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Posts posted by Mazrim

  1. Reo Coker is alright, not great. We could do better and Osbourne will be a better player when he's older anyway.

    Reo Coker is 22, wasn't he captain of wimbledon at osbournes age? he has also been west ham capatain, osbourne can barely pass a ball straight.

    Reo Coker would be a great addition to the team but i'd imagine he'll be going to arsenal.

    I'm not interested in who did what and at what age. I am convinced that Osbourne will be a better player so we'll see.

    Hardly pass a ball straight? A little harsh I think.

  2. I was baying for us to sign Ashton when he was at Crewe.

    I dont think West Ham will be competing with the big boys in January and Curbishley is nowhere near the calibre of MON. Players will know that too.

    I agree that unless WHAM see certain players as a negative influence, they wont be selling any short of ridiculous offers. I cant see them selling Ashton to be honest. Not yet.

    Anyway, I'd only want Ashton from their team. Reo Coker is alright, not great. We could do better and Osbourne will be a better player when he's older anyway.

  3. Why would Charlton sell Bent?

    They could get £10 million for him and rubberstamp their relegation.

    They could keep him, give themselves a huge chance of survival and still sell him for about £10 million if they get relegated.

    Because they will be relegated as things stand even with Bent. The money from Bents sale could buy a few players who will make them a better team. A team that may survive.

    If they are relegated it will cost them £50m+. £10m is money they can use NOW to avoid the worst. Remember its particularly harsh for any team thats relegated this season. If you offered Charlton a choice to either sell their best player or go down, its not really a choice at all is it?

  4. In my opinion, who we get depends more on who is available rather than our budget. Obviously our funds are not limitless but I think we'll have more clout than most think.

    Its not that players arent available in January, you just have to make it worth the selling clubs while, whilst getting in early enough to allow them to get replacements. Or better still, offer them the replacements yourself.

    MON will know who he wants to go after and so will Randy. I'm confident MON will be backed with what he needs. There will also be loan deals to consider.

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