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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. Wild salmon is like £18/kg. If you're getting all of your protein from that you either need to be making £50k/yr or have very low living costs.
  2. I've never seen any of those bits. When I turn it on it's just adverts, spotting fancy dress costumes in the crowd and tea breaks.
  3. I think I've got 3 good defenders, 2 good midfielders and 3 good strikers. Hutton is awfully tempting. That extra £0.5m...
  4. SPOILER ALERT. That's the most exciting bit.
  5. If you're breaking your neck in preseason friendlies you are an imbecile, not a defender. I would be apoplectic if we'd won all of our preseason games but some of our first team were injured from battling for every inch before they were fully fit. Now I know you haven't watched the video. He headed Moses into the back of the net and split his head open to clear the ball.
  6. What do you use as your main source of protein?
  7. Well, if I said I wouldn't poison my body with drugs would suddenly anyone who takes drugs be offended? (legal or illegal?) The point is that meat doesn't poison anyone. That's just complete bullshit. Making a false equivalency between meat and drugs is ridiculous.
  8. Whilst I'm sure Ingram is now healthier since his switch to episcopalianism, I suspect its the overall guidelines he's set for his diet, rather than not eating meat, that have made the difference IMO. Eating unprocessed food is better for your health, whether your protein comes from chicken or wild Alaskan salmon.
  9. I honestly can't remember the last time I spent more than 1 minute curling one off.
  10. I feel like ascertaining the exact ethical stance of each individual animal before you eat it would be very time consuming. Dem evil chikinz doe.
  11. You just eat 1kg of salmon a day if you're a millionaire like Ingram.
  12. Meat in the diet helped us wean babies earlier, which meant the mother could get knocked up sooner which means a larger population. That lead to our species thriving and to a certain extent evolving. I think.
  13. So the Villa board are **** imbeciles? Bonus points to EA for attention to detail.
  14. Yes I eat eggs and dairy products. I have chosen to relieve myself of supporting one industry that relies on animal suffering. That's enough for the moment I think. Aren't you worried about being on the wrong side of history? What did them poor battery hens do to you? What makes broilers so special that you'll spare them? I'm joking of course, but fwiw I'm pretty sure production animals suffer far more than meat animals. Morally, you'd be better off ditching the eggs and dairy and sticking with the meat IMO. I agree with Mooney's distain for the 'meat is poison' rhetoric as well. The general populace are unhealthy enough as it is without that kind of rubbish gaining traction.
  15. Do you eat eggs or dairy products yillan? How can you justify that? Is it the suffering of the animal that is important or just the eating of the flesh?
  16. The Skoda fabia VRS with that awesome tsi engine.
  17. Pretty much what CED said. If I was going to take a moral stand I'd probably have to go full vegan as the lives of battery hens and dairy cows are also pretty shit. I'm just too darn selfish to inconvenience myself and compromise my health like that.
  18. His cameos were the highlight of the McLeish season.
  19. Batista was pretty funny too I thought.
  20. The empty number 9 shirt is to symbolise how little goal threat we possess without Benteke and Kozak.
  21. They've agreed to sell Adeyemi for £1m. He handed in a transfer request less than two weeks after they made him vice captain.
  22. Here's the CL video, courtesy of Biskitt.
  23. I can think of a few... Anyway I strongly disagree that "can't head a ball". He leaps like a **** salmon. I remember him smashing Chelsea's front line all over the place when the ball was in the air. I also think he's good under pressure with the ball at his feet too. Where's that CL highlight video when you need it.
  24. Me too. Either that or we've paid money to sign a player.
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