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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. It's because circular orbits would require very precise set of circumstances. In general, orbits are conic sections and circular orbits are just one of many possible orbit shapes. I'm not good with kids.
  2. Do you think we'll play this? IT DOESN'T MATTER IF WE'LL PLAY THIS! Sorry.
  3. I don't think chimps or pigs have the pace to stop the 'roo counter attack. 44mph top speed. Hopping also uses less energy than running so they can go for ages. Ceasar and co won't be able to tie them down, sport.
  4. Chimps and kangaroos will probably make the final and chimps are stong as hell, but kangaroos are **** badass.
  5. Good shout I reckon. Small arms for the keepers U wot m8? Does the human team even lift bro?
  6. Transfer Rumours And B******s? Acronym fail. Unless the rells are binging.
  7. Nuh uh, if you admit to believing something transfer related which turns out to not be true then the people who said it wasn't true are legally entitled to your entire estate... Either that or they'll just try and belittle you on the internet, I forget which.
  8. Indeed. He's packing Petrovesque quadage.
  9. That's a fan run account. The clue is the word 'unoficcial' in the description and the fact it isn't followed by the club's verified account.
  10. He did look shaky coming for the ball in his few England appearances but I think he's looked very strong in that department for Celtic, even in the CL.
  11. Most other cities share the inbreds around all of their clubs evenly so everyone is inconvenienced equally. Here in Birmingham we've pioneered a new system where they're all sent to support the shittest club we have, along with all of the other dregs of society that live within the city's boundaries. That way their interaction with real humans is limited to their non match day dole collection escapades.
  12. Well I think its more to with him being a multiple time proven steroid cheat who made the NSAC look foolish for giving him a TUE when he was continuing to dope rather than who he is fighting.
  13. They won 2-1. Sanchez wasn't in the squad.
  14. He routinely serves up shit on toast I really wanted Tonev to be a success to continue Petrov's legacy a bit. Hopefully he can do it at Celtic as it hasn't worked out for him here, at all.
  15. The TRT exemption just meant he could blast and cruise rather than fully cycle off. Even without it he could have looked similar to his previous outings if he hadn't been caught by NSAC again. Its the randomised testing that has done him. That is the size of clean Vitor.
  16. I know, I just saw an excuse to use yogurt knitter in the vegetarian thread and I couldn't resist.
  17. Vests and dudes aside, I suppose it does depend what kind of lifestyle you lead and what LBM you want to maintain / achieve. 65g could well be sufficient for a completely sedentary 7 stone yogurt knitting, socks and sandals wearing bean eater.
  18. His dive for the penalty was also shit. He still scored twice though.
  19. Where has the myth that he's slow come from? I'm sure this happens with every player we sign. He's a **** monster athlete.
  20. Fraser Forster is actually really good IMO. I'd pick him ahead of Hart and Foster. I agree that its a weird move for them though.
  21. We haven't got a statement of intent from Lerner here. What we have got though is a left back that was one of the brightest prospects in Europe in his position, playing in the Champions League regularly, just a few years ago. He's still only 26 too.
  22. A whole 1%? When he was mentioned on here yesterday morning it was 0.2% I put him in before he was popular.
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