you, I am a fan of this football club.

    I spent five of the happiest years of my career in claret and blue and I still live and breathe the club now.

    So our struggles over the past few weeks have really hit me hard. I hate it when we're not winning games. At the moment I really feel sorry for the boys and for everyone around the club.

    I shout at the television screen, I scream - not as loudly as a Holte Ender, of course! But I get irritated when we lose and delighted when we win.

    I hope I'm delighted on Saturday night!

    After the Baggies match, it's the big Capital One Cup semi-final second leg against Bradford City.

    Villa can still get through, of course, despite the two-goal deficit. It's still very possible.

    We need to win the battles all over the pitch. Every player must win their individual battle.

    Against these teams, you need to win the battle first and then you can show your Premier League class.

    We must be stronger all over the pitch on Tuesday.

    A good start - one or two goals in the first half - would be fantastic. That would get the fans onside and get Villa Park rocking.

    Playing a fantastic game and getting to a final would create a good atmosphere at the club too and lift the young players.

    It will give them confidence, which can push them on with the league programme too.

    Trust me, playing in a final is a massive, massive thing!

    I read the comments of the manager last week that he wants a strong, physical defender in the transfer window. I agree with him.

    I think a solid defensive addition could make a massive difference!

    I know I'll never play again. But when I heard the manager's comments, it really made me want to lace up my boots again. That's for sure.

    I'd give anything to be out there playing for Villa again and helping them. But I cannot do that. I can think about it. I have drifted back in time before. Unfortunately know it won't happen.

    The manager is astute. He's a proper football man and knows how things are and how things work.

    Ron Vlaar has been a big miss for the team. I rate Ron highly. He's a top-quality defender. He's a big player and he's been a big miss.

    He's a solid defender and he has experience too.

    He has been in the Dutch national team and that's a quality side. He's strong, powerful and quick - those are the attributes you need in the Premier League, especially power, which he has in abundance.

    He brings that physicality to things. He has a good character too. He's a good lad in and around the training ground.

    I hear he trains very hard too. He's clearly a top professional. The more people you can have like that around your football club, the better.

    But we must also not put too much pressure on his shoulders either. It's his first season in the Premier League and he's also been named team skipper. It's not an easy transition in your first year of English top-flight football.

    That's why I would like to see another strong, solid, powerful player in the ranks, alongside the likes of Ron, Ciaran, Nathan and Chris.

    I have confidence the manager will get the right man!

  2. Villa and Loyal - I presume your statement about silly comments about refunds is directed at me? I have never commented like that berfore and of course I don't expect a refund. It was a kneejerk reaction borne of a feeling that the players couldn't care less. I know you blokes think nothing of being short with and arguing with each other but us women take it to heart! I don't thnk I need to "give my head a wobble" it was a genuine emotion. I've been to every away game except two so I've seen plenty of inept performances this season (including Chelsea) but I'm just getting fed up of us becoming a laughing stock. Now I shall just slink off and cry that you think I'm stupid ! :blush:

  3. I'm just disgusted. I wasted half a day's precious holiday from work , plus ticket and petrol , getting home at nearly 1.00 a.m. for that! We should all be refunded our costs - out of the players' own pockets. For me, every one of them was absolutely useless - except Andi Weimann who at least put the ball in the net. Can't see us turning it round at home. Oh well, at least I won't need to fork out more money that I can't afford only to be embarrasssed again at Wembley. Sick of being a laughing stock in the national media. Second leg also live on Sky

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  4. to be honest Julie, no its not. I for one enjoy your posts please keep posting as this place is a lot duller without.

    Just how I feel too Julie, Please don't be driven away again like last Transfer window. I love to read the ITK posts and all the speculation. I miss TT, Mystery Man and Gazton's posts too.

  5. DSotM was the the album that put me off the Floyd, loved them up until then, but didn't much like anything they did after Meddle. I particularly dislike The Wall.

    Oh No - Mike :( , I guess our musical tastes have to vary sometimes! I agreed with you about Queen albums after Night at the Opera yesterday but I love DSOTM and I love The Wall too - although I admit that parts of The Wall are a bit weird - but Comfortably Numb is a classic to me. As for the Beatles, I quite like "With the Beatles" but Help and Rubber Soul have to be my favourites of theirs. Oh well, we can't have all our musical tastes matching, can we.

  6. Saw on another site that Stan has said how he watches games and gets down to the club as often as docs allow him and how he still gets emotional at the 19th minute thing - he says he loves the fans and everything about the club

  7. Just before their first goal, the precedent was set when Brad made a save and CLEARLY kept the ball in, within his hands - the lino (whose vision was surely obscured by Brad's body) however decided it was a Corner to MCFC. Whilst they didn't score directly from that Corner, I think it was the next move after that from which they got their first. Totally outrageous.

  8. Yep, Manc Fans and Glory Hunters in Upper Witton too . The steward there said that the problem was that tickets for the game had been on General Sale all week. Still, it WAS good to have a near full ground - just wish it was all Villa fans

  9. Weird because exactly the same thing in the Ladies loo at Upper Witton! No soap in dispenser before Norwich and again none before Man U ! Not good Also, when are they ever going to get the PA system working properly in Upper Witton - can't hear announcements, music anything properly. Finally, what had happned to the clock above the Corner Flag restaurant on Saturday (strange how I missed it to see the time!) Minor gripes I know though

  10. Yes, I try to write or forward an e mail and some new screen comes up - and I just seemed to have sent a blank message! I will see if I can disable the new composer. I thought G Mail was fine before - don't know why they had to change it - progress I suppose.

    Thanks though

  11. What on earth has happened to G Mail? They seem to have changed it all to make it simpler but , guess what, it's totally unusable to me now! Anyone recommend a good alternative? I did have a perfectly good hotmail account untll someone hacked in to it - hence the reason I set up G Mail - I still have an AOL but I tend to use that just for circular e mails.

    Any ideas of a good, easy to use, easy to download attachments alternative?


  12. AAh don't forget (at least according to the media) he was horribly stripped of the captaincy by Paul Lambert - what the media are omitting to say is that he only had the captaincy for about four games in the first place - and PL obviously realised he's made an error in choosing him - he was NEVER captain material. :wacko:

  13. Bottom three by Christmas - maybe bottom even - bottom team at christmas has only ever survived once. I wonder if people are more disappointed this season than the previous two because they had much higher hopes this season? That's certainly it with me , I mean Houllier and then McLeish YUK at least with Lambo I was full of hope in August that this season would see us back in our supposedly rightful place in top half but it's certainly not working out that way. I think with the previous two managers, we were so disillusioned at their appointments anyway that we expected nothing more. ? I am increasingly disillusioned with Villa, Randy, and the Premier League in general.

  14. Growing increasingly disillusioned with EVERYTHING at Villa. I think we are already in a relegation scrap. I can see us being in bottom three by Christmas - even bottom - and the team on the bottom at Christmas has only ever survived once (Baggies) . Cup run - yes but we may be in danger of doing what happened with Blooz? It's alright people saying we are better than last season, playing better etc but we are getting no wins. Thoroughly fed up. Three seasons running now. I used to love away days too but we did used to have half a chance of winning sometimes at least then. Oh well, Swindon on Tues - not even sure we will win that! What really annoys too is that it looks, sadly, like all the media (who are loving us being so crap) are going to be proven correct. C'mon, let's get it together and ram their words right down their stupid throats. Finally, what on earth was that run out tune yesterday? I thought we had settled on Paranoid now? :(:blush::o

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