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Everything posted by ciggiesnbeer

  1. I think thats fair. The man has his flaws and I have never seen him set out to do anything but win a game even when a draw would have been great. Thats probably cost us a few points this season but he wont change, it is who he is. Why he didnt bring in a defender in january is baffling, he had some money and even a semi past it older CB would have helped us this season.
  2. All we have to do is win all our last games and we will be fine.
  3. CHAMPIONS OF EUROPE! Loving it. Nice to have something good to celebrate!
  4. Surprisingly optimistic. A month ago I just snapped and had the irrational but firm conviction we will stay up. I maintain that even after yesterdays loss.
  5. Di Matteo Oh no, that would actually be good for them.
  6. I like it when any Villa team win games. Well done lads.
  7. Or fatigued. We need Brad. These mickey mouse international games are just a distraction from real football.
  8. We have moved on since visiting "shambles" and full steam ahead towards "fiasco" if you ask me.
  9. I was delighted. Less chance of him being injured. That goes for all our players, Villa first.
  10. I think that's unfair. regardless of skills I have always appreciated his attitude, particularly towards the fans. He always goes out of his way to show his appreciation to the support. I hope he comes good for us I really do. I haven't liked him since the youth cup (or was it league... I don't remember!) final a few years back. We won, and all the kids were celebrating like they'd, well, won a cup, like they should. Delfouneso just walked off as if this sort of thing was beneath him. Seems to fit in with the old Billy Big Bollocks rumours that were around a few years back. On the US tour last year after we beat Portland he was the only Villa player to come and thank us (shoved away in a corner as we were). Maybe he has changed. He sure looked absolutely desperate to try and play well when I saw him.
  11. But with one of the best forwards in the world in it. Suarez is a talent that could walk into any side in the world. If he is on form we are in trouble, if he has a poor day then we have a shot.
  12. Graham and Wickham are good players. If anything Fletcher' injury probably helps Sunderland, it forces MON to rotate his squad which he wont do by choice.
  13. I think that's unfair. regardless of skills I have always appreciated his attitude, particularly towards the fans. He always goes out of his way to show his appreciation to the support. I hope he comes good for us I really do.
  14. If you think he's let him down then ask the question why Lerner gave this job to a man with absolutely no experience in professional football. I can. But why are you so keen to defer the blame for him doing a crappy job to his boss? By the same logic you should blame Faulkner for our managers. Why dont we just embrace both truths, Faulkner is crap at his job and Lerner is crap as an owner for keeping him employed?
  15. it's incredible the potential damage those 3 games might still hold for the club. if we'd even beaten wigan, we'd be safe as we'd be on 33 and they'd be on 24 which is just too much of a gap Agreed. My god what a disastrous time that was. I still dont think we have fully recovered from it confidence wise.
  16. If true then surely you blame the man who decided to give someone like Paul Faulkner that much control. Lerner of course is at the top but he also is a busy man whose primary focus is not the club. You can blame lerner for everything bad in the club if you want but the op was asking a question about Faulkner who is in a very powerful position at the club. In this case I think Lerner's employee has let him down badly. Guzan was released after Eck left. Regardless Faulkner had a window there to do whatever he liked. In that one case he had no manager to hide behind and he made a bad call. I cant remember but I think Heskey was also released in that time (could be wrong) so we can give him credit for that if we like.
  17. Yes I think it does have a lot to do with him. He is the man who signed all our bad deals (and our good ones), lets face it our bad ones are the vast majority. He is the man who spends way more time addressing non issues like our FA relationship vs actual things that improve the club. I have a very strong suspicion he was a firm believer in Alex McLeish and helped engineer the move. I think that is Faulkner's style. Finally and this is just a small data point but for me a telling one, there was a period of a couple of months last year when he was in full charge of the club. no interim manager just him and his judgement. At that time he specifically chose to let Guzan go.
  18. do they get paid a wage for playing for England? i didn't realise that. and is it up to the individual whether they give it to charity, or is that automatic? (sorry for going way off-topic!) I think the squad agreed to do it some while ago, and they've just carried it on. They all do it. Sod that. If I was selected I would demand my money. No pay? No play.
  19. He is an ambitious lad. To get him to stay we will have to live up to that ambition or he will leave. I hope our club builds up to his level rather than our star players feeling like they have to leave.
  20. I have liked all of Lamberts signings so far, Sylla is no exception.
  21. Me too, but sadly we do not demolish teams 3 or 4-0 I cant remember the last time we did.
  22. Wow. Pinch me. This guy plays for Villa? Makes me happy.
  23. I have never wavered in my support of him. No really. No need to check my post history, I have always believed.
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