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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. Hang on a minute, it's been quoted so it looks like I said that. Singing or signing, I didn't say that, it's not a coup, hardly anyone else was interested. Isco on the other hand would be wanted by almost every major club in Europe.
  2. Are you really equating Bojan's current position to Isco's? We are more likely to sign Harry Potter or Rumpelstiltskin than Isco.
  3. No matter how much Dana tried to deny it in the post fight interview Id say he will be fast tracked. Poirier or Guida for me, with my money on the later. Guida is fighting this weekend so 178 might be to soon if he has a hard fight. They also wouldn't want to risk him doing what he did to Pettis and killing their latest hype train.
  4. Between the last two UFC cards, the Dana-Saku video, the Rickson JRE and Brown-Lawler this weekend it's been a pretty **** swell few weeks.
  5. Ochoa put in one of the greatest keeping performances I've ever seen live against PSG last season. It was **** ridiculous. He was underrated pre World Cup IMO and will go to a CL club this Summer. I agree with sasquatch that catching crosses in a crowded box separates the men from the boys nowadays.
  6. Although it's not the club's absolute low point, even if it was then that's not how low points work. It can always get worse. Thought I'd lighten the mood.
  7. Really solid might be a stretch (although I suppose it's all relative) but I'd definitely pick the Fabianski I watched last season over post-surgery Vorm.
  8. Lloris isn't that good at dealing with crosses or corners. Neither is Vorm though and Lloris is far better at everything else.
  9. He looked shaky at best after his knee surgery and Fabianski just arrived at Swansea to take his spot IMO. His choice was between the Swansea bench with a few cup games or the Spurs bench with double the salary and Europa League games as well.
  10. I think McGregor's CV is still a little bit bare to be a legitimate top 10 FW, but everyone loves him so you can't blame them for adding to his hype. Anyway, he and Poirier have basically organised a fight themselves (whether or not it was under instruction from Joe Silva is debatable) and it looks like it'll be at UFC 178. Looks like they want to test him. PS - The Rickson JRE is brilliant. I'm listening to it again today.
  11. So are we signing Isco today or not?
  12. A loan move for Isco is stupid. We should just buy him outright.
  13. Ronaldo, Bale & James (around €265M) cost Real Madrid more than Ajax have spent (€232M) on transfers since their founding in 1900.
  14. It's when people suggest we bid for players who are 1. far too good for villa 2. on too high wages to come to villa 3. would have no interest in coming to villa. Usually these players are also brilliant on youtube/football manager. It's a bid put in with the hope that the other manager's mouse slips and he accidentally clicks "accept" instead of "reject".
  15. Sounds incontrovertible. Any news on his number, I'll get my shirt printed today.
  16. Hopefully he brings the Anjo tape with him.
  17. I'd agree that other clubs' fans who only have MOTD to go by might see him as that, since SSN have started using the clip of him scorching Hazard I've already been informed how fast he is by two different Man U fans. In contrast to them, I would assume the people in charge of spending 8 figure sums (except at QPR) would have done enough research to know a bid of £5m would be a waste of everyone's time. When was the last time any PL club sold a first team player to another close in size for £5m? Much less their captain and best defender, just coming into his prime and in the best form of his career.
  18. We don't need many clubs to pay, just one. Most transfers that happen don't have loads of clubs offering the same fee. What about Fellaini? And Nani and Anderson? United pay over the odds all the time. We're not talking about Vlaar being worth £40m. You said he's "far from" even being worth £10m on the market. How far exactly? Is he worth £5m? £3m?
  19. I don't know what market you're referring to but the one I'm thinking of Phil Jones was £20m, Smalling was £12m, Lovren is £20m and Luiz is £42m. If united are interested it will cost them a United sized fee.
  20. I agree completely. If he asks to leave then I'd want £15m+. It's not like they don't have the cash.
  21. The second point you make here is actually valid & on point. Myself am a competing powerlifter & I spend an awful lot of time on mobility work, movement patterns ect. I see some of these players as an eg almost laying flat when they drive, how on earth is that supporting the spine,hips ect Arsenal recently had Kelly Starrett over from USA working with coaches & players on movement patterns, corrective work & the like. If you cannot even walk correctly how can you do support the system in sporting situations. You can be totally unlucky & just have a randomly injury but the body will only go through so many cycles in a compromised position. Maybe a weeks, months, years but eventually the body will break down. I'll use the heel cord as an eg as recently I help a local footballer. He tore his heel core, I mean to do that is unreal. An example being they're strong enough to hang a small car from. On watching this guy even walk it was wrong. Apologise for the long post, this is a topic close to my heart. Good post. You see so many footballers with bad movement mechanics. The amount that run and jump duck footed is ridiculous.
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