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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. Mehdi Bearnatia will mark him out the game.
  2. Champions: Citeh Champions League qualifiers: Chelsea, Arsenal, Man Utd Relegation: Burnley, West Brom, QPR Villa Position: 12th Champions League Winners: Real Madrid Top Scorer: Costa Flop of Season: Rodwell Signing of Season: Gomis 1st Managerial Sacking: Alan 'How the **** have I got a PL job' Irvine
  3. If he's not a better player than he showed under McLeish we're in trouble.
  4. Imagine one of these on the end of a whipped in cross though:
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think equine animals would struggle to see their back legs without turning their head upside down. So unless this is a team of no-look-pass Ronaldinho zebras I doubt they could utilise one twos to any great effect.
  6. An old guy who lives by me has inexplicably acquired an Eastern European lady friend that looks like Nikolai Valuev in a wig. If he paid £80 he got jipped.
  7. I had the same issue on a BT connection. Virgin at home was fine.
  8. Impossibru! Not 24 hours ago shining conveyors of truth and accurate news, the Sun, confirmed it was a no go.
  9. I'm slightly concerned that there are people on this planet that think honeybadgers (with human brains) would beat kangaroos (with human brains) at football.
  10. Damn. Let's hope his representatives have learnt their lesson. He certainly isn't making that kind of money at Elche so their plan backfired that time.
  11. Where is the confusion here? The Sun is less reliable than reading tea leaves.
  12. There was apparently an article in the Sun yesterday that Villa played Roma and captioned a picture of Keane as Lambert. Absolute bunch of dogshit that paper is.
  13. If that is the definition for giving goals away then I'm not surprised you lost count. He wouldn't make the top 3 most culpable players for any of the goals against Stoke and yet he somehow gave them away. I think I lost count of the number of goals "given away" by every midfielder, defender and goalkeeper in every major league.
  14. Would you mind jogging my memory with some of these?
  15. The term handbag is so vague that any bag with a strap could conceivably be a handbag.
  16. Where they are isn't important, as long as they're "right at it".
  17. If you're worried about it looking like a handbag then a slim briefcase is pretty much the only thing I can think of.
  18. What do you need to fit in the bag? How robust does the bag need to be?
  19. Easy first round for the Kangaroos IMO. Honey badgers are 1 foot tall and can't jump.
  20. I'll have kangaroos unless packo wants them.
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