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Everything posted by OnlyOne

  1. This is our full attacking side and we can't score 1 goal at our own ground.
  2. Houllier is a genius. Resting players in the Man City game. Bloody hell. Houllier, the tactical genius who can't pick points against Bolton and Wolves. THE GENIUS. GENIUS!!!
  3. If this result remains the same and I see anyone defending Houllier, I don't know what I'm gonna say but it's not gonna be nice. I'm literally filled with hatred to the man who's been a cancer since day one.
  4. 2 weeks rest for this dross. Seriously, this is the lowest of the low.
  5. Hodgson has done more for West Brom than Houllier has with us already. And he hasn't spent a penny. Yet we get fans on here thinking Houllier deserves another season. April the 1st hasn't come already has it?
  6. We're 16th if the current results stand. Disgusting.
  7. Houllier should be shown the door way all the way back to France if he can't win this game.
  8. All the opposition has to do is go to sleep in their own half when we're doing our pointless tapping in our own half, while Houllier just sits in the dugout like he wants to sleep as well and when the clock gets to 80 mins, the opposition wakes up, makes a run, gets the ball, we concede a setpiece and what do you know, they've scored and won. It's really that easy to expose Houllier's tactics. Bent and Young both had off days against Bolton. If they hadn't we would have ripped Bolton to shreds. Walker was fantastic, as was Albrighton. Robinson must be still rubbing his anus from the arse-raping he got off the two of them. The fact that Martin Petrov was uncharacteristically silent was telling. Our attacking and defending from open play are very good. our attackig and defending of set pieces are abysmal. If you think all we do is aimlessly tap the bal from side to side, you're clearly watching with a) closed eyes or a closed mind. I was kidding. We do play better football than our previous manager, but the results haven't been better. If we play just as well against Wolves and lose against them would you say the same thing? If the same thing was repeated in every single game and got us relegated, would you still defend Houllier and pin it all on the players? We're in this situation where we're too good to go down. But we're not too good to go down because of our defending against set pieces is probably the worst. It's not just the youngsters who have trouble with it, it's the senior defenders as well. It's funny they had no real trouble defending them under the previous manager. I would love to be proven wrong and Houllier to win at least 3 games, which is totally possible, but I really can't see it happening because his too lazy to sort out our defense against set pieces right now which strikes me his not good enough for the job as well as many other things.
  9. All the opposition has to do is go to sleep in their own half when we're doing our pointless tapping in our own half, while Houllier just sits in the dugout like he wants to sleep as well and when the clock gets to 80 mins, the opposition wakes up, makes a run, gets the ball, we concede a setpiece and what do you know, they've scored and won. It's really that easy to expose Houllier's tactics.
  10. Can I ask why the people who still back Houllier think he can turn it around next season? Take a look at Harry Redknapp. He took over Spurs in December where they were bottom by some distance and drastically improved them to a top 8 finish. Next season he improved them even further and got them finishing top 4. This season they're even better. It's just that Man City are in a better position due to all the money they've spent. But yet they still have every chance finishing 4th or even 3rd on a good run and they've had serious injuries as well! Let's just say he clicked straight away as soon as he joined at Spurs. Now look at Houllier. His inherited a team that's finished 6th three times in a row, a team that's done better than Spurs over the two seasons apart from Harry's full season. From the moment Houllier joined he called us a 7th-12th team. Where on earth did that come from? If he said a 5th-8th team then fair enough. Why up to 12th? Anyway, how is it that his had much more time to prepare compared to Redknapp (September, not December) in a much, MUCH better position (8th with plenty of games, not 20th near half games left) that his managed to drag us all the way down to bottom 3 and now can't get us out of a relegation fight? Why is it that he can't get the results to progress back up even after splashing money on the Jan window? Why is it that were only 3 points away from relegation. That's outrageous. Surely these comparisons suggest we're never gonna do that well under Houllier? Cos the moment he joined Villa he just hasn't clicked. Next season we may do better but can anyone see us do anything worthwhile than top 6 again? Cos I can't see us winning any trophies under him because he said he'll rest players against the big teams again and his obviously gonna have a bigger reason this time. And me saying we'll finish top 6 under him next season is being completely generous. Too generous in fact. There's no positives to suggest he'll get us the results.
  11. They didn't make the Houllier decision per se. They gave a list of pre-requisites to a recruitment company who came back with a list of possibles which they then chose from. So if they gave a new list to that same company but were instead asking for a highly rated young manager then there's no reason Howe wouldn't be top of that list. It all depends what they want really. You never know, depending on how this current one works out, they might be looking for exactly what I'm suggesting Ive always felt that to be fair. Never really seen Houllier as a long term appointment, more of somebody to come in and steady the ship for someone else, whilst he moves upstairs. If thats the case, then they must have people they are watching, and im sure Randy learnt a lot from how he got caught short by a certain other manager. Steady the ship? His really doing a good job of that. It's like when Hodgson was at Liverpool for the reason he was a 'safe of pair hands'. Yeah, that really worked well for Liverpool and they're really struggling without him. Where as Houllier is still steading the ship for us like the good captain he is.
  12. I still think Coyle is the guy to get. I'm sure he would come to us unlike Moyes. Promoted Burnley, defeated Man Utd in his first season, has a decent cup record considering the squad, went to Bolton who has turned them into a good footballing side and looks like he could be challenging for an Europe spot. Houllier cons far outweight the pros. It's too risky giving him another season.
  13. He certainly prioritised the Liverpool fans over the Villa fans.
  14. Houllier had such an influence didn't he when Young missed the pen against Bolton. How didn't he fix things straight away? Houllier spent £24m and lifted the club. MON spent £100m and didn't lift it like Houllier did. Sitting down means nothing. You want him to jump up and down like a hyperactive child from the sideline instead? What is wrong with Gary Mac? He could have allowed someone else to take it or said to Young to not be so predictable in his spot kicks. But even still, that's like saying Houllier didn't have any influence against Blackburn when Young scored that penalty. Honestly, if I see Young take the next penalty again, you can note down as another bad point of Houllier that he hasn't got any power or respect from the players. When did MON actually drag us down to the bottom 3 that the club needed lifting? In his first season, we just drew a lot. There wasn't really any danger of us going down in his first season in charge and never spent that much in that time. I would rather see a manager point orders on the touchline when players make mistakes like all sucessful managers tend to do. Ferguson who's years older than him still does it. Gary has a terrible CV in management of lower leagues and should never be anywhere near the Premier League.
  15. What about his other bad points such as his away record, losing leads continously, giving up on the FA cup, not bothering to fix things straight away, needing 24m to lift up the club when he wasn't able to do it himself, sitting bored in the dugout all time, hiring Gary Mcallister, not hiring a defensive coach.
  16. Jesus not this again, Fat Sam should be no where near VP. If we had him we'd be doing better than we are now, GH should be no where near Villa park either. useless crap manager like him.Probably, but Houllier has more long-term potential. It's not passion or fight that we're missing either - it's a decent defence. Houllier has had ages to fix that and now his recently said that zonal marking isn't working. Well that was obvious months ago. Why is it he can't be bothered to fix it now? His basically got a whole month to sort it out seeing as we've only got Wolves at home (which isn't too bad) with no other games to play at March. Surely he should be doing his very best to fix it right now instead of going "nah, we'll way until pre-season" when teams below us are picking up points making it harder for us to stay in the league.
  17. With nine games left, who could we get to replace him, and how will the squad react to that person? Sorry, but as much as i want a new gaffer, doing that now is riskier than leaving him there till the end of the season. Get Fat Sam to repcae him for now. he'd have this team playing with more fight and passion than this old fool has them playing. and atleast he might have the brains to bring in the proper coaching staff. unlike GMAC and Sid. No no, not fat sam. Poor man MON. Wait until summer and hopefully get Coyle.
  18. 30 million? 18m on Bent, 4.1m on Makoun, plus minor loan fee to Spurs, that clearly is 30m! For me - stay. Sacking him now is suicide, anyone who thinks having 4 gaffers in a season is the key to success is clearly tapped in the head/a Newcastle fan. Sacking him in the summer is an option but I want to keep him for now, I think over time this wil be a good appointment. He does need to improve results however. Isn't Bent gonna cost up to 24m though? That's how much we agreed on. I thought Makoun was abit more expensive than that? That's a good bargin. Could be a one off though.
  19. Same here. I want a manager who'll click at Villa straight away. I think that guy would be Coyle. He works next to no budget at Bolton and still gets them to play fantastic football with good results. He could easily bring Cahill back here as well. His gonna be a top manager in years to come and I feel as those we're gonna lose out.
  20. I voted for the end of the season. I don't think we'll finish top 10 and that's terrible given the resources that's been handed to him. The board has backed him and gave him a very generous 30m, yet there's still no signs of us moving anywhere fast. There's also the fact he'll repeat what he did against Man City (said so himself) if he were to challenge for something in the league next season. Top 10 next possibly, big wow. But I feel as those he should stay at the end because it's too late to be messing around now. He would really have to screw up big time to send us down.
  21. I voted go but meant going in the summer. I wouldn't want him to leave right now. That would be really stupid. I just feel as those he hasn't clicked with Villa and has been a nightmare for us not just by results, but by his comments as well. I can understand some want him to stay but the only reasons I'm seeing is fantasy stuff. I fear he could do a ramos on us if he was given another season.
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