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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. The "she looks shit in this picture" argument could render almost every woman ever as a no vote. She looks alright on the artwork for her new single.
  2. You had "no idea" your comment would receive the kind of response it did? Have you ever interacted with other people before? Catch yourself on.
  3. I dunno we were all standing in the crowd looking at our phones. All of the people on the pitch have left though so I assume its over.
  4. Well I know at Villa Park I don't because the reception is that poor, and away from home I try to enjoy my day rather than whine about other fans that have 'spent their money' your point is? My point is that you are calling him out for not watching the game when in reality he could have easily made the (short, lighthearted) post when the ball was out of play. You seemed to do it purely so you could make the sarcastic better fan comment and shoehorn in a mention of how many games you went to.
  5. You've never so much as sent a text at a game Mammoth? Because that's how much time it would take to write his original message.
  6. Nobody thinks he's Baresi, opinion is still divided. Some fans make snap decisions on a players ability and then steadfastly stand by that opinion no matter what evidence arises. He's not injury prone either to any significant degree.
  7. Each to their own I guess. I swear every time the "would you?" question is posed about an actress / singer who trades on sex appeal there is someone who says no to every one and I'm surprised every time.
  8. I can only imagine the standard of totty someone would have to be ploughing to turn her down based on looks.
  9. I'm never sure if people are serious in discussions like this.
  10. You know how them old timey folk used to love **** words up.
  11. Stephen Warnock's period of heading the ball at our own goal, falling over all the time and getting caught out by every. single. crossfield ball was the worst stint at LB in my memory.
  12. This can't be true, sex can no longer be used as a determinant from car insurance, its illegal, hence no more Sheila's Wheels etc That's what I thought but I got the lowest quote from 'Diamond - Car Insurance for Women' by putting 3 women on my policy as named drivers. I tried with men with better records and it was way higher.
  13. ArteSuave


    I got 10. The bottom 7 and the top 2 + 1 other.
  14. So if Lambert was sacked and Lerner appointed the replacement the lowest you could see us finishing is 12th?
  15. Ah, there goes that theory then. Getting married on his birthday sounds like a tactical decision to guarantee he remembers their anniversary. Good thinking I'd say.
  16. Is your Dad's birthday the 1st of November by any chance?
  17. He can play on both sides so it'll be the 'plays on the left, plays on the right, makes <Good Player> look shite' song.
  18. Ulloa's not exactly Falcao though, really. That leaves Albrighton and Upson. I think they'll struggle. To be honest QPR, West Brom and Burnley look pretty shit too. To be honest I think there's only 10 clubs we definitely won't be catching, the rest all have their own problems.
  19. I think the debate is whether or not the vast majority of them gave their lives walking down machine guns willingly or whether they were terrified but forced to do it by inhumane commanding officers because the only other option was desertion (and a court martial and death sentence and tarnished legacy). There were undoubtedly many, many of them who were able to display commendable courage in the face of such a disgraceful situation though.
  20. Dont get the point your trying to make here, makes no sense...make what point known?? That point. This wasn't a glorious battle of fearless heroes, this was forced self sacrifice of innocent people.
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