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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. The curious case of Aly Cissokho.
  2. Is Rooney eligible to play for the chimp team?
  3. What video. I haven't seen any videos about him. Was it posted on here Never mind that video, watch this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNt-k8iyu-8 This is a video of every involvement Cissokho had in a 1-1 draw with Barca last year. There's no doge annotations but he does do some good stuff instead, which is nice.
  4. Very likley to be here at the end of the window. Hi Ron
  5. Surely these can't both be true. Sirigu has played well in CL knock out games and Begovic is the most imposing keeper in the most difficult league to play in goal. Unless you need to be in both a strong league and CL knockouts to even be considered, which is nonsense.
  6. Trick question, I live in England. Suits aren't just to impress though. You don't go to a funeral to impress people, do you? It makes people take things more seriously. Like CVB says, if someone is in bootcut stonewash jeans and shit running trainers they clearly don't give a shit.
  7. What if you're good at your job but want to wear a suit?
  8. How strong is this Carlos Sanchez link? Twitter fluff or a legitimate source?
  9. We've got a few excellent athletes at Villa to be fair. Some skill wouldn't go amiss. Fwiw, I don't think Bale has put on much (if any) weight, it's just a bit of lighting / angles. Here's another pic from the same session: He looks lean as shit though.
  10. I couldn't possibly imagine what reason for bias you might have. Pre Stephen Hunt Cech was the best in the world IMO. Immediately on his return he was very timid, but regained most of his former presence over the next season. I don't think he ever fully achieved that same level again. I'd take quite a few keepers over Cech now. Neuer, Courtois and Handanovic for sure. He's definitely better than Joe Hart though, if that's any consolation.
  11. Yes they are, I get through a reflex natural whey tub a month. You can't get too much of your protein from supplements though, unless you don't mind diverticulitis. No but along with quorn, fish and other stuff in your diet you will be fine and get your 50-60g of daily protein with no bother and with a quarter of the fat and calories. My 50g of daily protein? What is this, a diet for ants? Seriously though, protein should really make up (at least IMO) 30% of your total intake and if 50g (200kcal) is 30% then you're eating less than 700kcal which is far, far too little.
  12. You've missed the point of the question entirely there. Would you just go to the counter at the footballer emporium and say "Here's £10m, I'll have 1 or 2 players that have capability, please"?
  13. Can't be anything to do with us, Kendrick says we haven't even agreed anything yet. Maybe he's just tired.
  14. I'm not certain, but IIRC the reason he wasn't as good last season and missed the last few months was because he had a hernia. I could well be making that up. Edit: HERE we go. It's a Sampdoria fan site: Googly translated relevant passage: "Woe to the pubic area" sounds ominous.
  15. Give us a brief outline of the hype surrounding him and his overall career trajectory, if you wouldn't mind.
  16. Is it just me who didn't really think he was that shit for Liverpool? I can't remember him costing them many points or goals. He was a massive prospect at Porto and he's only 26. If we really are signing him for less than £2m I'd be very happy.
  17. Rafa Marquez has signed for Verona. If Luna can't learn to defend next to him then he has no hope.
  18. Yes they are, I get through a reflex natural whey tub a month. You can't get too much of your protein from supplements though, unless you don't mind diverticulitis.
  19. I don't think I could possibly withstand any more eggs in my diet so it would have to be quorn. Looking at the nutritional information I'd have to be eating more than double what I eat of meat / fish, so it'd probably end up being more expensive than the wild salmon diet. How much protein would you estimate you eat a day and how much do you spend on quorn?
  20. Sorry if I sound like I'm trying to call you out on your fish buying ethics Shilzz. I have no leg to stand on morally here whatsoever. I was just trying to point out that this bit: is only true if you spend a shit load on the wild stuff. Unless you draw the ethics line between the well-being of fish and chickens I suppose.
  21. Sadly it does look rather that way. I wonder if THIS had anything to do with it.
  22. That's not wild though, it's farmed. It is good that thanks to the price war atm you can get farmed for <£10/kg but that's not very ethical. Also, I buy chicken in bulk for £5/kg. You can't even get farmed salmon for that price I don't think.
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