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Everything posted by OnlyOne

  1. I'd say the correct decision would be getting both players in our squad. I still thought we paid too much for Downing though at the time. Wasn't worth the fee due to the circumstances
  2. I still wanna know who signed this prick back in August. I always thought we would have been better off with the full money instead of having a reject + less money.
  3. Who the hell voted yes? I would actually like to know because it makes no sense.
  4. Not a good result. We should have battered that weak Everton side. This isn't good at all seeing as West Brom and Small Heath have picked up 3 points today putting us at a worse position. Newcastle has the right idea by killing off Wolves. Pardew is a rubbish manager, but he'll outsmart Houllier. I really can't see us winning another game.
  5. Who picked Collins ahead of Cuellar? We're playing against a weak Everton side and we haven't scored yet!
  6. I'm sorry, but this is a poor Everton lineup and we're losing. This really isn't good enough.
  7. No excuses to lose this anyway. Just take a look at our lineup and their lineup. Look at Everton's bench. Enough said.
  8. When was the last time we lost against Everton in the Premier League? The media would love us to lose, so I'm hoping the whole team will do something about it. If not, we're screwed.
  9. I'd like to think that no one is that stupid or gullible. The facts of Houlliers reign speak for themselves and no PR stunts are going to cover up the cracks or detract from the shite job he has done. Its staring us all in the face sadly. Its just a front from the club but behind the scenes wheels are very much in motion I believe on Houlliers departure and replacement. Is this your belief or is there something known? Its the conclusion I am drawing form bits and pieces of info I have had from various people who would be considered very much in the know. It may just be wishful thinking on my part however but I'm confident its more than that. Yet other people who supposedly have sources say he's not going anywhere. My conclusion: We don't know anything Hey I'm not claiming to be ITK or anything like that. Far from it as quite simply I'm not. I am just drawing my own conclusion from various titbits and its hardly shocking or unlikely what I have claimed. We'll see but I'm fairly confident our hell under Houllier will be over sooner rather than later. Should be an exciting time with some cracking managers well with in our grasp unlike the last time we were looking. I wouldn't be so confident on the board's next appointment. They've already failed miserably on the first one and have left it too late to repair the damage.
  10. If he gets us relegated, he'll 100% be sacked.
  11. I think Randy will sack him. His costed him nearly as much money as MON did. I mean 10m + is already lost from not reaching 6th place, 30m was splashed out in the Jan window which has no difference whatsoever and the majority of fans don't want him around any more which could lower the attendence if he is to have another season.
  12. The problem with Kev M he had an overweight Dunne, mental case Ireland, lazy Carew, talentless Davies, Warnock the fouler and money grabbing Beye when we had those terrible loses against Newcastle and Rapid. Holy crap we do have a load of shit in our squad don't we? :evil:
  13. Yeah I agree. The only player I would LOVE to see him bring to this club from Everton is Howard.
  14. I hope he does consider us in the summer if we survive. It wouldn't actually be a 'sideways' move seeing as we have a chairman who's willing to help managers out with budgets.
  15. Me too probably, but I don't see how that would be any different from now!? Benitez is a joke. I know people will say that's what Houllier is (I disagree somewhat) but Benitez really wouldn't do well. Look at what he did at Inter. Yes, the president promising money to spend in January and then saying there is no money. How could you possibly work for someone that lies? He must be some joke to have won the Champions League, brought a not so good Liverpool team to two Champions League Finals. His 2 La Liga titles with Valencia were also a fluke. Also, he was against the likes of Madrid with Ronaldo etc. He must be the luckiest manager in the world. He is awful, atrocious. A man that is just completely lucky, and also a joke. You seem to be ignoring his time at Inter (he was terrible there) and his last season at Liverpool. How exactly am I ignoring his time at Inter? Anyone that comes in after Jose, will always be judged on that. He was promised significant funds before he came and then he was told they were not there. If any manager is promised funds, and then immediately a few weeks after his contract is signed told there is no funds there. But sure Mantis, you said before that if Villa finished 17th there would be some "reasons" for Houllier possibly staying on - he needs a pre-season. Do you actually understand that if the Villa fans turn against a manager that is it? It's not like he didn't live up to Mourinho's reign, he wasn't very good at all. What relevance does my position on whether Houllier stays or goes at the end of the season have to whether or not Benitez is a good manager? :? Right so if you didn't think Rafa was good enough for Inter (despite winning 2 trophies for them, but still rightfully sacked with the struggle in the league), what makes you think Houllier is good enough to be with us another season if he finished us 17th despite being a top 6 side full of internationals. And that's if we're lucky. LUCKY to finish 17th. I'm trying to understand your logic here.
  16. I would love to see Rafa at Villa. Be a vast improvement over MON and Houllier.
  17. I don't think people have said much ridiculous stuff to be fair, it's just he's constantly mentioned on here and everyone seems to think he could take us really far but I think he still needs more experience. If he wasn't young I don't think he would be as popular on here. People cite Moyes but he may not turn out like Moyes (who IMO is a tad overrated anyway).So who would you go for out of interest??. Would you rather we stay Houllier??.Well Owen Coyle (another manager mentioned a lot on here) would certainly be a better appointment as he has actually proven he can cut it in the Premier League. I thought you would wanted Houllier to stay because he'll turn us into a good side next season. You, and some others who had these fantasies thinking he can get us playing good football with good results. Why the change now by 1 result? Depending on how the rest of the season goes I would like to see Houllier given a pre-season and a shot next season. If he still doesn't work out then get rid. Don't mock others just because they don't share your opinion. Would you like to see him continue if he puts us at 17th?
  18. I'm curious. Assuming that this person; like myself; predicated their support of Houllier beyond this season on the condition that we would not get relegated this season. At what point would it be acceptable to begin to rethink keeping him on? Or should people stupidly stick to their guns and wish ill on the club just to save face on a public forum? Why did he still have your support after the Liverpool farce? It was clear back then he shouldn't be anywhere near this club.
  19. Seems a waste of money when there's no gurantee we'll survive in this league. I doubt any of those managers will come in if we're at the lower division.
  20. Fantasies? Wasn't based on one result, people were willing to give him more time than others.. regarding "good football" it's called passing it around more and that blackburn game was by far the most enjoyable game I have seen for a long long time. Right so because Houllier has managed us to give us one enjoyable game since he got here, that makes him worthy enough for next season despite the fact we're 3 points from bottom? Did you enjoy his Wolves game too? And I agree with Fran. Most of the time we lack ideas in the final third.
  21. I don't think people have said much ridiculous stuff to be fair, it's just he's constantly mentioned on here and everyone seems to think he could take us really far but I think he still needs more experience. If he wasn't young I don't think he would be as popular on here. People cite Moyes but he may not turn out like Moyes (who IMO is a tad overrated anyway).So who would you go for out of interest??. Would you rather we stay Houllier??.Well Owen Coyle (another manager mentioned a lot on here) would certainly be a better appointment as he has actually proven he can cut it in the Premier League. I thought you would wanted Houllier to stay because he'll turn us into a good side next season. You, and some others who had these fantasies thinking he can get us playing good football with good results. Why the change now by 1 result?
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