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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. ArteSuave


    This isn't for capital cities. It's cities with the most clubs in their top domestic leagues, they just tend to capitals for obvious reasons. I got 15.
  2. I did fear this initially but Lambert's comments about Vlaar only being focused on the Stoke game put that to rest for me. It seems weird that Vlaar would get match fit so much quicker than RVP but you also have to consider that the competition for places in Utd's attack is a bit fiercer than the battle for our CB spots.
  3. Highlighting other players is to provide context for his alleged injury proneness. He's injured no more than the average top class PL CB. Whether or not those players are overpriced, I'd agree we do have the same opportunity, which is why a bid of "8m" is certainly not "more than worth thinking about" IMO. We have the added problem of being less than one Vlaar away from relegation, and I think Delboy's right that we won't see the money received spent on the replacement.
  4. What does this mean then? IMV you're suggesting that without his injury problems he'd be worth more yet in reality he's been injured less often than at least one of the first choice CBs at all of the top 8 clubs. Edit - Obviously there are other factors but injury isn't a major one at all IMO.
  5. He missed 6 games through injury last season. Lovren (£20m) missed 7. Mangala (£32m) missed eight. I have literally no idea what your point is? You are suggesting we compare the ridiculous valuations of a number of players based purely on their availability last year. Ignoring their age, skill level etc? :s No. I thought my point was quite obvious. You suggesting his injury problems of the last season (missing 15% of the games) stop him from being valued highly is wrong. I gave some examples of players that were more often injured without their value being slashed. As someone else pointed out, CBs get injured a lot. It's an occupational hazard. Jones (and Ferdinand and Vidic), Koscielny, Dawson, Agger, Kompany, Nastasic, Terry and several others have missed more games than Vlaar in his time with us.
  6. He missed 6 games through injury last season. Lovren (£20m) missed 7. Mangala (£32m) missed eight.
  7. Ah OK. I suppose being injured at roughly the same time of year twice in a row does look quite bad but I think it only seems like we really need him then because they were our worst patches of form. But that comes back full circle to the point that the only reason they were our worse patches of form was because Vlaar wasn't playing. If he'd missed the same number of games in September or March instead then they would have been our worst patches and it would have seemed like we really needed him then.
  8. We always really need him. That's the point.
  9. He was pretty heroic coming back from injury a game early to stop the rot and lead us to victory at SOL. He's missed 17 of 76 league games. If he really did miss half we'd have been thoroughly relegated last season.
  10. I think you might have an unwanted guest on your PC.
  11. Deluded were the fans who fell for the young and hungry crap. Some of us more enlightened fans saw the truth right from the off. Are you euphoric in this moment? Not because of any phony transfer policy, but because you are enlightened by your intelligence.
  12. The good ones were from Aldi. The rest were like some unidentified meat we bought out the back of a van in a pub car park.
  13. He played in the 3rd place play off as well. I think he only starts training today.
  14. Charade? You make it sound like he tricked them into releasing him from his contract in order to sign for their rivals. In reality he is doing something new and exciting, moving out of London for the first time to a brand new club. Going on loan for a few months to keep his fitness up before he moves to NY is hardly the classless underhanded backstab you're making out to be. Its not like he's getting the armband and a five year deal. I'd be surprised if he made 5 starts.
  15. Isn't the point that your towels are now dry? And the alternative being having wet towels draped throughout the house like the market from Aladdin? Well worth 50p a week IMO.
  16. Well Kevan you're in luck, because thanks to the 'Manage Ignore Prefs' feature in the top right, you don't even have to try!
  17. It looks like an action comedy from what I've seen, not really comparable to Nolan's Batman. Chris Pratt's inclusion mean it could well be very funny but I doubt I'll rush to see it.
  18. I demand we offer him a coaching role. I demand it.
  19. That's not a very good one.
  20. My barber speaks about 5 words of English. He's perfect.
  21. There must be something in the water in lapal, amirite?
  22. I'm not sure I get your point. Which bit of Zlatan's post do you think is a piss take, exactly? Mellberg has clearly had a big impact on him as a player and personally. Here's a link about him buying the house next door for those interested. It's google translated, incase you couldn't tell.
  23. Zlatan legitimately loves him some Olof. He bought the house next door to him a few years ago IIRC just so they could hang out more often.
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