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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. I agree that it's mentally that Tonev is failing. He has a good first touch, good at dribbling, two footed (he even takes set pieces with both feet) and has seemingly scored some absolute scorchers before he joined. Despite all that though, he seems to be a terrible decision maker. Whether it's self inflicted pressure to impress or a loss of confidence is difficult to tell but he needs to work with a psychologist IMO.
  2. From Zlatan's Facebook: The day Olof Mellberg decided to quit the national team it was a great loss to Swedish football and the team. But to me personally it was an even greater loss. When I had him on the team I never had to look back because I knew he was behind me and I could concentrate on what was going on up ahead. Olof was the person that trigged and challenged me. This drove me to want to do more on the pitch. Olof had a winner mentality like no other. He simply refused to lose, not only in football but in practically everything. And when he did lose, which rarely happened, he refused to admit it. I think this mentality was what took him a long way in his carreer. I’ve been doubly lucky when it comes to Olof. Firstly because I got to play with him, and secondly because I got know the person Olof Mellberg, not only the player. If Olof in my opinion is the best Swedish defender of all times, I think the person Olof is even better. It is sad that Olof now chooses to end his career because I’m sure he has much more to give. I wish Olof Mellberg and his family all happiness and love in the future. Thank you my friend. Zlatan Ibrahimovic
  3. When Benteke rescinded his transfer request and signed a contract extension? I'd say you need a new optician if he's using subjective events such as examples of man management to check your eyes.
  4. I've just spent the past 10 minutes searching for news on what this previously said. Y U DO DIS?
  5. I disagree with this. It's possible for him to not sign a new deal and still play for us this season without any damage to his relationship with the club IMO. I think this may be the route of our disagreement. Personally, I would prefer him to play this season, even if it risked losing him for nothing next Summer if he decided not to sign a new contract for the whole of the season. With our current ownership debacle I'd be much more confident of him being replaced under a new regime next summer (or given an acceptable contract during the season) than I would be of him being replaced in the next month. Also, if he stays now hopefully by next season Okore will have become an established PL player and we won't be so unbearably shit without Vlaar.
  6. Really? "I understand Aston Villa absolutely don't want to let me go... I haven't even thought about a possible transfer... I will meet my agent and discuss the various options." -- Vlaar That doesn't sound like someone who's desperate to leave to me. He's obviously not set against a transfer and his position is open to change but compare that to Lovren: "Liverpool sent a 20 million offer and they [southampton] paid nine million for me, so they would've earned twice the amount. At this point, I don't know what I'll do and I don't like it. Frankly, my head is already at Liverpool. Liverpool sent the offer and the club haven't informed me, I found out about the bid from other people which disappointed me I realised I've got no business staying at Southampton." If Vlaar started saying shit like that THEN I'd be worried.
  7. He also handed in a formal written transfer request don't forget If Vlaar does that it's a completely different scenario but accepting <£10m for him now is effectively pulling our own pants down. But a transfer-request pushes the fee down if anything. The point I was trying to make was that if Vlaar were 24 and had a few years remaining on his deal then we'd have a platform to push for a similar fee. He doesn't though and thus the Lovren transfer shouldn't be pushed as some sort of benchmark. Also, as I keep saying, there won't be any firm stance over the asking price unless we are prepared to accept the possibility of losing him for nothing next season and I have severe doubts that Lerner would allow for that. Well obviously the TR pushes the fee down, it pushed the Lovren fee DOWN TO £20m. The point is that without the TR Lovren would have been WAY MORE THAN TWENTY MILLION **** POUNDS. Lovren is fine to use as a benchmark if all variables are taken in to consideration. He's 4 years younger (He's 25) with a longer contract BUT crucially he handed in a transfer request. He desperately wanted to leave and made that very clear in the media. If Vlaar did that then we could start thinking about selling but if after his discussions he's happy to stay we would be absolutely **** mental to sell him for 7 figures.
  8. He also handed in a formal written transfer request don't forget If Vlaar does that it's a completely different scenario but accepting <£10m for him now is effectively pulling our own pants down.
  9. That's not the impression i got from my Albion supporting mates regarding him not being in the squad. He spent a lot of time not even being good enough for Albion's bench: CLICKY "I can only pick 18 players for the squad. Only 11 can play. I choose the best players. We need players with a positive attitude and a strong attitude right now." -- Pepe Mel when asked why Sinclair was omitted.
  10. Those three aren't the benchmark for his replacement unless we're happy with going backwards. If Okore can't come back from a season out injured and fill the Vlaar sized hole that would be left or if we can't buy someone as good as him who will hit the ground running then we'll be doing well to match the last two (very poor) seasons defensively. There isn't a lot of room for backwards movement between what we've been doing and relegation unfortunately so selling him would have to be for a massive fee IMHO.
  11. I suppose they test the market by increasing the price for ink and the number of sales doesn't change so they keep doing it. I know people that are fully aware that buying a new printer is cheaper but buy ink instead to save themselves the (mostly imaginary) time and stress of installing a new printer.
  12. IIRC we did well for about 5 games where we went on a little unbeaten run and got a couple of wins but that was it. Every game since then where he's been absent we've lost almost every time. He missed 11 league games through injury in his first season here and 6 last season. Results without him: 12/13 Played 11 W2 D2 L7 Scored 8 Conceded 22 Clean Sheets 2 13/14 Played 6 W0 D1 L5 Scored 2 Conceded 11 Clean Sheets 0 Yeah...
  13. I think old religious people dying and kids growing up with internet access will more than counteract any Christian immigration.
  14. It works for me. For future reference: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/
  15. No chance, Southampton are not a selling club.
  16. No. CBA to go over this again, but no. Ronaldinho, he is signing for someone today. Some of us hope it will be us (it won't). Some of us think he is shit (he isn't).
  17. He was injured IIRC. Hurt his ankle in a warm up game then he didn't train until a few days before the first game but because of Benteke's absence and Origi's inexperience he played anyway.
  18. An article like THIS? Even if they had, I wouldn't wipe my internet arse on the digital paper it's written on.
  19. We need something a bit more upbeat. All the South Americans bellowing out their fast paced anthems even after the music stopped really gets them up for the games whereas ours sounds like a funeral march and we then (fittingly) proceed to get buried.
  20. His heart condition has been public knowledge for about 4 years though. He's passed 3 medicals after its discovery.
  21. His career isn't destroyed. He's had a few high profile lapses in motivation over his career but has recovered to play excellent football after every one of them. He's not going to bookies' favourites Boca either: http://www.sambafoot.com/en/news/62993__.html? There's enough partying to be had in Birmingham for a season or two. Ask Carew. That said, 90% chance he's going to NYCFC or whatever Beckham's Miami franchise will be called. I think that does leave 6 months where he'd be available on loan though. Yes, yes, I know. We're not signing Ronaldinho.
  22. Most of the post is just explaining the idea of timeless decision theory. The important thing to take away is that you should just ignore the blackmail because that means it won't happen. Heh.
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