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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. Why is trying to label other people as panicking so popular right now? Has anybody's actions fit this definition? We already all know you're too cool for school and far superior to the mindless sheeple. You don't need to point it out.
  2. Does anyone have a verified chair count yet?
  3. Yeah and he only passed his medical yesterday. I only said it was starting to feel like that, he could well be holding the shirt up leaning on the goalposts as I type this. No need to go all condescending on us.
  4. It's starting to feel like the Mangala transfer where he agreed personal terms and passed a medical and then a month went by before the it was finalised.
  5. No he didn't. We want sanchez to be able to pass the ball more than two yards without giving it away and not to think that he's the second coming of David Platt and go bombing forward hopelessly out of position. It's baffling how many people on here think that a Vancouver whitecaps midfielder was anything other than terrible. Serious case of seeing players through claret and blue specs. Looking at his career trajectory, we released NRC for free at 27, Bolton released him at 28 and after 4 months of unemployment Ipswich signed him and released him 5 months later. We're the only club who paid a significant fee for him. Pretending that anyone would be happy if Sanchez was anything like NRC is absurd.
  6. I try as hard as I can (be bothered) to not let the fact that knobheads like the same stuff as me affect me enjoying the stuff I like. Maybe I'm one of the knobheads.
  7. Sat, 16 Aug 2014 Man Utd 3-0 Swansea, 12:45 Leicester 0-1 Everton, 15:00 QPR 1-1 Hull, 15:00 Stoke 0-1 Aston Villa, 15:00 West Brom 1-2 Sunderland, 15:00 West Ham 0-2 Tottenham, 15:00 Arsenal 2-0 Crystal Palace, 17:30 Sun, 17 Aug 2014 Liverpool 1-0 Southampton, 13:30 Newcastle 0-3 Man City, 16:00 Mon, 18 Aug 2014 Burnley 0-5 Chelsea, 20:00
  8. Makoun was actually a very good player that was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  9. I'm not an expert on these things but the sound quality is noticeably better than any other headphones I've ever owned. I bought mine in Jan for £80, I think they were an unwanted Christmas gift.
  10. How quickly we forget Mendi. I can't quite remember which one that was but surely they weren't worse than someone who was instantly called out as a bullshitter immediately after every post they made?
  11. I've run out of foaming facial cleanser. I wish this one was a joke.
  12. Track record. Yes Trent has got some stuff right in the past but he has also got some wrong. Now I'm not disputing that he doesn't get some info' and we're grateful for that he provides it here. However, everyone has to start somewhere and it's double standards asking one person their source and not others. Not when their ITK consists of a cryptic message about bad news coming out "shortly" and when no news arrives their claim becomes that the ever unreliable journos have been informed of the deal being put on hold until after the Stoke game because Lambert is too busy to hold his balls and say cough.
  13. Track record. Yes Trent has got some stuff right in the past but he has also got some ...body to love?
  14. In all of our transfers so far the "journos" have known the square root of diddly shit. This transfer is no different.
  15. I got a pair of audio technica athm50 headphones for £80 off eBay that I was very pleased with.
  16. I think I can clear this up for anyone who is still confused.
  17. Is that 4 years in a row now? He's good at this prediction lark.
  18. We sent out our reserves mate. Roo-d Van Nistelroo, Roo-berto Carlos and several other former players with roo shoehorned in to come into the side for the next round.
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