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Posts posted by Hev

  1. Got to agree with most of the comments on here.    I will renew but I am falling out of love with football in general .   This is partly down to stupid kick off times, ridiculous amounts of money paid to players, Sky and Media in general's obsession with the "big six" but mostly down to how very crap Villa are - particularly at home.   I think, if things picked up at Villa, I would have more general interest in football again. I rarely watch MOTD now - only when Villa have actually won or drawn.   All of the people that sat by me when I first got a season ticket 12 years ago (except 1) have now quit for one reason or another and the one that hasn't quit has moved to Holte End - so I go on my own anyway - however, I have made new friends with the people that sit by me now so I do like to go to see them . One of them is probably not going to renew next season.     It is just the complete lack of hope that surrounds us now.   I remember when it was exciting going to Villa, I used to really look forward to it, now it's just a chore really and when the weather is so awful I even consider not going (I do go but I would never have considered that a few years ago). 


    I prefer away games too - however, for financial and other reasons, I haven't done so many this season - after being a virtual away ever present for eight years or so - I have found that, working full time, I actually enjoy having a day at home and whereas in the past I hated non-football weekends, I now look forward to Villa not spoiling the weekend .


    However, I will renew next season - but if things don't improve and some hope doesn't return, I will seriously consider whether to bother the season after!   I think it's the fact that this is four seasons now we have been in this awful situation with no sign of anything getting better.   I was so happy when Randy took over but now I just feel completely despondent about it all. :(

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  2. I was actually going to this game - right up until 6.00 a.m. this morning, when I got a call from my mum who was poorly - I managed to get home in time to watch the game - so predictable.   We are so poor.  Yet another team on a bad run ends it against us.   Tell you what, I am glad I didn't go - I don't even feel bothered that I wasted the ticket money.  I feel sorry for the poor folk who now have a really long trip home after watching that crap. We are in a relegation battle for sure.

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    I wasn't so impressed with this chant at first but, having sat in the Chelsea West Stand last night, listening to nearly 90 minutes of "I don't care about Chelsea, They don't care about me, All I care about is AVFC", I went home with it as a total earworm and was hard put not to start humming/singing it out loud amongst the carriage full of homeward bound Chelsea fans on the tube. I'm still singing it.


    Certainly is an amazingly infectious song and the great thing about it is it is very easy to keep going throughout a match, to the intense irritation of the opposition fans. As I witnessed.  :)


    We need to stop singing this Blues song.


    I like this song too - who cares if it is a Blues song - we will make it ours - there's probably more than twice the amount of us to sing it - no-one will know we nicked it off them (if we did, all the better!)


    This season has been a huge disappointment given the promise we showed at the back end of last season.



    also incude the absolute elation after the first game of the season at Arsenal away - the singing and partying went on outside The Emirates for ages.  I really thought we were in for something good this season.  That's why this season feels such a complete and utter let down and I can't see it getting any better next season (assuming we manage to stay up of course!)

  5. It's so annoying for me. Season ticket holder and the only game I've missed this season was WBA due to work which has been pretty much the only decent game. Complete waste of 550quid to be honest.

    I am seriously debating whether to bother next season. It is just too depressing for words. Much as I love the club I am so sick of watching the crap we serve up at Villa Park.


    Same here.


    Been going since 1976 regularly and a few times here and there from 1969. Never have I felt so disillusioned as I do right now.

    The continual shite performances at home make me feel cheated of the money I spent on two season tickets.

    You have to be there, and PAY for it, to really be as fecked off as a lot of us are right now.


    Ha ha, anyone else just get the ad at the top of the page here with Monkey holding his mug of PG Tips

    No, some of us actually donate to keep the site going . ;-)


    I have donated in the past probably one of the first to do so - and I don't post very much - I will probs donate again in the future :wave:


    new song for the Holte....I'm a little teapot......


    I'd love us to do something ridiculous like this.  Would really mess with the opposition fans head.  Imagine the Holte in unison all leant to the side showing everyone there 'spout'.


    Unfortunately most fans just want to shout "****" and "word removed" all game or sing about Karen Brady's preference for multiple sex partners.


    That is so funny.  I actually laughed out load for real!  Please do it Holte End, please please.   It would be so funny.   :P  :clap:

  8. I am a bit surprised as I thought he had a girlfriend at Uni here in Brum at the time he played for us?  However, I remember a long time ago (when JPA and Hitz played for us) being at Bodymoor Heath waiting to get some autographs (the old training ground) - it was pouring with rain and the Hitz commented how devoted I must be to stand around in the pouring rain like that - I remember saying to my friends afterwards what a nice lad he was - concerned for my welfare.   I always liked HItz . Fair play to him.

  9. Anything's got to be better than that crappy "Right Here Right Now" that we have been coming out to lately.   Why have we got that - who chose it?   Other clubs have that.   We need our own identity. What happened to Paranoid?  At least that had some connection to us.  I really think we need to do something to ramp up the atmosphere pre-match.  Lots of other grounds really give it loads .  I know matters on the pitch are more important just now but I really think that if the pre-match atmosphere could be made better, it may carry through to the match and may inspire the players (you never know!!)

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  10. don't know about here until the Summer - if Lawro has his way, Arsenal should  "give Villa what they want for Benteke in January"  (according to today's Mirror) he goes on to say he will score loads with such a good supply as he will get from Arsenal and needn't worry about not getting games becuause Giroud will never play the whole season.  Blah Blah Yada Yada :angry: :angry: :rolleyes:

  11. Bit of an epiphany: I'm real tired of this shit now. We're such a nothing football club at the moment. Even as a fan it's hard to stay enthused by this nothingy shite. Is it ever gonna end??? When will we actually have ANY purpose????? We're just an extra playing 'Team 17' in the big budget production 'The Premier League'.

    This echoes my feelngs at the moment too - well said

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