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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. Have they got the 3rd team modelling the 3rd kit?
  2. Silva Diaz in January. Hooray.
  3. He added: "At the moment I am having a holiday and visiting my parents. I am enjoying my time with family and my two sons. "On Saturday, Aston Villa will play against Groningen. I have an agreement to report over there and I will attend the game in the stadium. "I won't play. I haven't done anything in the previous weeks except jumping with my children on the trampoline." So he'll be at the game (August 2nd) but he won't be playing.
  4. He would have thrived in any era IMHO. Here's the highlights of the last two years of the career of Ronaldinho 'Absolute Waste of Space' Gaucho. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1DrXiuID-4
  5. Wenger said his WC semifinalists are entitled to 4 weeks but RVP has said he's only having 3 weeks off. Hopefully Vlaar comes back on the 4th.
  6. He beat Neymar to player of the year last year. You seem to think we'd be getting the performance you'd seen in the at the end of his off season at Wembley. If you'd actually watched him play in any competitive games you'd know he was currently MILES better than Joe Cole in every way. If you really think he was an "absolute waste of space" except for "2 or 3 easons" then I don't think we're talking about the same guy.
  7. Yeah well finished at Milan. His last season there (the one where he scored 15 goals and got 19 assists) was an unmitigated disaster. I've watched hours of Ronaldinho playing, even in the last few seasons. He's an all time great. His last season was 10/11 when they paid him to **** off back to Brazil. HIs indian summer, well yeah, fair play. He was player of the season in Brazil in 2012 and lead Atletico to the Copa Libertadores LAST YEAR for **** sake. His "indian summer" is still going it seems. Edit - He was 2013 South American Footballer of the Year, beating Neymar into second place.
  8. Yeah well finished at Milan. His last season there (the one where he scored 15 goals and got 19 assists) was an unmitigated disaster. I've watched hours of Ronaldinho playing, even in the last few seasons. He's an all time great.
  9. I don't think that's the idea. Heart of England is a tagline like theatre of dreams or mes que un club.
  10. His unwanted Small Heathen step sister Stin.
  11. He's 18 months older than Joe Cole (and less injury prone) and he was only on about £25k/week at Atletico.
  12. Are you kidding me? I'd love someone to waste some of our space like he did from 2002 to 2012. Even now he'd be incredible.
  13. Yeah I've got Lamela in the hope he gets back on track too. Also, if Arse don't sign another striker Alexis will probably play down the middle and he'll be this season's Suarez.
  14. Ronaldinho is leaving Atletico Mineiro and plans to announce where he's going on Wednesday. Please Villa, make me happy, just this once.
  15. Vlaar and KEA for me. I've had to go uber cheap to get good players in this season. Everyone seems so expensive. None of that high point scoring like Coleman Koscielny Azpilicueta Hazard Ramsey Yaya Eriksen Suarez Sturridge Aguero this time around I don't think.
  16. Lallana, Lambert, Lovren, Shaw, Chambers, Schneiderlin, Rodriguez. That's 7 by my count.
  17. You want us to sign Dave Kitson?!
  18. I thought it was the guy they took from Citeh that was in charge of their signings.
  19. Yeah anyone who briefly considers the appearance of another guy is a raging homo amirite? > Has naked Hasselhoff as avatar. > Calls everyone else gay.
  20. That's a valid point but there comes a point where I can't bear to read the same cobblers off the same guy over and over again. One of them posted the SAME EXACT SENTENCE about 30 frigging times. There are people who have opposing views on a lot of On Topic threads but they put them across well and don't just repetitively make the same misguided point over and over. You lot have more patience than I do evidently.
  21. I think that might be my problem. I suppose it shouldn't be surprised, I would happily put an ignore sledgehammer to good use every home game.
  22. I've currently got 4 people, one of them I click the view it anyway if I fancy a laugh, the other 3 I find myself disagreeing with every single post to the point where it's not worth even reading them.
  23. Seriously though, you don't have anyone on your list. Not even that one guy?
  24. Oooh, what if he never answers your question? You've bloody quoted it now I've got no choice, rabble, rabble.
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