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Everything posted by gharperr

  1. fk it, i did gg but cant make it look like i only post +ve things about arsenal so my thoughts over the past week... Holy mother of god...Taking campbell off for welbeck has to be one of the most stupid/worst subs i have ever seen in my entire life. Why he took campbell out the side for a few weeks i have no idea. The guy was dominating games and playing some incredible through balls per game and just looked a really intelligent footballer (whch is very surprising given it seemed like he would never make it). Especially swapping him for braindead Ox or walcott who appears to have forgot everything about football compared to his good start to season. Sooner the Ramsay DLP/B2B hybrid midfielder gets out the team for cazorla the better. The guy goes through about 30 mins spells each game of not being able to complete a pass from deep. He either has to play RW or in a 3 as b2b midfielder. Surrpised how aids he is when he tries to play DLP role. Arsenal so bad when teams just press slightly without cazorla in the team. Sanchez has been complete an utter aids. Hes always been "wasteful", as in gets caught whilst in possession in bad spots but he usually GOAT attacking to make up for it. But apparently hes just decided all his focus should be playing horrible cross field passes to oppo to allow counters. Also random note: How on earth they didnt get sanchez running at that united rb after him getting booked in the first 30 mins i have no idea. I cant even remember them attempting it once. Gabriel well...past 2 games have been pretty lol for him. Still wont write him off like villachris did though as i think its very silly writing cb's off from dif countries in such a short time (same goes for otemendi, people did it with kos before he became KosGOAT) Should just snap sack wenger if he doesnt beat spurs. 2nd place is pretty much over by then. No idea who they can bring as manager though. KosGOAT, cazorla, campbell, bellerin, monreal, cech, coq, ozil are only players in the whole lineup who can say theyve played well consistently all year. Attack has been shambles and theres only so much ozil can carry them. (lol at that poster saying he doesnt rate ozil though) Also wtf is city doing this year...even worse.given budget etc etc etc.
  2. no idea what means but....apparently you view managers/teams how good they do in a short shift. So you think Monk deserved to get sacked after being short term best manager for swansea, and then not living up to hype? given previous comments...what about pardew at CP? starting of very very very well...now hes declining!? should their fans be disapointed because theyre not over performing anymore?! same to penguin who apparently agrees with you. Was fat sam a failure because he didnt manage CL after performing over expectation in first 6 minths for west ham? Apparently all we care about is short term immediate results in this thread.... you know what, sack klopp now. failure.
  3. Oh wow. Leicester season is a failure because they over performed for the whole amount and then they adjust to their mean towards the end of the season (instead of adjusting throughout the 38 games)!? Seriously...!?
  4. wait, you honestly think Leicester fans would think this season is a failure if they lose every single game from now on until end of season? Of course they wouldnt. Literally no idea why you bringing this up.?? (this this may have been a joke, sorry if was ) Also you think given injuries + ref decisions etc etc 38 games is enough to determine whos the best in the league? Eh? dont undersand that post? What if aguero + silva gets injured for whole season? should they win the league (refine parameters a bit more for all teams...). Im 95% confident that 38 game season statistically is not enough to determine who deserves to be true winners of a league. Wait you gamble a lot on football right villachris?
  5. arsenal, Leicester or spurs win the tittle. Ill be happy with any for reasons all different.
  6. yeh im just dicking about with that comment. No idea how much contribution pellegrini had for tranfers, but bony (would be same as benteke for any top team) and defenders are very very bad recently
  7. lol city. two years without title!?!?!
  8. half replied to previous post but will reply properly tomorrow... but i agree giroud touch is not looking sharp. Ive always praised giroud link up play and touch but this year its been seriously lacking compared to previous years. (ignroing the assist) yeh big few games for arsenal. Anybody know when cazorla returning? Coq-cazorla is so so important for arsenal atm. giroud is dominating setpeices though (replying to this made me miss city goal )
  9. lol not sarcasm ive always said here walcott press as CF is very good and worthwhile. i think he should have started instead of ox though. not giroud. also, you cant blame giroud today surely....Literally 2 inches offside for a goal. And close to the save of the season from LCFC keeper (cant spell his name) to stop him from scoring. Honestly thought that save meant Leicester winning the league. was that good
  10. just no though. c'mon. if youre target was to finish 2nd at start of year you cant just suddenly shift it half way through because some teams suck and some teams are massively over performing. Definition to results orientated thinking. you cant blame arsenal for other peoples **** up when people are massively over performing expectation. if arsenal dont win league/CL next season, then it is a failure. Given they have the money to compete now. Stop shifting expectations throughout season. 38 games is already not enough to determine whos the "true" winner or not. Dont shift it half way through imo (yes i realised i said the semi same thing through 6 sentences, but i dont know how to work it properly)
  11. easy to say now. +1 to villachris for starting walcott. ox is stupid af as a footballer. no idea why he started instead of walcott. although the +ve that ox has over walcott is magnified so much through campbell aka defensive contribution. (dont know if he was on bench though)
  12. as i always said, arsenal target this year is to finish 2nd. Year on year progression with winning cups. But i prey to fkin god they win it given the delusion that casual fans have towards arsenal. I just love how people call them bottles etc etc for being a selling club during stadium build with 4th highest wage bill as if they should be competing for title!?!. Shock theyre starting to win cups/challenge title when they spend more ?!?! who would have thought that ... lol just lol narratives all around
  13. almost as if pep helps create a brand and bring the glory hunting rocket polishers towards city?! its why he can demand contract more than others and why city are happy to pay that extra wage....
  14. Actually is a super sunday! 3points for Leicester please
  15. Not really sure about that. Saw xG graph which had everton averaging 1.7 goals. 1.7 goals out of 34 shots seems terrible (maybe?). So either horrible shot selection and not working opening better (everton -ve), or just one of the most drilled defensive displays forcing everton to take horrible shots (pulis +ve) ... if i had to guess, probably go with the latter more than the former given how good everton can be attacking
  16. see villachris post in spansh thread. think "another loss for gnev? really". Pleasantly surprised to see something different
  17. 19th in the league had 21 attempts against man united even after going 1-0 up in first 3 mins. United 12 shots. Just wow. If fergie was in charge im pretty sure he would have about 30+ attempts if that scenario happened.
  18. Is there something wrong with them criticising him? Hes trying to play for a team and is failing? His weaknesses need to be told, whether its a surprise to to them or not. Thats the whole point of pundits, explaining why things are working or not. I actually think its the villa fans which just look at goals scored ratio and think he can just go play for any/majority top team just because of it.
  19. Why do you think benteke isnt being picked/suited to play for liverpool? Because i honestly have no idea how you can go identifying his weaknesses, and thinking he will do well at a team which magnifies these weaknesses even more. Hes just going to look "shit" for any team which is trying to dominate possession and forced to play against deep lines. Unless he wants to be a bench player to come on in the last 10 min when they need to go more direct which is what hes doing for liverpool atm.
  20. really think theres a trend of people just hating on english people just because theyre english and to go against "media always over rate" when media mostly talk about potential more than current ability when theyre talking about players The only time rooney has been over rated is his appearences for england when hes clearly not playing well. Hes obviously an amazing footballer. The fact he signed for 27mil at age of 16 for man united and was/is consistently picked for all these years under the best manager to exist when they have all the money in the world to spend for such a crucial position should be an instant redflag for your opinion on whether hes "over rated". Whether hes world class or not all comes down to your definition of "world class" which appears to be different for everyone. Hes either world class or on the very edge of nearly being world class depending on your definition. And obviously hes declining recently Jack wheelchair is also very good. Hes got all the attributes to be a top DLP. good passing range and his ability to escape pressure/high press is up there as one of the best in the league. He either just glides past players or gets fouled. Playing alongside someone like coq would be a huge plus for him and not his previous midfield partners. What people need to realise it often takes a lot of games to come back 100% for players. Different injuries ofc, but ramsay was shit, delph was awful, benteke always took time. Majority of players do, so given JW is injured a lot, he really isnt going to be playing 100% his ability. Would also take peps comments with pinch of salt given one sentence gives a huge boost of confidence to all the players in his academy. Just how i take xavi comments about him not 100% given its just professionalism. ...But yeh hes injured a lot and probably wont "make it" just because of that, which is a shame. He just turned 24 aswell...
  21. Gabby gabby gabby! Hope he keeps playing like this rest of season
  22. **** the gabby haters I Said he looked lively at start of game midweek before sending off. Watched 10 mins this game and his movement (for out and out striker) has been better than any striker I've seen this season. Edit;I mean for us
  23. Im confused by your comment....(somehow I'm typing outside box now..don't want to risk deleting) are you saying because pellegrini anmounment he's not doing his best? If so (I am confused by it).... Please explain every other fail to win back to back games since October...been a common theme of city this season P.s sorry for spelling mistakes. Literally WOAT phone to type on
  24. Unbelievable. Please win title. If arsenal / city /Chelsea not in for mahrez in summer theyre terrible. GOATplayer Lol city...Can't even win 2 back to back games. So aids
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