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Everything posted by OnlyOne

  1. Do we want a manager who was sacked TWICE in the same year and do we really want ANOTHER ex Liverpool manager? Why the **** would it matter which club he has managed in the past? The fact that he's managed Liverpool, a bigger and more successful club is a problem how? The fact that he won the European Cup there is a problem too, I presume? He left Liverpool, and Inter, after falling out with the people in charge there. In fact, he falls out with his owners everywhere he's been. He finished below us last season and left Liverpool with average players like MON has with us. Also his tactics and vision caused Inter Milan to drop alot. We need to stop looking at past achievements. We might as well be interested in Ramos if we're interested in Rafa.
  2. Do we want a manager who was sacked TWICE in the same year and do we really want ANOTHER ex Liverpool manager?
  3. My favourite choice would be Enrique Sanchez Flores. I can't see it happening though. The board haven't got the guts or vision to go for it.
  4. Hughes would be the most boring manager to pick.
  5. What nonsense. Right, we should all forget Randy's football decisions and be thankful his made our catering better. He's made lots of things better and invested millions into our club and has let the football men make the footballing decisions which is normally the best way for a chairman to be, unfortunately MON took the piss a little (don't get me wrong I think he was a good manager for us and he got us results). And I'm not being patronising, I don't know how anything in my statement could have been interpreted that way, sorry if it was but there you go again throwing around your opinion as if it was fact when you don't know a single thing about the details, other posters have brought it up so it isn't just me. You have no idea how long I've supported Villa (since birth considering my entire family are Villa fans and my grandad is a shareholder thanks), and me being "patronising" has nothing to do with how good of a fan I am, I just appreciate when people do good things. Am I happy with results this year? How could any fan be? But I look at the bigger picture and see that since Randy has come here he has invested millions in the team and the facilities and he has stayed out of the spotlight and doesn't take the credit he deserves. We could do a lot worse and some fans seem to be blinded by this season and how bad it's been so you don't remember the three top sixth finishes we've had in the last few years. I suppose that had nothing to do with Randy though did it? I mean it wasn't like it was his money they were spending... Grow up and don't talk about others being patronising. Pot, kettle, black. Erm...how is it not being patronising by telling people on how to behave and throwing insults? Some of us have a problem with Randy due to his mishandled situation with MON, appointing someone who's been poor this season etc. We don't need someone telling us to give him more respect when overall as fans, we wanna see good results, facilities are secondary stuff. I'm thankful what his done overall and I've never denied he hasn't done great things, but he shouldn't be immune from criticism at all.
  6. What nonsense. Right, we should all forget Randy's football decisions and be thankful his made our catering better.
  7. What the **** does that have to do with anything? You do realise Randy inherited his millions don't you? I'm well aware that he inherited money and his businesses off his dad yes but he has been dead a while now and Randy is still in charge and his businesses do well. You could even argue that since his dad was so successful that Randy had the perfect mentor to learn off and had the best education available to him. He is still a success, he hasn't run his dad's life work into the ground. The **** it has to do with anything, is that people talk on here like they know how he goes about his business and that they think they could do better when they don't have the first clue what it is to be a highly successful businessman or running the club. Just because he inherited his money doesn't mean that he isn't good at what he does and I certainly trust him with my club than a few moany fans on an internet message board. If his good at what he does how come it's looking likely we'll be finishing at our joint worst number of points? This was his first appointment and instead of putting things right (sacking when he should have numerous of times), he refused to causing us to end up in a disgraceful position. He deserves absoutely no respect in that regard when Liverpool did the right thing and are finishing on a high. They're gonna embarass us in the final game at Villa Park and I hope Randy feels the heartache that all the fans have suffered this season. The whole club has suffered due to his stubborness and the soft approach towards GH. I also hear bad things about him at the Browns as well. Again, how is he good at what he does? He also allowed MON to spend like crazy with huge wages causing us to announce a major loss this year. How is that good business? Stubborn, trustworthy and inexperienced. Three major weaknesses of our chairman. Expect more to turn on him if he gets another appointment wrong and if you dare to be patronising again then it's clear you're more of a tourist than a fan who prefers the sights of Villa Park than the results.
  8. [_________] had PL experience he was rubbish. [_________] had PL experience he was good. As mentioned before we can go on and on about this. So you're basically saying we should only limit ourselves to managers who have Premier League experience? I would rather we be adventurous and widen the options instead of having a pass the parcel type manager. Im pretty sure we were after somebody with top level experience. This could be a top international manager, champions league experience, top manager from La Liga. Dont think we said Prem experience, but I could be wrong. http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~2139164,00.html But reading that again it makes no bloody sense! How on earth have we built on the existing strength when GH removed their strengths by playing the way he wanted and it also looks to me they were happy with the players they had in their squad and that was after we lost 6-0 against Newcastle. Surely they won't be happy enough to keep them next season? This is why I don't have total faith of the board.
  9. [_________] had PL experience he was rubbish. [_________] had PL experience he was good. As mentioned before we can go on and on about this. So you're basically saying we should only limit ourselves to managers who have Premier League experience? I would rather we be adventurous and widen the options instead of having a pass the parcel type manager.
  10. No we don't. What good does it do? Did Arsene Wenger need Premier League experience when he came into the league? Did Carlo Ancelotti? A good manager would be able to handle any league. Less risk, more chance of success in a quicker time. It's the same with players. Just how you mention Wenger and Ancelotti, I can just as easily mention Scolari and Juande Ramos. Grant has Premier League experience. It's really working out for West Ham isn't it? I'm so thrilled we went with the safe option and chose Houllier. He only nearly relegated us. Let's do it again.
  11. No we don't. What good does it do? Did Arsene Wenger need Premier League experience when he came into the league? Did Carlo Ancelotti? A good manager would be able to handle any league.
  12. Actually, unrealistic means there's an unlikely chance. I'm not expecting people to follow my every word, just basic English. So the basic English would be something like "How is it unlikely we'll get Villas Boas?" Yeah, that would have made sense. Likely Definition: Worthy of belief; probable; credible; as, a likely story. Hence why I used the word. Unrealistic is almost the opposite of likely. Likely implies a good a chance of something happening where as unrealistic implies an unlikely chance of something happening. What I meant by likely is that it was probable which means having probability. I have no idea why you're taking my word so literally when it has more than one definition. If I had said unlikely or unrealistic, the context wouldn't have made much sense.
  13. I don't see why some are dismissing him completely. The club were actually interested enough to give him an intreview back in September. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/a/aston_villa/8964724.stm What's to say he was the second best person after GH and still remains that way? I certainly wouldn't want him, but I won't be surprised if he does end up as the manager. Don't forget the board still want to trim the wage bill down and he seems like a guy who would be happy enough to sort it out.
  14. Likely also means probable. I just fancied using the word likely. The Porto manager seems impossible though. I don't see why he should be compared.
  15. Actually, unrealistic means there's an unlikely chance. I'm not expecting people to follow my every word, just basic English. So the basic English would be something like "How is it unlikely we'll get Villas Boas?" Yeah, that would have made sense. Likely Definition: Worthy of belief; probable; credible; as, a likely story. Hence why I used the word.
  16. How on earth is Curbs unrealistic when he was interviewed this season? The board may still be interested in him now GH looks to be going. How is it likely Villas Boas will join when his already looking to be one of the best managers in the world who'll surely be attracted by one of the big CL teams? :? Was he actually interviewed or is that just rumour? Regardless of that, it's not very likely Cubrishley will be appointed over the summer. It's much more likely that we'll get Hughes, Benitez, Jol, Moyes, Allardyce or even Houllier staying on. I never said it was likely that we'd get Villas Boas. :| In fact, I specifically said it was unrealistic when I said it's unrealistic to expect Curbishley and that thinking we'll get Curbishely is being just as pessimistic as expecting to get Villas Boas is optimistic. Seriously, do you do this on purpose? You basically said that Curbs was unrealistic when there's much chance of him coming than Villas Boas. You didn't actually say it was impossible and vice-versa towards the Porto manager. Curbs is still realistic because the club was interested enough to give him an interview and they may seem as the next best thing after GH. Villas Boas? No chance. Why on earth would he come to us anyway? I'm not doing nothing on purpose. You seem to have this habit by telling people "I never said this or that" when you expect them to follow your every word when your sentences are implied that way. You certainly didn't dismiss that both managers were impossible to get, so I used the word likely, which I saw fit into the discussion. IMO Curbishley is unrealstic - same as Villas Boas. Habit? You put words into my mouth that weren't there when you said "how is it likely we'll get Villas Boas?" when I never said anything like that, quite the opposite in fact. You're not saying it's impossible though. It's totally different because unrealistic means there's a likely chance no matter how small it is. That's why I used the word as I've already explained. Please stop expecting people to follow your every word.
  17. How on earth is Curbs unrealistic when he was interviewed this season? The board may still be interested in him now GH looks to be going. How is it likely Villas Boas will join when his already looking to be one of the best managers in the world who'll surely be attracted by one of the big CL teams? :? Was he actually interviewed or is that just rumour? Regardless of that, it's not very likely Cubrishley will be appointed over the summer. It's much more likely that we'll get Hughes, Benitez, Jol, Moyes, Allardyce or even Houllier staying on. I never said it was likely that we'd get Villas Boas. :| In fact, I specifically said it was unrealistic when I said it's unrealistic to expect Curbishley and that thinking we'll get Curbishely is being just as pessimistic as expecting to get Villas Boas is optimistic. Seriously, do you do this on purpose? You basically said that Curbs was unrealistic when there's much chance of him coming than Villas Boas. You didn't actually say it was impossible and vice-versa towards the Porto manager. Curbs is still realistic because the club was interested enough to give him an interview and they may seem as the next best thing after GH. Villas Boas? No chance. Why on earth would he come to us anyway? I'm not doing nothing on purpose. You seem to have this habit by telling people "I never said this or that" when you expect them to follow your every word when your sentences are implied that way. You certainly didn't dismiss that both managers were impossible to get, so I used the word likely, which I saw fit into the discussion.
  18. How on earth is Curbs unrealistic when he was interviewed this season? The board may still be interested in him now GH looks to be going. How is it likely Villas Boas will join when his already looking to be one of the best managers in the world who'll surely be attracted by one of the big CL teams? :?
  19. Curbishley could be a likely candiate though. That's the thing. I'm not moaning, I'm being realistic thinking we'll get someone like that. It's better than being delusional and thinking we'll get someone insane like Andre Villas Boas. Sometimes it's best not to set your sights high, then you won't be let down. :winkold:
  20. How on earth is it 'pointless' discussing things that might well happen? By your logic, it's also 'pointless' for everyone to speculate on who our next manager and players are gonna be for next season. You can't honestly expect me to have total confidence on their ability when they took a month to find a manager who couldn't even make it to the first game. This was their very first appointment and they've already gotten it wrong. That's bad judgement, so I'm sorry if I don't have total confidence in them at the moment. But that's not being negative. That's being realistic. Being negative is something like they got us a brilliant manager who won us trophies and then doubting their next appointment. That's flat out negativity.
  21. What so trying to recruit a manager while GH is still in post - is easier than sacking him and then bringing in a replacement ? I didnt say do it behind GH's back as he will no doubt already know what is going on. What im saying is before they announce GH's departure to the world, they should have already atleast contacted managers as to get a replacement in ASAP. Or do you believe we live in a world where the clubs will tell fans everything instantly. It's certainly the feeling i get from some people on here, that we will know anything as soon as it happens. How do you know they won't use those poor headhunters again seeing as the board have no football knowledge between them? If they do use them, it would take another month and we'll no doubt end up someone like Curbs, which would be embarassing.
  22. Are you saying we're currently a well run club? We wouldn't have to 'sack' Houllier. He should have (at the very least) left by mutual consent before the West Brom game giving us a better option than Gary Mac who's the cancer of this club.
  23. But we can't afford to give him every chance to recover. That sounds harsh, but we can't let him recuperate at home and let Villa fall further backwards. We have to make an immediate decision when the season ends. he's either fit for work or he HAS TO LEAVE. There should be no sentiment in this decision else we face another nightmare next season. We should break the bank for Moyes. I agree definitely but will randy be that ruthless? Time will tell i guess. Well he's been here 5 years now. If he hasn't toughened up by now he never will. Houllier's a decent man though. If he feels like he can't continue I think he'll resign right after the season ends. leaving Villa free to get a new man in. See, that's the problem with the club. They won't act now. They're actaully willing to waste time until Houllier's say so when he hasn't even earnt that privilege. Ellis may have been tight, but he was ruthless when it was needed. No wonder the players feel they can do anything they want when we've got a soft chairman like Randy who can easily be taken advantage.
  24. It certainly is better for the long term future of the club to have moved on from Mon, its a good thing hes gone...just unforunatlely it hasnt been a good signing we have moved onto, or it hasnt gone well with/for him. Still perfectly happy to be moving on without Mon. I suppose we could have finished top 6 but never higher for ever, there are worse things. Why is it a good thing that he has gone, did you not see the last three seasons of football......! please explain whats your evidence for this? Probably because he was gonna financially cripple us with bad transfer deals who were average players on high wages. The majority of the season they weren't even played.
  25. Capello manager, Hodgson assistant. That'll do.
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