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Everything posted by ciggiesnbeer

  1. Speaking of which, is Clarke back for next weekend? We could be seriously in trouble if we have to be a makeshift back 4 again.
  2. Come on mate. All of them. Lets not get daft. We won a cup game in a scrappy manner. Thats sometimes what good teams do. Sooner that than be here talking about how "we deserved to win but they took their chances" which is an all too familiar conversation. Lets enjoy being in the quarters!
  3. You know what though. We are in the last 8 and we beat Man City to get here. Not all doom and gloom surely?
  4. Good job lambert. You went for the win and got your reward. I am very happy. 4 strikers on at once? lets do this more often
  5. Nah, come on now, no matter what lambert should be given till january minimum and almost certainly a full season. Not least because if we sacked him who the hell would want to take over? It wouldnt be people like redKnapp or Rafa, it would be the likes of Bruce or Mick McCArthy.
  6. Bloody hell, Adam? Whats next, Carroll? Overpriced British plodders. I will take KEA and Benteke anyday over that pair. For sure we could use some more quality though I agree with that. Unfortunately quality costs, not bargain hunting like Adam. Our midfield is going to take a couple of very big signings to fix imho and no I have no idea who.
  7. I will take Vlaar being hit & miss versus last years, "catastrophe or backs to the wall block" central defenders. I actually think our back 4 is significantly better than last year with Lamberts signings. Now thats better relatively speaking, I am not suggesting its good for the league but certainly its a small step up for us.
  8. Optimism falling.... what is most worrying for me is how we have looked worse and worse. We started the season dominating possession and playing a short passing game around a midfield diamond which operated as a unit. Now we look shapeless and keep half heartedly trying to play wide with wingers, thus reverting back to our traditional hoof & hope approach. made slightly more fragile by playing two up front. I want the start of the season Villa back please.
  9. Really i am the only guy at time of posting that voted "unsure?" You lot sure are confident about your views.
  10. I would actually add West Ham into that. Although we lost I felt West ham were lucky that day and we played well.
  11. Honestly? I think he means what he says when he insists he will never play for a draw or to cling on. I think he wanted another Villa goal. I am not saying it was smart but I think thats the way he thinks.
  12. I agree with much of your post but fyi I saw an interview with Dunne yesterday where he was talking about his injury and his latest treatments. He is really injured. The rest of your post makes a lot of sense though.
  13. Completely agree with this. Come what may we need to stick with Lambert. He has made some good choices and made some mistakes but the last thing we need is more instability. He has already been backed strongly by Lerner, I think in January he needs to go cap in hand to Lerner again. Its not ideal but we need more players to strenghten our midfield.
  14. Oh come on now. Keeper situation remains good. Back two looked solid considering it was a bit makeshift. Benteke is growing into the league well. Not all bad. Cant really argue about our midfield & attackers in general though. if anything we seem to be going backwards since the west ham game.
  15. I am a Lambert supporter and of course we should not sack him. But we were poor mate. Our midfield has been a disaster for nearly two seasons and remains so. I dont know how we fix it. The only suggestion I have is to throw bodies at the problem and pray for a Lerner gift in January.
  16. Bennets card was Lamberts fault. Norwich advertised they would target the kid (they lined up two against him at kick off) and yet lambert kept him on after he had got a yellow. Poor judgement. Honestly at this point we probably need to start packing midfield with 5 men and playing 1 up front. We struggle against relegation rivals like Norwich playing two up front, we will get destroyed by quality and we have just finished our easy run of games, now its time to start playing tough teams.
  17. Guzan had another good game. Cant beleive we almost let him go.
  18. Yeah Lambert got outwitted again tactics wise today. I still support the bloke but he should recognise his errors.
  19. Respect to the Norwich fans. Class act today.
  20. I dont understand why we are talking about other clubs managers. SAF or Mourinho might have got us in the CL too. Shrug. They are not here, Lambert is.
  21. I m terrified of where we are and yet I remain very pleased with Lambert. Illogical I know but there you are. The truth is I like the way he wants us to play and I like his signing philosophy.
  22. Didnt know that. I will cling to that straw for a few weeks. Thanks. I need all the hope I can get to be honest.
  23. Ireland is one of our very few creative players. He can make magic happen, he has an amazing vision for a pass. I like him and I hope he stays.
  24. I like Bent but I think he will be gone in January. Cant blame him and I wouldnt hold it against him. He kept us up for a season and has stuck with us but enough is enough. For his career he cant afford to be dragged down into the Championship, needs to go to a team with good service. Good luck Darren.
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