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Posts posted by Mazrim

  1. The PL itself is the greatest show on earth. Well, according to TV ratings anyway. Therefore more exposure and more sponsorship money.

    Being Dutch he wont have to adjust to a new culture or language as he already speaks english and the climate is very similar. He's still very close to home and so on.

    There are plenty of pro's.

  2. Out: Davis, McCann and Osbourne on loan.

    In: NRC and Sneijder.

    Young, Berger, Maloney, NRC, Petrov, Sneijder, Barry and Gardner fight over 4 and sometimes 5 places. In fact, there is still room for another winger there too.

    38 league games. Possibly 20 odd cup games. They will all play and with bad luck even be stretched to cope.

    Players like to be rested now and then. Its not an insult. It prolongs their careers.

  3. Each team has there deluded fans, as we saw with that West Ham fan the other day, but there is not a big enough gap between us, Newcastle and West Ham, to think we should have some divine right to sign the likes of Barton if we want him.

    Nobody is claiming any such thing Sam.

    Debunking shit newspaper talk that is usually weighted against unfashionable Villa isnt the same thing.

    And Young took advice from Boothroyd, its true but his mind was made up for several reasons.

    1- He REALLY liked what Villa said to him

    2- He already had friends at the club from the U21's.

  4. Name one player of note we have been beaten to recently? And I dont mean crap that some rag has spewed out but actual facts.

    The transfer I told you about, Ashley Young, for instance. Spurs and West Ham as well as a few others were interested and we won. Why? Take your pick of reasons. West Ham offered more money and Spurs offered European football but he still chose Villa. There's your precedent.

    Will all players choose us? No. No club could expect that. Not even Man Utd. So what?

    Also, I'm not aware of any player choosing the number of fans in the stadium as any incentive to join a club. Thats ridiculous. They do whats best for their careers and families and thats it.

  5. You lot make me laugh at times. Some cack article comes out belittling Villa again who couldnt possibly compete with Newcastle and West Ham and you swallow it up with relish.

    We will get our targets or as near as damn it and ONLY those in the know know who they are.

    West Ham have so far signed NOBODY despite being linked to every single player going. Reports say they've got Parker well so what?

    They spunked money away in January because they were desperate and they are still desperate. Newcastle have a shambles of a squad to sort out. Whose position do you want to be in? No doubt in my mind.

  6. I think its pointless arguing over the definition of 'Star' or 'Quality' players. The General could well have meant 'Star' or even 'World Class' players for all we know. You'd have to know The Generals definition of quality.

    The best way to judge will be to see who we have after the window closes.

    For what its worth, if we are after Koumas (and I'm not 100% convinced we are) he would be a squad player to make numbers and compete like everybody else. I wouldnt rate him as good as Barry, Petrov or Gardner but a useful player to have, certainly. Never a PL centre mid though. As part of a three man central trio or a wide player maybe.

    I really dont think we'll be trumped too often for our main targets and I trust MON to have already chosen our targets a good while ago and that they will be excellent targets. He'll want to have time with his team complete for pre season after last seasons impromptu baptism.

  7. We'll need another forward without letting anybody go.

    Luke started the season and played very well. Then he gets a serious injury and MON didnt rush him back. Thats all. When he did get a couple of chances, he buried them, thus proving he is a very useful weapon.

    We dont need money and we would need to spend 8-10m to replace him so its pointless. A loan deal at worst case and thats if we get TWO strikers in.

    No, Luke will be very much in MONs plans next season.

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