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Everything posted by ciggiesnbeer

  1. No surprise if true. His agent is an amateur and it shows. I wonder if he even had a lawyer read the contract? Just skimmed to the numbers and nodded. Faulkner must have pissed himself laughing as he drove home that night.
  2. Pessimists. He will be world class and he will stay. Why? Because we will win things and match his ambition. UTV and none of this "he will move to a big club" bollocks. He is at a big club. we need to show it.
  3. I kinda like Brigada, I have never picked up any political vibe from them, but if they are... oh well. Our club is supported by the future king, the tory PM and the past head of the bank of england. A few lefties to balance things out would not be the end of the world
  4. Just rewatched the West Ham game (the beginning of our turn around). He played well with Tekkers that game (plus cleared off the line). I am gonna miss this guy.
  5. Maybe we caught them while they were still laughing at the £6m Man Utd fronted for Nick Powell? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18432689 Crewe is an impressive club. What an academy.
  6. 2:14. That is a world class goal. I'm not the one trolling. Come on son. By that standard Lowton, Benteke, Gabby & Weimann are all world class players too. I do think Carroll has had a decent season at West Ham though. Good for him.
  7. It would make sense if true. He has done a great job this window. Although it would be nice to add an AM and a Lowton back up they are luxury signings really. I am happy enough with our current squad. It's not. I am also very happy if more are coming
  8. It would make sense if true. He has done a great job this window. Although it would be nice to add an AM and a Lowton back up they are luxury signings really. I am happy enough with our current squad.
  9. Well, there's one we can strike off the list. Levy lining up that Bale replacement.
  10. Whilst you might be right, Carroll is still a world class player. You only need to look at his goals to know that. The main issue with him is being injured so much. Carroll world class seriously? The only world class British player is Bale. Leighton Baines might disagree. Rooney maybe clearing in the woods but he is still world class.
  11. Almost certainly fake, but sod it. I AM ON THE HYPE TRAIN!
  12. Last season when we played in the US, thats what they did, they uploaded two 45 minute videos and they also uploaded a highlight video. I would expect that they may do the same this time. I bloody well hope so. Full games should be trivial to do, they did it last year. Shoddy, shoddy so far.
  13. I loved this bit " forget strikers, we need to upgrade our itks first. sign him up levy. That Villa ITK is great . " Wait till they get a load of our aircraft surveillance...
  14. We do not know enough to be blaming his agent. I still dont buy it. We have comments like the clearing in the woods Hazard who indicate it was tekkers pushing to try for a move, not his agent. I think Tekkers chanced his arm, it didnt happen so he took the new deal. I am happy with the outcome. I have no doubt he will give his all for the cause next season.
  15. He looks good but an extra attacking mid sure would be nice. Regardless, if we sign nobody else I am fine with that. Very good business this window. Hats off to the club.
  16. Agreed. It is enjoyable seeing Spurs fail to get our player though
  17. Signings done early, shipping out unwanted players, new contracts for our best ones. Bloody hell it aint looking bad for a change.
  18. Poor mans Darren Bent. Would make no sense to me for Villa. Newcastle I can see though, fits their play style better.
  19. Id argue that the performance against Sunderland was up there with the best performances I have seen from any Villa player. I thought he was out of this world. Agreed. I have rewatched that game many times. Lowtons performance is jaw dropping.
  20. Agreed. He is a grown man ffs and has made little secret since he joined that he regards us as a stepping stone to more money. Portraying his agent as some kind of nefarious mastermind manipulating the Villa loving Beneteke is just daft.
  21. Wouldnt really bother me. It would mean he chanced his arm and it didnt come off. Players have behaved worse. I would sooner cheer his goals than see us relegated.
  22. If it was I would have to applaud his skills.
  23. So that fat word removed in the background is his agent !? He need to do some running instead of spending so much time in fancy resturants! There are no 'fancy' restaurants in Sutton Coldfield town centre! To be fair "Crazy Freds burgers, curry and haircuts" van is pretty good eats.
  24. He is just trying to get the most money for his client and himself. We may not like it but at least his motivations are clear.
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