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Everything posted by ArteSuave

  1. Can you jump 10 metres from a standing start wearing skis? I can't. And who the hell has 18 inch long skis?
  2. I really hope this is a wind up.
  3. Like useless says, we all just want (who we percieve to be) the best team to win. I couldn't sleep at night if I'd stood idly by while some hairy arsed chimps had been allowed to waltz past the undisputed kings of animal athleticism.
  4. Are you winding me up? The point is that they can move their legs independently in the water (which you agree to) so obviously they can do the same out of water. No matter what any googled sites say, it is so obvious I can't believe I've been suckered in to debating it. Yes undoubtedly. The idea is that kangaroos we see today are really stupid and their tiny brains can't control their bodies optimally whereas the chimps we see are relatively clever. A kangaroo with a human brain would be far superior to one with a kangaroo brain whereas a chimp with a human brain wouldn't enjoy the same degree of superiority over its normal-brained counterpart. I think you've credited yourself with far too much influence there. Nobody is going to vote for the kangaroos based on the fact you're arguing against them. To be honest I think everyone who has voted did so without reading any of this utter garbage between us imbeciles.
  5. He'll go to Hull. All that Shane Long money and then some.
  6. Ghey Gheyer than tartar sauce?
  7. Wherever it was from, as I've pointed (barring some unknown miracle water magic) out it's nonsense. I've even seen a kangaroo scratch its head/neck with its leg (like a dog does) with my own eyes. No, they definitely can walk on all fours but don't do it very often because it's inefficient. The same reason humans don't walk on all fours. Do you honestly believe this?! What possible reason could there be for this? Perhaps I wasn't clear enough but the reason I pointed out that chimps are cleverer was because that means the jump to human level intelligence (and the benefits that come with it) would be far less.
  8. A Chimpanzee with a human brain would also have far greater proprioception than a normal Chimpanzee. I don't know where your quote is from but it seems to be written by someone who has never seen a kangaroo. Kangaroos don't walk on all fours because that would be highly inefficient. Also the idea that they can't move their legs independently except when swimming is ridiculous. What magical properties does water have that allows kangaroos extra motor function when in contact with it? Also, chimps are far far cleverer than kangaroos so the proprioceptive gains that they would make would be far far smaller.
  9. First thing in the morning isn't ideal for all cardio, just low intensity AFAIK. I think the opposite is ideal for HIT. Eating before high intensity work results in considerably higher EPOC. The only negatives with HIT are that it's hard work and it takes more time to recover from. The second one doesn't really matter if you don't do 10+ hrs/wk of mildly intense excercise and the first one doesn't matter if you're not a lazy bastard like me.
  10. Incorrect. They move their legs simultaneously because it is more efficient. They move their legs independently when scratching and swimming. A kangaroo with a human brain would also have far greater proprioception than a normal kangaroo.
  11. What are your goals? If you're trying to lose fat then doing low intensity work before eating in the morning is ideal IMO. Your insulin levels will be at their lowest.
  12. Cardiff are now demanding that the head of the LMA resigns. Hopefully after they read 'Arry's offerings they'll get onto him as well.
  13. That is ridiculous! That said, some East Asian cultures do seem to give off a vibe of being xenophobic hypochondriacs. [/hypocrisy]
  14. I was kind of hoping one of the rich clubs would swoop in and steal Berahino (or Berrinho as he seems to be known) to sit on their bench and fill the home grown quota.
  15. Just wait until you hear about the new player Stoke have signed with the long throw...
  16. Animals would be shit at cricket. Only about 5 species could even hold the bat properly and less than that could run up and bowl with a legal action. Too much of an archaic fancy piss around to have a multi species world cup IMO.
  17. Lambert should have no involvement in the appointment of someone who will presumably have the power to fire him.
  18. Not as far as I'm aware. You see it every once in a while and I don't think I've ever seen a free kick given for it. Edit - I got away with it at least and the ref had a black top and a whistle so he must have been kosher. Double edit - AND you can do it on FIFA it would seem. Surely they wouldn't include it if it was illegal.
  19. I don't know how you can bring up the point of how chimp's would struggle to dribble when you're championing the kangaroos. They can't dribble at all! We've been over this. They can just spam the cuauhtemiña and their arms aren't in the way hand balling it the whole time. As a side note this debate reminded me of it and I successfully used that trick three times in my six aside match tonight. It makes me wonder why it isn't more popular.
  20. I don't want to worry you Tegis, but it looks like Quasimodo is about to make sexy time with your car.
  21. It doesn't matter how much they practice, if they run how they did when they were crossing the Golden Gate Bridge then they'll handball it repeatedly. Even Messi level dribbling wouldn't prevent it. Also if they were to play a passing oriented game instead their attacks would be nullified by the (much faster) kangaroos playing a high defensive line and forcing them to either dribble (and likely handball) or to be offside.
  22. They'll be handballing it all over the show if they dribble how they run (or at least how they were depicted to run in POTA at least ). AFAIK they can't run on two legs at all, they can just sort of walk briskly. Their lack of hip ROM in the posterior half of the sagittal plane means they can't pull back their foot to kick the ball without their arms being in the way either.
  23. Whatever randomly chosen multiple a chimp is stronger than a human by, a chimp's movement mechanics don't lend themselves well to bipedal running at all. While they can just about walk on two legs, running at any significant speed would seem unattainable, and as has already been pointed out for all of the quadrupeds that have been eliminated, dribbling the ball on four legs is really hard to do well. Another point to consider is the chimps inferior aerobic system. 90 minutes is a loooong time.
  24. I've heard the first statement before but I'm not sure about it's validity. Strength is too vague of a term to have an average multiple that chimps are stronger than humans. Humans is also a very vague strength level. Which humans? Big scary ones or little weak ones? Also the vast majority of chimps musculature is used for pulling (climbing) which wouldn't translate well to kicking at all.
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